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Ranting Out Loud

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:55 pm
by Nightwatcher
I'm hoping writing this will help me feel a bit better. With everything happening in my neck of the world - the riots, the killing, the violence - I'm getting tired of the media and social media. They keep spreading BS and LITERALLY ignoring cold, hard facts. Like, how do you do that? How do you deny evidence that's right in your face and go "Nope, nope, you're wrong. That fact is not true. It happened like THIS and it's an injustice so RIOT!"

And even if you ignore the facts, what on the Goddess' green earth makes you think it's a justification to KILL people, to INCITE violence, to BURN people's livelihoods to the ground, to HARASS others just trying to go about their business and are leaving you to yours?!!? What makes all of you suddenly untouchable and acceptable for you to do this to others?! And celebrating murder?! WHAT!!!!

They're beyond sick, beyond disgust. I want it to stop. The civil rights movement forefathers are rolling in their graves; this is NOT what they wanted. This is NOT what they worked so hard for! How DARE you! And if your self-indulgent, egotistical wretchedness ruins all their hard work? Know that only you are to blame and no one else.

I know for myself, my group of friends is also angered and tired of this BS. Our group is a mix of many ethnicities and racial mixing. We love one another like brothers and sisters. We will stand fast against your violence and ignorance. You keep whining about your "injustices"; WE'VE made our peace. Go make yours instead of spilling blood and fire and poison on the streets and in people's hearts.

New Desk!!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:56 pm
by Nightwatcher
So yesterday, I was thrifting with my mom (I was looking for glass jars to hold my herbs for spells. Sadly, none were found) and I came across a Rococo-styled desk for $35! It's in really good condition too~! So my mom bought it for me to replace my old desk (which is legit the basic of basic). I've shined it up as best I can and on a later date I'll be re-painting it lavender and silver. But for now, I'm just cooing over it~!!

I'm soooooo happy I snagged this desk~!

My Relationship with Artemis

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:52 pm
by Nightwatcher
So, since I said how I met Hades, I decided I'd do the same with my Lady. It's also a good idea, I think, so that if my memories fade or warp I have this written down to remind me.

The first instance may have been at my birth. This is more speculation based on what my mom's told me. I'm the first child she had. As such, she didn't know how her labor would go. This is before the net boom so she couldn't just Google the information. She was also in a new country and while she knew English, it still needed work. She told me that the nurse that worked with her was incredible kind, had no problems understanding through her thick accent and the birth was painless. She too no pain killers or inducers; a 100% natural birth. Artemis is a Goddess of Childbrith (among many other things) so I like to think she either guided the nurse to my mother to aid her or was the nurse herself (probably the former honestly).

Next was when I was only a few months. I was one of those babies who fell asleep in the car. I STILL sometimes want to fall asleep in cars when I'm a bit tired. XD As they drove through a forest (my area wasn't that developed yet) a deer came out of the woods. Normally, you would stop and the deer would run off. Instead if came up to the car and allowed my parents to PET it! I was sleeping in the back car seat and it came over and licked me through the window before finally going on its way. Deer are sacred to Artemis. And the action of the deer is REALLY unusual. So I honestly think it was my Lady greeting me in this lifetime.

The next time I was a little girl. My home's back faces the woods. I was putting my bike away and as I closed the backyard door and turned around, I care face to face with glowing yellow eyes. There is a streetlight nearby so I saw it was a wolf. I'm not in an area for wolves. I became very scared and ran away though it never followed me or anything. But for a 6 year old that's terrifying! Wolves, too, are associated with Artemis though they are also associated with other Gods and Goddesses.

When I was 13, I woke up and saw a small box next to my bed on the nightstand. It was my 13th birthday so I thought I was being given one of my presents. I opened it to find a silver crescent moon necklace. I adored it and put it on right away. I went to the kitchen to thank my mom for the necklace and she looked at me strangely. She said "You know you don't get presents until after school. And I never bought that kind of weird necklace for you; everyone will think you're Muslim!" I asked my dad and he too had never seen that necklace nor bought it. I'm pretty sure Artemis gifted it to me. I have read on the forums that things don't manifest and I do agree. But unless there was a burglar who snuck in and gave me the necklace, I have no other logical explanation.

