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Re: Any other gender non-binary Wiccan/witches out there?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:21 pm
by Lord_of_Nightmares
I am a non-binary Wiccan witch. I reject the notion that my practices are binary as it ignores many grey areas, even with traditional Wicca.

It seems many people forgot the drygten existed in Wicca and as a consequence thinks our practices are dualistic rather than monistic. Getting tired of being nice to people that are outside of my religion telling me how my religion is, because they read a non-intiatited Neo-Wiccan [New Ager] who is 5th gen and thinks "harm none" means "pacifism". If you read source material from our founders there is a ton of grey areas.

It's less heteronormative and binary than media makes it out to be.

Re: Any other gender non-binary Wiccan/witches out there?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:39 am
by Element
Don't really know what to call myself.. there's so many labels these days. I've always had a 'femme' side that came out in different ways. On my spiritual path that side I can no longer 'manage', it often feels more like it's taking me over, LOL. :) Maybe that's what you get with specific paths!

Re: Any other gender non-binary Wiccan/witches out there?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:40 am
by Nimueway
I am female. My best friend is trans post op though. She is pagan too. We both found our path together when we were just teenagers. That was over 20 years ago! I am getting old.

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