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Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:11 am
by Xiao Rong
UGH. This is just a rant I have to get out of my system right now, but the neighbors in the apartment next to mine are always throwing parties at all the worst times ... Like, just now they decided to host a get-together starting at midnight. I knocked on their door at 1 AM to tell them to tone it down, and they apologized but just kept on going like before. It's also not the first time I've had to go knock on their door (this marks 4 times now) ... In the past they've thrown parties with loud music from 3 AM to 6 AM ... like, REALLY?! Thankfully after I told them to knock if off they haven't done the music thing anymore, but they are still conversing, whooping, and hollering so loudly I can hear them from two rooms away, through a wall. I don't think it's me being hypersensitive, although I am the kind of person who needs quiet in order to sleep (my boyfriend can sleep through it just fine ... lucky him ... although he can't tolerate any nightlights, which don't bother me). Oh, and they LOVE to play foozball -- so much so that they have their own dedicated foozball table in their living room so they can have something else to whoop and holler about some more while smoking a ton of pot (seriously -- when I've gone to knock on their door, I take one whiff and almost choke, the cloud of weed is so overpowering)

Tomorrow (well, today, at this point) I'm going to have to call the landlady ... there's a clause in the lease that prohibits exactly this. Hopefully she can send them a warning (or, better yet, evict them).

What jerks. It's so freaking inconsiderate, and I'd really like to go to sleep since I have to wake up early for work tomorrow, but I guess not. Also, they're grad students, and I seriously have no idea how they can possibly go to class if they are partying all night and sleeping all day. So yeah, that's my half-awake rant.

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:04 am
by Sakura Blossom
Someone who understands my plight! It SUCKS! Only when it happened for me all the times it did, it was my not-so-nice female roommate. She'd have her friends over late at night and be obnoxiously loud. Then right before finals, she and the roommate who threatened me as I've mentioned in another thread, threw a HUGE party when I had to be up early for work the next day. They didn't even tell me and we live in the same HOUSE together. It's not an apartment, so to speak, it's an actual HOUSE. I was so livid and if it happens again, I WILL contact the landlord too.

I hope you can get this resolved, Xiao, because it really is incredibly inconsiderate. I also hope you get enough sleep!

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:39 am
by Firebird
I'm sorry Xiao, this must really suck. I wish for all things good and fruitful for you ...that you may have a fine home in the place of your choosing, and that the neighbors are like a community.
I really hate apartement and condo life, I'm also sorry to say I was that late night partying neighbor. When I was 21 -22, I worked in a bar and didn't get home until about 2:30am or so, it takes a while to unwind, and frequently my roomates were up, we were rarely in bed before 5 or 6 am. We didn't have foosball though :roll:
Bleh...sure glad those days are over.

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:48 am
by Heartsong
Ugh, I'm sorry you've got to put up with that, Xiao. Been there, done that, and was never so happy as the day I got to leave my old apartment behind. It seems like no matter what complex you try, the walls are going to be paper thin, and people are going to be inconsiderate about how much noise they make.

I had one neighbor that actually threw a party in the parking lot of my building at 3 in the A.M. Woke up to find a bunch of jerks sitting on MY car, drinking, smoking, and playing music from the open door of another unit. It was the absolute best way to bring out the inner gremlin in me. I was pissed and wanted to teach them a lesson, so, I leaned out the window, screamed something like "Stop in the name of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!!" and slammed down the panic button on my key chain. I have never, in my life, seen butts launch that fast from the sitting position. It was like I'd rolled a strike in the bowling alley, cigarettes, cups, and teens scattering in a matter of seconds while the horn blared insistently. Some of my other neighbors called the cops, since EVERYONE in a two block radius was awake at that point. No one said a word about me though. In fact, late the next morning, I opened the door to find a fruit basket on my welcome mat. Sweetest apples I ever ate. ;)

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:49 pm
by Xiao Rong
Haha, thanks everyone! Sorry about my very sleepy, grumpy rant last night. The good news is that I contacted my landlady and she said she'd write them a written notice, so hopefully that'll help.

@ Sakura -- That was really poopy of your roommate : ( Sorry that that happened to you! I feel like we need a salute of solidarity or something. It's like in the movie Gladiator ... "People with inconsiderate neighbors/roommates ... I salute you!"

@ FF -- I know, I was one of those people in college with sleeping hours all over the place too! And now I feel kind of bad about my then-suitemate : ( Oh well. My boyfriend and I are looking to buy a condo, so hopefully we'll get some place with thicker walls!

@ Heartsong -- HAHAHAHA! That's so genius and so perfect!! I love how all your neighbors were so supportive too!

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:06 pm
by Sakura Blossom
LOL Xiao! Yes, we do. It's really bad. ): And it seems my not so great roommate is planning on continuing this. I may end up speaking to the landlord if it persists. It breaks the lease because it says you cannot do anything that 'interrupts the quiet enjoyment of the neighbors". I hope they all get their just desserts!

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:45 pm
by BabyBear
you should make some hot foot power with some chili powder salt and pepper and sprinkle it on their door step so they want to leave earlier atleast thats what i do it seems to work they dont party as long as they use to ganted it dosnt fix all of the problem but still

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:56 pm
by Myrth
No fun, what you are going through. When I was in college I had neighbors like that, who would party at all hours of the night. Even in college, I liked my sleep. I called the police for noise / ordinance violations. Maybe the police will come by for the ordinance violation and bust them for drugs. ;)

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:09 am
by Xiao Rong
BabyBear wrote:you should make some hot foot power with some chili powder salt and pepper and sprinkle it on their door step so they want to leave earlier atleast thats what i do it seems to work they dont party as long as they use to ganted it dosnt fix all of the problem but still
You know, I don't really want to do that kind of magic, but if they keep it up I might have to seriously consider it (they kept me up for another sleepless night the night before last). To at least make them want to stop partying earlier or go somewhere else to party! Let's hope the landlord's notice will help beforehand.

@ Myrth: Ugh, they're not at actually loud enough nowadays for me to justify doing that ... They just like to converse really loudly at 1 AM right on the other side of my wall : ( I'll keep it in mind, though.

Re: Noisy Neighbors

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:32 pm
by BabyBear
lol yeh ik what you mean on not wanting to do strong magic like that, just if you do it make sure your intent is to hurry up the need to leave and not for them to leave permanently ie make it with a clear head so you dont make it to strong and they end up moving or something ><