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BOS Requirements?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:06 pm
by Naudia Threng
Does anybody know if there are any requirements for my BOS or could it just be in a comp notebook?

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:43 pm
by AdastraJunction
Some people prefer a physical form of BoS like a notebook and some keep it on their PC. Whichever works well for you. Personally I like my actual book. Something I can touch and use at my altar. Your BoS is a very personal item so what works for you may not work for others, it's your choice. Though if you do keep it on your computer remember to back it up on an external hard-drive of some sort so it cannot be lost or deleted.

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:44 pm
by Sakura Blossom
There's really no requirements for anything. It will all come down to what you want to collect and keep as your book. (: I know a lot of people will compile spells and also their experiences while they continue practicing with their craft. Virtually anything pertaining to your practice could be included. (:

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:04 pm
by Naudia Threng
Thanks for the info! Ive already got three spells in there!

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:42 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
A BOS is whatever is convenient for you. Some people will buy special blank journals to add in spells written in their most elegant handwriting. Others use three ring binders and loose leaf paper so that they can add, remove, or reorganize the contents as they wish. A composition notebook is just as valid. Some people keep digital content on their phone or computer. Some people use a combination of things.
As for the contents, keep what you like and feel is important. If you find a ritual or spell that you don't think you'll ever use, you don't have to keep it. If you find a spell you don't think you'll use, but you like it anyway, that's as valid a reason as any to keep it. Decide what's important. Is it lists of herb correspondences? Is it the timing of the moon phases? Maybe you're more interesting in candles. It's up to you. :D
If you like, you can check out our WITCHCRAFT & WICCA 101: TABLE OF CONTENTS for more BOS information. :)

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:27 pm
by Lillady
Just like Echo said, a BOS is whatever you want it to be. It can be physical or electronic. Personally I like physical I have a folder with different sections of things such as various spells for luck, love, prosperity etc. Then I have a section for stone/color/incense/oil/herb references. It is just all up to you how you personally want it and what suits you for the organization. :)

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:38 pm
by Naudia Threng
Thanks for all the help! Im an everything person. Even i don't think ill use it, i put down just incase. l already have over 50 entries.

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:08 pm
by SpiritTalker
My 1st was on recipe cards kept in a card file box. As a kitchen witch (at the time) it worked good. Later it grew to a 3-ring binder so I could replace pages.

I’ve learned that colors makes things easier to spot, making lists of properties and charts saves having to write things out, print-out & paste-in illustrations you can’t draw, press on correction tape is a life saver, & leave blank spaces as you go for add-on notations.

Tips for what’s useful to put in BOS -
Recitations- Charge of the Goddess, Creation story from Aradia, Gospell of Witches, Descent of the Goddess, Wiccan Rede, Witches Creed, Witches Rune, your favorite chants
Rituals - Altar set-ups, Consecration, Circle casting & variations, Self Dedication, Draw Down the Moon for Solitaires, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Hand Fasting, Wiccaning, Requiem, Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas
Deities and/or Fae - names, powers, symbols, prayers, preferred offerings & celebration dates
Recipes - ritual food &' drink, incense blends, sprinkling powders, potions
Spells - by method - Bottle, Candle, Knots, Petitions, Sigils - by element - elemental correspondences
Incantations - by purpose - invoking & banishing pentagrams, hex/evil-eye removal, long distance healing
Misc Interests - personal experiences, Moon phase calendar, Moon garden plans, nature trail maps, divination forms, WC supply websites, discussion boards & your password & user ID

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:55 pm
by Satara
Picking this up again (:

I just made a completely new one and got a simple digital version which I use on my iPad. It should just suit you and you should like to actually use it. Bonus points if you feel connected to it from the start, but I think that's absolutely not necessary - you'll make it your own with enough time and usage anyway.

I'll fill my grimoire with everything that I think is part of my journey: From basic knowledge to explanations how to make specific types of spells or lists of symbols to look it up quickly to recipes, spells or just accounts of my experiences or interpretations of my tarot readings or dreams.

Re: BOS Requirements?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:45 pm
by SpiritTalker
Use any blank book, binder, folder or make your own from repurposed scraps
. List spells by method used and list incantations by purpose
. Old time spells & folk techniques
. Your personal color meanings
. Your plant preferences; uses
. Local myths or legends; include maps to places of interest
. Types of spirits to meet & preferred offerings; Earth-spirit, ancestor, guardian, angels
. Tips on eco-friendly lifestyle you’ve adopted
. Wiccan & Non-Wiccan tools or your own substitutions & discoveries
. Different circle casting methods ex., Wiccan ritual, trad-witch shamanistic, folk method