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Unable to astral travel

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:45 am
by Binglian
I had astral travel once before. But when I try to astral travel, it never work. I did meditation, spell and ritual, but none of these works. Everytime when I try to astral travel, I feel like I was trapped. What's going on?

Re: Unable to astral travel

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:17 pm
by Eliphas Blackthorn
There may be a reason for it. I've heard of folks being blocked from the astral realm do to having an illness within them that they may or may not be aware of and they are essentially shut out for their own well being. Parasite would make an easy meal of someone with a compromised immune system etc. I can't say for sure that this is what is happening to you, I'm simply offering one possibility.

Re: Unable to astral travel

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:20 am
by Binglian
Hi thanks you guys for answering my questions! It's really interesting to see there are many side to it. In my culture where I was taught, they say that when people are sick, they are actually easy to astral travel, its exactly the opposite to your suggestion. :flyingwitch: I think it has to do with culture differences perhaps. I do get fever often, and I still couldn't grasp on if healthy has an effect to this, and in wat ways does it has a effect. I'll go do more research to it。

Hi, Brandon 282, no I actually almost never had a sleep paralysis. I only experince once when I was really young, but that's it. I know someone who had multiple sleep paralysis, and she was actually able to astral travel few times. So envy her. :wink:

Re: Unable to astral travel

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:51 pm
by Lillady
Eliphas Blackthorn wrote:There may be a reason for it. I've heard of folks being blocked from the astral realm do to having an illness within them that they may or may not be aware of and they are essentially shut out for their own well being. Parasite would make an easy meal of someone with a compromised immune system etc. I can't say for sure that this is what is happening to you, I'm simply offering one possibility.
This is defintely a possibility, however with astral travel it takes a good deal of practice for many to be able to. There are several techniques, one I recommend to try is the Monroe Technique Here is a link to information on how to from a past post of my own. Good luck and Blessed Be. ... 23817.html

Re: Unable to astral travel

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:02 pm
by Seraphin
Binglian wrote:Hi thanks you guys for answering my questions! It's really interesting to see there are many side to it. In my culture where I was taught, they say that when people are sick, they are actually easy to astral travel, its exactly the opposite to your suggestion. :flyingwitch: I think it has to do with culture differences perhaps. I do get fever often, and I still couldn't grasp on if healthy has an effect to this, and in wat ways does it has a effect. I'll go do more research to it。
Actually, it depends on what kind of sickness you have. But as far as I know, most folks who are sick or ill often experience sleep paralysis rather than an authentic astral projection. The two condition are very different. Although the symptoms or sensations appear to be the same, there are important differences.

Sleep paralysis is a medical condition that refers to an individual "being awake but unable to move, speak and sometimes even breathe" or "experiencing a state of free-floating consciousness". Medical community says it's triggered by some neurological mechanism. Some medical folks also believe "sleep paralysis is nothing more than part of a nightmare or hallucination" usually experienced by sick people.

To neuroscientists, two chemicals in the body are responsible for this normal phenomena: one is a neurotransmitter called glycine and the other is the receptor called Gaba. When they are suppressed, sleep paralysis occurs.

But this particular phenomena usually lasts for only a few minutes unlike authentic astral projection.

Re: Unable to astral travel

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:36 pm
by Binglian
Hi Lillady, thanks for the Monroe technique, I am actually very interest to try it tonight. I will tell you what happen later.

Hi Seraphin, I can understand what you mean by sleep paralysis caused by illness. But how do you distinguish the difference between sleep paralysis and authentic austral travel? Because I always thought that sleep paralysis means that your body cannot move, unlike astral travel, where you can actually move and go to other places spiritually.

To me, both sleep paralysis and austral travel are extremely rare. But my friend have multiple sleep paralysis and austral travel. She said she clearly know she is having an OBE because she can move freely, and feel no threats or limitations in her movements. She even thought she is awake and proceeds to do her routine until she saw something, which pulls her back right into her bed.