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Advice for my son

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:27 pm
Dear ETUM, 2 years ago, I was on another forum, and had put up a thread about how proud I was of my daughter. She was graduating, and looking forward to college.
I put several Peices of advice about life and personal things.
I asked the forum if they had any tips I couldn't think of, to write them on the thread, and when she graduated, I copied, pasted, giving each member credit for their help, and she now has it hanging on her wall.

That forum has slowed to a snails sleeping mode, and theirs drama, a lot of times.

So, my new. Forum family, would you all care to keep this tradition going?

I will start, so you can get a feel as to what I'm talking about..

My son,
As life takes you further down the road, you will need to know some tips, advice, helpful "how to's".. And I will try to help with these, live and such, but when I'm not around,
Try to remember something's I'm hoping will benefit you.

Don't ever borrow $$$ you can't pay back.
Go get check ups from a good doc.
Get insurance.
You don't have to make up your bed every morning.. Life gets busy, and your just going to mess it up again. BUT, make your bed frequently.
A girl may like to see a man who knows how to clean.
Don't treat your girlfriends any way else then the way you wish to be treated.
Stand up for your lady's honor.
Pay your debts.
Call your mom.
Use your best judgement on tattoos and piercing, think further down the road of employment because some boss's do judge.
Wash your clothes. Don't mix reds with a white load.
Wash dishes by hand occasionally. Don't depend on machinery. It can break down.
Learn how to do car repair for the vehicle your driving. You are your own cheap labor.
Be careful with people's hearts and don't hang around people who aren't careful with yours.
Don't write down anything you don't want others to find out about.
Cameras are everywhere, try not to act up when big brother is watching.

I have more, just don't have time ATM.
Please friends, I'd love to hear what advice you can give

Re: Advice for my son

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:18 pm
by azriel
Love the list! I think I can add my two cents as well!

Do not live to please people, it will only exhaust you.
It is okay to say, "no." It's your life and your choices.
If you have the chance, study abroad. It can be one of the most eye opening experiences you will ever have.
Find activities, join clubs! Too much free time can make you restless.
When it comes to sharing a fridge or food cabinet, be very explicit about what is okay to share and what is strictly yours.
Tupperwares, tupperwares, tupperwares. Money is not overflowing and one meal in the school cafeteria could provide you with various snacks and meals that you couldn't otherwise afford!
Set your boundaries early on with any room mates.
Explore your area. Find nice places to walk and spend some time outside.
Be yourself, the right people who like you for you will be drawn to you. Do not try to hurry and make friends as fast as you can.

This is what I thought of for now, I hope this helps!


Re: Advice for my son

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:44 am
That's wonderful, because he already has planned where he wants to go to college, and he as ore arranged 3 other room mates..! Which gives me ideas.. Thanks!

