A Gift for Prophecy?

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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A Gift for Prophecy?

Post by SoulScribe »

Recently I've been experiencing episodes of foresight. These have mostly been in the forms of dreams, but recently I've discovered I'm having prophetic daydreams. I've even had episodes where I'm thinking about someone, wondering how they're doing, and they've rang me literally as I'm thinking about them.

The dreams are very rarely straightforward (as dreams don't tend to be) but I like to record the vivid ones and note down any interpretations I come across, then put them to one side. Often I don't even realise the dream has come true until a few days after the incident in question when I'm flicking through my dream diary. The daydreams are a lot more straightforward, but again, I just let them go and don't realise that they've come true until a while after they have.

My grandmother has also reported episodes of prophecy (she is very cynical when it comes to magic and religion). One particular episode I remember vividly occurred when I was a lot younger - she'd had a dream that our next door neighbours were moving and selling their house for a specific amount. About eight months later, they put their house on the market for a value higher than in the dream, but accepted an offer for the amount that appeared in the dream.

I suppose my question is if this is a thing that happens - people having a gift for foresight and passing it down. Is there a way to train and refine the ability? Do other people have it, and how does it affect their lives? Is there a right way to use it?

Thoughts, advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: A Gift for Prophecy?

Post by Nightwatcher »

Oh yeah, it happens. I used to be able to do that but never remembered the dream, until the event itself happened. However, since I usually had night terrors (I now suspect it was negative entities harassing me) I cut off my dreams. I'm trying to re-train it though.

The only thing I can think of in terms of training would be meditation.
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Re: A Gift for Prophecy?

Post by SnowCat »

I've heard that the ability can be hereditary. I get flashes of insight sometimes. I knew that Seattle would beat Denver in the Super Bowl. I didn't advertise knowing that since I live in Denver. I've had other, more important insights over the years. My great Aunt Kate had a gift for insight. I don't know about anyone else. They all died when I was still fairly young.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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