Last winter I saw a small pack of three wolves walking through the snow. The middle one seemed injured. It was surreal, seeing them in the snow. All my life deer just appear. They never run, just watch me. In this past fall I was hiking a little in the mountains and a deer just popped out of no where and walked along with us! No fear at all. I was even driving to work a month ago and a fully grown stag just jumps into the road. And the area I was driving in at the time has no woods nearby. At all. None. Not for a good while. It walked up by my car at stared at me. It almost felt like it was saying "You're late. Go to work." (and I was actually late that day btw). Then it just pranced off. I've never seen an anime with so much attitude XD

When I first learned of the Goddess Artemis, I was drawn to her right away. I adored her. She was amazing in my eyes. A girl who was strong and didn't take crap but was compassionate and protective. It spoke deeply to my 8-year-old self and it always did from then on. I firmly believe Lady Artemis was always looking out for me. And now, being back on my path, I feel her love and happiness for me finally coming home to me. My genetic lineage is that of fighters; mercenaries, conquerors. Whose women were treated as equals and taught to be warriors. That drive to fight, to protect and conquer runs through me. I would not be surprised if Artemis was a Goddess of theirs too but with a different name. And I will always be trying to keep in mind her lessons; to know when to fight and stand my ground. To treat people based on their merit an not based on sex/race/religion/whatever. And to always, ALWAYS protect those who cannot protect themselves at that moment and re-teach them how to be brave and hunt again.

Feeling Witchy~

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:08 pm
by Nightwatcher
So last night it snowed. Since it snowed under the peak of the full moon, I carefully gathers some clean snow and let it melt in a cup and then placed it in a few small glass bottles I have. I'm very happy to have this since it's a bit of a rare occurrence.

On a side but related note, I couldn't go to work because they did the come to clean the snow until 10. 10!!!! Seriously!!


Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:27 pm
by Nightwatcher
So last night I finished an audio drama I was doing with my friends. I'm SUPER proud of myself! It's a small thing but the last 2 weeks have been horrid at work so accomplishing something like this makes me feel better.


Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:23 pm
by Nightwatcher
So it's been a while... some things to catch up on.

1) I lost my job a couple of weeks ago. It was my fault, but it's a lesson learned. The last 2 weeks I've had more or less a mid-life crisis (in my 20s?!?!!?) but have solved my dilemma. I had been feeling the grind. Hard. And I was starting to fear that my life would just become wake up, go to work, come home tired, eat, wash, sleep, repeat. I don't mind some routine but... but this was so mundane and mechanical it scared me!! I finally figured out that while the 8-hour grind was a necessary evil, this didn't mean I couldn't do anything else. I wouldn't have as much time as I want, but I could still make slow progress. And because of that smaller time I would make more effort and appreciate it more.

2) I've finally found my spiritual path; Hellenismos. While I'm more Recon then strict Traditionalist, finally finding my spiritual path has truly helped me. I'm still getting used to my devotion routine (I never had religion in my life nor much structured spirituality) but I'm getting there! It's also helped me hold my tongue more and quell my temper better. ^-^

3) I started a blog!! ... that I'm kind of inconsistent with... >.> It's been 5 years since I had a blog so, again, I'm not used to it. I'm trying.

4) I've started doing research in archery as both a devotional act to the Twins and for my own personal interest. Despite never touching a bow I hit the ring around the bull's eye every single time. The instructor was VERY surprised. So was I...

During the last festival for Artemis I wrote a poem...hymn... thing... I don't even know what to classify it as. I'll post it up here to have for later.

Hymn to the Lady

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:25 pm
by Nightwatcher
Muse, let me sing of Artemis, Far-Shooter, Protector of Girls, She Who Delights in the Hunt! From fair Leto did She spring, come before Her twin Apollo. Through the pains of labor She helped bore Him into this world before securing Her eternal Freedom and Maidenhood.

Muse! I cannot sing enough praise for Her! It is She who aids those in need as a guide in the Wilds of Life. It is She who holds sway over the balance of the Wild for She is both Huntress and Protector. Never do Her arrows miss, infallible is Her aim!

Delights in sweets, She does; wild honeys gathered as the keen bear does. Berries ripe with sweetness stains Her full lips red. Accompanied by Her fair-haired brother does She dance with Her attendants, reveling in the movement of body and spirit as She dances. And who but Her can dance with such grace for She is the light the Moon reflects, moonbeams that grace the Earth as Nyx draws Her starry veil.

Quick do Her feet dance and run, second to none save possibly the cunning Hermes, divine half-brother through Her father. Elegantly does She leap, for the hunt too is a dance. Forever She dances. Forever She keeps balance through sport and protection. Forever does She hold sway over the hearts and spirit of women and men alike. For She is Freedom, pure and raw.

For you, great Lady, divine Goddess, beautiful Theoi, do I sing my praise. It is Your symbol on my neck. It is Your spirit I pray to hold in my soul. It is your affection I seek desperately to be gifted. But O, does it elude me. Or is it that I am too blind to see Your approval? I do not know. But I beseech You, being who has stolen my deep love and fidelity, may the coming year’s Hunt be successful for me; may my aim be true like Yours, my heart and eyes never waver from the prize, and to know both the sweetness of success and bitterness of defeat in equal portion.

Hail Artemis! Divine Lady of the Hunt! Second to none and conqueror of my spirit!