Son, please help your roommates clean when you can.
Put your name on your, and your gf food in the pantry and fridge... Food has gotten expensive.
Take sack lunches and lots of generic brands, as you know, are just as good as the brand name, especially when it comes to medicine.
Don't over take your medicine, you see commercials all the time with lawsuits. Make them a reminder of how some meds aren't the best for you.. Look on the net for homeopathic help. You will be surprised that baking soda and water clears up heartburn. And vanilla extract helps with a tooth ache.
Eat chicken noodle soup, occasionally, it's good to keep your immune up. So does honey, bananas, and so much more.
Eat fruits, do your best to eat veggies.
Eat poultry more than red meat, it will keep you healthier. Save on doc office visits when your my age.
If you get pets, and your a softy when it comes to fur babies, get them spade or neutered. I don't care what your dad says, don't contribute the over populated animals, cause some do run off and many animal shelters kill animals who don't get adopted out.. Tracking devices in your fur baby is a good idea.
Tracking devices in you is not.
Don't break the law.. It's a hard enough life sometimes.
Please don't try any drugs. You have no idea how addictive they are. Look at uncle Chris's grave, and your dad for reminders of where that mess ends up.
Avoid gangs.
If you get the chance to travel outside the states, go with someone you trust. Have fun. Try new things. Take pictures. Keep money and expensive items safe.
Backpack through Europe, if possible.
Depending on the wars, be aware of where you travel.
Go to Ireland... Your part Irish, and study native American history. It's your history as well.
Read. Read everything you can.
If you find your faith in your religion faltering, read about others. Keep an open mind, you may see things from a bright new perspective. And I will never judge you according to your religious views.
Try to have a rainbow of wonderful friends, but it's safe to have 2-3 very close ones who have your back.
Pay attention to the weather.
If your gf/wife/ and you like to start a garden to save money, it's a wonderful idea. .. Find fertile soil, have it tested (for toxins) and plant your fav foods. Plant trees. They are great shade for sitting outside and enjoying nature.
Exercise. It's one of the best things you can do for your health, besides eating right.
Don't overdo exercise. A few times a week, sweat for 30 minutes, and go hiking, collect rocks(I know you love to) and get that rock polisher to make them pretty.
Your home, once your ready for it, invest in it. Plant flowers, herbs, a deck, ect. Your a handy young man.. Believe in yourself.
Compliment Sammy all the time. Small kind gestures make women feel special.
Thank Holly for putting you up... She didn't have to, and you are in debt to her. If you can't give cash, give her sentimental items that. You know she likes.
Put bird houses around your apt/home.
Don't throw bones in trash, from the foods you eat, collect them in a baggy and when you got it full, walk about a 1/2 mile and bury them. It fertilizes the soil. (you can do it to your home as well, but I don't want your room mates giving you a hard time
Don't overspend. 1-2 debit, not credit cards is plentry.
.if you must, only get 1 line of credit, and pay it off within 2 months.
Don't EVER go to those payday loans.They are sharks and will only put you in more debt.
TRUST YOUR INSTINKS.thts your God telling you you are in a good or bad situation.
In your room, with your roommates in college, it's wise to keep a mini fridge in there with you, for special items like drinks.
DRINK MORE WATER.. Bottled. Look for the source in the fine print. If it says "community water source, it came from tap water. Look for spring water. Don't buy Evian. The French spelled Naive backwards, got it from tap, and Americans drank it hook line and sinker.
In your home, insulate everything you can. It saves on your electric bill.
If you want a job to take you somewhat seriously, trim that hair.
Ise olive oil instead of vegetable oil, no taste difference, and it's healthier.
Don't buy things that aren't a necessity., at least, not until you can afford them.
Use paper or cloth bags to carry your groceries, and over night bags and such, saves plastic, and our earth.
Drink plenty of SPRING water, or put filters on your tap.
When THC becomes legal, then you can use it for your ailments, but not until then. It's still against the law in Texas.
Clean your ears, navel, and take care of your clothes.

Study other religions, even if you don't agree. There are ppl out there that will ask you why you believe, what you believe, have a intelligent answer for them.
I know your not the type to cate color, creed, ect, ect... Stay that way.
Don't follow in your dads footsteps. He stepped in a buttload of crap.
Walk to the beat of your own drum. Being different is a quality.
Don't hoard if you can help it.
Don't drink alcohol too much. Its more addictive than you know. Don't drink and drive, wear your seatbelt, use blinkers, check blind spots, and pay close attention while driving. Your in charge of a 2 ton killing machine, sometimes going 70 miles an hour.
Keep in touch with good friends.
Limit drama in your life.
There is such thing as common law marriage in Texas. (be aware that if she uses your last name and you live together for quite sometime. Your married, whether you took vows or not. Especially if you have kids together.)
Wait to have kids, until your in mid 20's IF you plan on having them.
They are a full time job in and of themselves. And be involved in raising them like a good dad.
Reuse old t-shirts to clean toilets, and the like. Saves on buying rags. Use gloves when cleaning bathtubs, toilets, and such.
Kep your guest bathroom lean. Ladies tremble in disgust at a gross bathroom.
In my opinion, I hope you don't join the military during war time. It scares us to death.
Buy things at garage sales.. You will be amazed at treasures you find.
Call mom.
Bring your gf to meet me. If you like her, I trust your judgement.
Be happy, or try to be. There's 4 whole families rooting for you.
Kep a stock of candles if power goes out. Same for flashlights.
Always keep a ice chest around, put ice in it, to save your food from spoiling.
Don't over decorate,mor let your gf over decorate. It collects dust and your allergic.
Keep a first aid kit around.and stocked.

Yes, there will be more. And all of these things won't happen overnight, but keep the list where you can read it weekly or monthly.. And I vest in those things.
Oh, get a good mattress, sleep is important

Call your mom.



Re: Advice for my son

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:50 pm
by Muirìn
Just had to say this: Evian IS a source in France, in the town of Evian-les-bains. So this water definitely doesn't come from the tap. Actually, it used to be sold in pharmacies as a kind of natural remedy. So please check your facts. (And yes, I'm French. I can't stand my government and people mentality so I went to live somewhere else. But I'm still attached to my roots and history.)

Thank you