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Charging for Readings?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:23 am
by Sakura Blossom
So, I'm not sure if there's any kind of 'rules' regarding charging others for your services, but I finally had two people come to my house that I didn't know (but one was in my pagan group and the other her friend) for tarot readings... And both were 100% accurate according to them, which really makes me want to start charging as a way to possibly make some cash on the side - Especially because it's draining!

How does one go about doing something like this? I don't even know where to look or begin.

Thank you!

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:32 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
Do you have a blog or website? There are quite a few people that offer tarot readings from their Tumblr blogs. If you've got a PayPal account, you can add a donation button to your blog or website. There are transaction fees with this option though. Here's more information: ... ro-outside
Another site I can think of is Etsy. Etsy has fees too. Here's a link of what's offered there that might give you some ideas:
I know there's a debate as to whether pagans should charge for services such as healing work, casting spells, tarot readings, etc. I think it depends on each person's situation. With the economy the way it is, I say "if you need the money, you need the money." You're not squandering your gift, you're sharing it and paying your bills. You've gotta have a roof over your head in order to keep your cards dry. halfsm

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:22 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Oh, totally! I used to be on the side of 'you shouldn't have to pay for these services' but now that I do them for others, I know how draining and time consuming it is. It would really help me pay bills and do things for them, if they pay me for it. I wouldn't even charge a lot, maybe just like 5 bucks a reading. Seriously just pocket cash. Haha. For most, at least.

Those are some good ideas! I will look into that, as that seems like a good option. Thank you so much!

What about if I were to charge locally? Is there any kind of law for it, since it's charging for a service? Or is it like baby sitting, where you can do it under the table?

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:48 am
by azriel
I do not know if each state is different on this regard, but I do know that in Maryland, as long as you are receiving cash then you should not be bothered by any law. If you start receiving card or check payments, but also depending on how much you make a year with readings, you may have to start paying a tax. I think the minimum in my state is $600 before you have to start working with taxes and all of that lovely business.


Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:36 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Thanks! I'll start looking into the laws here to see what they are and if I can just do it 'under the table' as they say. Haha.

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:47 pm
by AdastraJunction
I say if you are rendering a service to people that takes time and skill then yes you should charge for your services. It would be a good idea looking into the laws on it so you do not find yourself in a mess of bother with the government. Good luck hope it works out!

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:36 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Thanks! The two I did in person told me I should be charging, and I've been thinking about it for awhile, so for someone to tell me I should who received a reading from me, then I think it's a sign to finally start doing so. I'm going to look into the laws and find out. (: Thanks!

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:42 pm
by MsMollimizz

No girl, don't sell your self short :surprisedwitch:
The least you should charge is $20, you can go higher...*thought*
If you're like me you really hate to ask for money so...
One can say, "If you want a more in-depth reading it'll cost more..."
Yes, no ? That should give them the idea you're not cheap !
But no Lady, no lower than $20 unless you are trying to
do a two for one deal...?
I much rather do readings to one on one with no one
else listening to the reading. That's personal stuff !
Gentle Light

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:19 am
by Xiao Rong
Oh, that's not a bad suggestion, Ms. Mollimizz! You could do free, easy past-present-future draws and then charge more for the complex spreads.

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:24 am
by Sakura Blossom
It's funny that should be mentioned, as that's what we're doing for my Pagan group! Haha! We're charging if someone wants something more than that.

The only problem is that I never do more than the three cards, because I get everything I need from those. I may charge 15 dollars per reading, though. I'm not sure yet... I just feel badly charging too much, but at the same time it would be nice to make some kind of money off of doing them.

Thanks for the suggestion, guys!

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:26 am
by Sakura Blossom
Okay, so, I'm still having a dilemma with this. I suffer from mental illness that affects my memory. I cannot remember the meanings of the cards. Okay, I shouldn't say I can't. I DO remember, but the thing is, the way I get my accuracy is because I use intuition while scanning through key words from my book (and I've been reading for seven years, still nothing has really been retained) then I type it all out into a really long explanation.

Does anyone have tips on how to get out of this? I can't really charge if I'm using a book (unless I gave a disclaimer that I did, invited first timers to come for a free reading and if they're impressed, I can start charging them or something).


Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:33 am
by random417
Sakura Blossom wrote:Okay, so, I'm still having a dilemma with this. I suffer from mental illness that affects my memory. I cannot remember the meanings of the cards. Okay, I shouldn't say I can't. I DO remember, but the thing is, the way I get my accuracy is because I use intuition while scanning through key words from my book (and I've been reading for seven years, still nothing has really been retained) then I type it all out into a really long explanation.

Does anyone have tips on how to get out of this? I can't really charge if I'm using a book (unless I gave a disclaimer that I did, invited first timers to come for a free reading and if they're impressed, I can start charging them or something).

Hmm... type the meanings up separately for each card, maybe with cool pictures, and grab the definitions in the proper order. You can hand write the intrusive sections of it, and they can take it home as session notes.

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:49 am
by Sakura Blossom
But see, the problem is I don't use the card meanings. While I use key words, the keywords don't actually pertain to the reading if that makes sense. That's why this is so hard. :/ I'm an intuitive reader. The words are merely a gateway into this person, and lead into something much, much bigger than the definitions could possibly give. I hope that makes sense? It's hard to explain what I do. >.< Maybe I'll try practicing some more on other people.

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:49 am
by Echo_of_shadows
That sounds like the way I read. I've got a notebook of keywords that I've copied from tarot books. I didn't copy all the keywords, just the ones that felt right to me. I lay the cards out first, then I write down what they are and where they were positioned. Then I consult the notebook. I pick out the keywords that feel like they apply, and along the way, a few bits of my own intuition seep in. The cards don't trigger anything for me, the key words do. I feel kind of silly doing it that way, but it works. halfsm

Re: Charging for Readings?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:25 am
by Sakura Blossom
Yes exactly!!! That's what I do!!! Haha! I don't use the book or the cards. I use the keywords which open up to a ton of information. (: