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HELP with a Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:59 am
by Binglian
Hi, I’m new to this forum, and I have practice wicca for about a year now. Nice to meet you guys!

Okay, so this post might be a little bit long, so bear with me guys. 
I was trying to do a candle divination for my two choices (Let’s just say choice A and choice B). There are actually two version of multi candle divination on the web. Both versions uses two or more candles represents your choices.
Here comes the problem. For the first version, it says that if one candle went out (let say choice B dies first), your answer would be choice A since the candle for choice A is still burning strongly. For the second version, it is completely the opposite. It says that the first candle that went out would be your best choices. In this case, if candle for choice B went out first, then choice B would be your answer. And I’m totally confused about the two methods as they are completely contradicting with each other.

And I did do 4 trails for this candle divination (I know, I’m devastating).
I have two choices, I would want to choose choice B because that’s what I preferred, but choice A seems to have a more advantage in the future (it might). So I don’t know what to do. In all my three trials, the candle for choice B burns EXTREMELY fast compared to choice A.

In the first trial, the flames for choice B is too small, and choice A are really strong. And I did not want choice A, so I pour some of the wax of choice B candle out (which is bad since I altered the divination), so choice B actually “lives”. And then A becomes weak, so I pour out some of its wax (I try to make them both equal). And in the end, choice A dies out first.

In the second trail, I did not alter anything, and again, choice B burns really fast, and the flames are little weaker compare to A. And in the end, I have to leave, so I snuff out the candles before it finished. But before I snuff out the candle, choice B is extremely weak and the wax are pretty much used up, while A are strong. So I assume that B is going to die first (funny because in the first trial, A actually have larger flames than B).

And in the third trail, B burns extremely fast, and all the wax is almost used up while A are still full. The flames for B is also stronger than A initially, but becomes EXTREMELY weak after that while A becomes stronger. However, A dies first while B still burning with its small flames (It’s amazing actually).

And in the fourth trail, I was really tired, so I didn’t pay too much attention to the procedure and the regular ritual. The two candles both didn’t burn that much, and candle B dies first, while candle A survived.
So should I choose the candle that dies first, or the candle that actually stayed? What do you guys think?

What do you think about the differences in each trials, like how candle B lives in trial 3, but dies in trial 4.

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:39 am
by Heartsong
Hi Binglian, welcome to the forum!

Just based on what you've said in your post, I think that you've already made your choice. By purposefully alternating the first divination so that the option you wanted to occur would, it seems to me that you already know what you want to pursue, whether it's the best option for you or not. And there's nothing wrong with that. It sounds like what you were really looking for was reassurance that your decision is the right one, and unfortunately, no one can tell you that with absolute certainty, not even spirits. The future isn't carved in stone, and can easily be altered.

But, if you go with the choice that you want, and you make every effort possible to make that choice a success, then the likelihood that it'll pay off increases drastically. Making a decision isn't nearly as difficult as following through with it, and it's IN the follow-through, in a person making their choice and sticking to it, working towards the goal, that makes it right for that person.

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:51 am
by Siona
Binglian wrote:And I’m totally confused about the two methods as they are completely contradicting with each other.
Unfortunately that's quite common in magic. We have such a wide range of information available to us today that we are able to see all the different variants and ideas about any particular topic, and often that leads us to reading a bit of contradictory opinions. I honestly think that your best bet with these types of things is to pick the option that makes the most sense to you, and before beginning the divination clearly state your intent, your two choices, and what way you will tell what choice you should make.

For example, say you feel that the candle that goes out first should be the choice you make, you would stand with the candles in front of you and say something like 'this candle represents X, and this candle Y, and my choice will be guided by the candle that goes out first.' Doesn't have to be those exact words, but you should go into the divination with a clear idea of how you will gauge your results.
In the first trial, the flames for choice B is too small, and choice A are really strong. And I did not want choice A, so I pour some of the wax of choice B candle out (which is bad since I altered the divination)
All that said? I'm totally with Heartsong on this one. You want a particular choice so much that you altered the divination you were doing, so I think you might actually have your answer here...

For the future though, sometimes when we have this sort of choice that we can't remain impartial too it can be better to go to someone else to obtain a divination of some sort, without telling them which choice you personally prefer so they remain impartial as well. (Some people offer them here on the forum in the divination section.) Then there is no way to alter the results or look for the answer you want.

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:24 am
by Xiao Rong
Agree with both Siona & Heartsong. As a fellow coven member likes to say, "You know the answer when the coin is in the air ..."

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:49 pm
by Binglian
Thank you so much for all your help! I guess I already know my decision, I'm just too into the question, that I didn't realize what should I choose. Hopefully I will made the right choice for my life. :)

Another question, can you actually alter divination? Do that mean you will change your future? When I alter my divination, do that mean that I just discovered what choice do I want, or I actually altered my future through the changes in my divination? Sorry, I'm new to divination, and still learning.

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:59 am
by Xiao Rong
@ Binglian, many people's opinions on this differ, but generally speaking a reading represents only one possible outcome, and even by doing the reading, you've altered your future. At least as I understand it, the future is still infinitely malleable and there is still quite a lot of freedom on the querent's part to choose their future, whether that's to follow the advice of a reading or to disregard it entirely.

Re: HELP Candle Divination (Warning: Long Post)

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:30 pm
by Binglian
Hi Xiao Rong, okay, that do makes some sense. :)

Thanks for the explanation.