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Hypocritical Christian Beliefs About Holidays

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:43 am
by YanaKhan
I don't believe the Christian church here. Today they all claim we shouldn't celebrate Halloween, because "It's a foreign, non christian tradition. We should preserve our very own traditions". And at the same time they are trying to anathematize wearing a red thread on your wrist and the "martenitza" which are both very Bulgarian traditions. They claim to have traditional rituals and holidays, where all their holidays are adapted pagan holidays. I just hate the hypocrisy of the church and usually I don't allow them to get me, but this time many of my friends repeat this stuff like it's really a good thing to be a brainwashed person who repeat everything the church says. And yes, I will celebrate Halloween and my daughter is going to put on the costume I made for her and we are going to a Halloween party, and this does not mean I don't honor our traditions.
Rant over!

Re: My rant!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:38 am
by Shub Niggurath
Ahh, I feel you. I guess the situation is similar in every slavic country, Yana.
Here they're of course bashing Halloween for being a "western satanic pagan holiday". And you know what they came up with? I laughed my ass off when I found out, seriously. They're organizing "Holy Wins" instead of "Halloween" in schools. Children are going to dress up as saints and have their christian whatever during that day. Just... what the hell :D
I'm glad in a way though because our old pagan tradition in Poland is "Dziady" ("Grandfathers") and I think more people are celebrating it than Halloween and the catholic "tradition". Here it's a tradition to celebrate Dziady with respect, honouring our ancestors and lighting candles for them in our homes and on their tombstones, visiting family members and spending some time together. It's a time of reverie and meditation. Not too much crazy partying involved but I love that. And what I love the most is that the christian tradition here is so similar to our pagan tradition, at least when it comes to this particular holiday, that noone can really tell if you're celebrating it the "regular christian way" or if you're doing it the "pagan, satanic way" :lol:
When it comes to people brainwashed by catholic church - well, we can't help it. A huge part of my family is extremely christian but me and my closest family just keep away from them as much as possible and we're simply not giving a shit about what they're preaching. It's their problem. So just ignore your friends and don't let them judge you - they can preach whatever they want in their households, not in yours :)
I hope you're going to have an amazing Halloween party with your daughter and don't let the ignorant people make you feel bad! You are the one who decides how you're going to honor your ancestors, not some christian haters! ;)

P.S.: Someone made a pretty accurate picture showing how the children celebrating "Holy Wins" should be dressed up. Most of the saints died in terrible ways after all, hahah :lol:

Re: My rant!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:13 pm
by YanaKhan
Thank you, LevitatingCat. Yes, I believe it to be quite the same in every Slavic country. And we also have a day to honour our ancestors and quite an incredible traditions, connected with it. And guess what - it also comes from pagan times :D I think what got me this time is people pretending to be these rightful Christians, while let's be honest - most of us were raised as atheists during the communist regime. And this is what I find plain stupid.
Anyway, we had a great party and it felt great to watch my kid have fun :)

Re: My rant!

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:33 am
by sillyoldman
Good for you young lady. I am very glad your party went well and your daughter had fun. Stick with your beliefs girl. No one should be able to make you change them.