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Spell To Stop Smoking

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:33 pm
by Wolf Heart
I have a horrible smoking habit that I'm sick of. I'm not looking for a spell that's supposed to work a miracle on me here. But I really want to stop smoking. I have no way of obtaining those gums or pills or patches that make you stop. I've tried many times on my own, and quite frankly, it is the hardest thing ever. What I'd really like is maybe a spell that will make the cravings not so bad as I try to quit on my own. Anything will help though.

Wolf Heart

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:35 pm
by Elem
The best way I've found is to get a friend who doesn't smoke to simply take your cigarettes away from you, and stop you from getting any more.

Might sound silly or difficult, but if you have someone else there to encourage you and help prevent you from getting them, the process becomes much easier.

If you're not comfortable with going cold turkey straight away, try just weaning yourself off them bit by bit. Smoke once every 2 hours, instead of once every hour.. Smoke one less each day.. Up to you.

It all comes down to how determined you are. If you're only giving it a half-hearted effort, you'll never succeed.

Good luck!


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:03 pm
by Wolf Heart
Thanks for the tip. Only problem is all my friends smoke, my whole family smokes to. I am down to weaning myself. Most days I can go with only four ciggerettes a day, but then there are days where I got wacko and smoke almost a whole pack.
Thanks for your support.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:40 pm
by Wolf*
It may also help to find something to keep your hands busy. That seems to be the problem with alot of smokers. Also try supplimenting cigs for something else, like suckers, hard candies, sunflower seeds, when you get a craving.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:48 pm
by GenevieveDawn
This is so funny, I've been trying to quit smoking too. MOST days recently I have limited myself to 5 cigarrettes. I smoke them in halves so that I have what I call "10 smoking opportunities". But today, like you mentioned is a wacko day and I've been smoking god knows how many. I haven't tried any spells for it, although I have come across some in my books. Often they are listed under breaking a bad habit. I'm so lazy when it comes to posting spells on here though. If I decide to try one myself though (which I have considered) I'll post it to you and heck will try it together or something.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:10 am
by Elem
Good idea - Try it together :).

Like I said, having somebody (indeed anybody) there to help encourage you and assist you will benefit you greatly.

If your whole family smokes, try to get out of the house for a while. At least this way, you won't be in the presence of smokers / have the smell of smoke all around you, tempting you to smoke.

You could try and get a hold of patches or gum through the internet, but I personally think you're better off just trying to do it through will power alone. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:31 pm
by _Cheshire_
My 20 day quit program:

You can't quit cold turkey, that's a good way to go through nicotine fits and turn into an emotional psycho lol. I've done this twice, and it's a good steady way to quit.

Smoke a pack a day? Good. Smoke your whole pack the first day. Next day smoke 19, then 18, 17...

That way you're only jipping yourself one cigarette a day, and your body can adjust to the lesser amount of nicotine. Good luck!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:59 pm
by Lunacreek
I quit one time by buying a bag of ice & everytime I wanted a cig. I would suck on the ice & when I wasn't home to get to the ice I would suck on peppermint candy. My mom used lemon drops to stop.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:09 pm
by Elem
Whilst traversing good old, I thought I'd do a search for a decent Give Up Smoking website.

Try this one -

It looks informative, and should help you plan a way to give up.

Good luck!


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:10 pm
by quicksilver
just stop they just did research that shows peolpe how stop without paling are more likly to suddced :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:59 pm
by moonlit
Wolf wrote:It may also help to find something to keep your hands busy. That seems to be the problem with alot of smokers. Also try supplimenting cigs for something else, like suckers, hard candies, sunflower seeds, when you get a craving.
Yea, I think it was dr. Phil. (dont yell at me dont yell) who said that if you are trying to cut a habbit you cant just stop it and leave a void there. It's best to fill it with something else.

for example you can replace smoking with baking or crafting or another hobby.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:51 pm
by [LunaRose]
I quit three times already. I Will not pick up another cig again. Kicking the habbit was a pain in the ass each and every time. This last time, I just kept thinking of how much my lungs would appreciate me if I quit. I took a health class at the time too, so lung diseases were major topics. Everytime I felt the urge, I would just eat. I would play video games, anything to take my mind off of it. Sex helps too, only you can't do it all day long (can you?). I discovered along the way that it is such a mental thing. I never had urges if I was distracted. Only if I saw my cigs, or on tv someone was smoking. After meals was hard though, cuz that was one of my routine times. Just finding really good distractors along the way is very helpful. By the way, I did the cold turkey method. I just didn't know how to cut down. Non smoking friends help too. You really want to stop with them on you side... Good luck!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:49 pm
by Alhandra
I dont have any spells but these are just tips:

Relax in a room full of lavendar fragrance. This is suppose to help you quit but I would of thought it would make you just fall asleep. You can try it anyway...

And also meditating and doing yoga exercises stops cravings aswell (not just nicotine either, binging aswell).

Good LUck!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:01 am
by [LunaRose]
Alhandra wrote:I dont have any spells but these are just tips:

Relax in a room full of lavendar fragrance. This is suppose to help you quit but I would of thought it would make you just fall asleep. You can try it anyway...

And also meditating and doing yoga exercises stops cravings aswell (not just nicotine either, binging aswell).

Good LUck!
Thanks Alhandra you reminded me... Amethyst is said to be really good for addictions of all kinds, especially alcohol. I think when we get cravings of any kind, we get a sort of racey feeling accompanying them. I believe the lavender relaxes this feeling, so we are not as... I guess anxious at the time of cravings, and we can better handle them.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:56 pm
by Kristofski
I quit smoking sucsesfully recently. I used a combination of Monga Waratah infusion and herbal tobacco. The infusion helps with cravings, and can apparently be used for any kind of addiction. It's from a line of "australian bush flower esscenses" (I'm quoting off the side of the bottle here). I got it from a health food shop, but I think you can buy it over the internet as well. The herbal tobacco is a good thing to use when you want a ciggaret, to fool your body into thinking you're having a cigerett but not having any nicoteen. Especially if, like I did, you roll your cigeretts, as the "ritual" of rolling is part of the pleasure. Though, obviously, inhaling any burning nsubstance on a regualr basis is bad for your lungs, but you can just do it for the amount of time it takes for you to not want cigeretts any more. If you can't find anywhere that sells herbal tobacco you can use any dried herbs instead (as long is it's not too fine, cos they'll just fall out). I think this way of doing is better than using patches or gum, as you can get addicted to them as well, and, in my opinion, it's better to get over the physical addiction before the psychological habit.
I hope this helps!
Chris x