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Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:38 am
by Tiddlyfisher
I did a cleansing bath and have been doing research, exercises, and one spell this week. I have just started my journey. You may have seen my introduction post.
After my cleansing bath I went in my backyard where I immediately was greeted by my cat, who was meowing frantically. This is normal, she's a vocal cat. I noticed her food bowl was empty, so I filled it and then continued on my stroll. (By the way, I feed her outside because she lives outside. Not because I make her, but because she HATES being inside for any length of time.)
I made it to my center piece, which is a circle of stones with the graves of my past pets surrounding it.
It's a beautiful place and is very peaceful. I made it to the back of the circle and to my surprise heard my cat meowing and running up to me.
"Mona? What are you doing?" I said because she never follows me on my strolls, and she has fresh food.
I lent down to pet her and I continued only to have her run past me, turn around, and rub against me. This isn't unusual, she will strive to get my attention, though never after I've already given her food.
We continued together around the back yard and two times she stopped by things of interest and made them known to me by rubbing on them.
The first being a gorgeous stick that I would use for a wand, though I didn't take it because my father was inside and would question me.
The second was an old rusty metal grill that had quite a few sticks inside, and some ash. I wasn't particularly interested in any of them for a purpose, however.
(Since writing this, I went out and got the first stick!)

We returned together to the porch at the back of my home, she went back to eating, I pet her a few times, and I went back inside.

Now, the question here is... does it seem to anyone else that Mona is aware of my new journey into Wicca, and is offering assistance, or am I grasping at straws here?

Also, posting this from my phone, I apologize for strange spacing and autocorrections!

Re: Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:53 am
by Firebird
It seems cats are acutely aware of magic. And it would appear your kitty was privy to your quest. :surprisedwitch:
The neighbor cat where I live shows up almost as soon as we cast circle, she'll run in and go directly under the altar, then she will hang out meandering here and there, laying down with us if there is a guided meditation or pathworking, and sometimes even eating the bread offerings. She's a funny girl. When I'm in my backyard doing chores she rarely comes to visit and if she does, it's not for very long.
Cool little kitty you have there !:D
Blessings, Firebird

Re: Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:48 pm
by LoneWhiteWolf
I think Firebird means "Cute little kitty you have there", not, Cook the kitty haha (must of been an autocorrect?)

Youre kitty sounds fabulous! Maybe she was aiding you by trying to boost youre confidence, or maybe she wanted you to find that stick to use for youre wand.
I have four kitties, and since starting my path last november one of my kitties has started entering my room again. Her name is Pearl! She's a strong, indipendant cat who i personally think is a Tiger because she's such a skilled hunter. The other night her and Twix, a younger cat who she doesnt really like, were on the bed together and there wasnt much fuss between them! (twix might of raised a paw but i nudged her). Never seen these two so close to eachother, Pearl even rolled onto twix at one point as i fussed her and the only thing that happened was a dirty look from Twix haha
Must be the calmness that has befell my room since i choose this path.

Cats are amazing sensitive creatures, which is why they often end up as peoples familiars. Plus they help reduce stress levels! :D

Re: Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:08 am
by Firebird
Oooooo oooops. typo.
I'll go edit

Re: Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:08 am
by Myrth
LOL! OMG too funny!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:24 pm
by Tiddlyfisher
I can't have my cats inside at the same time as my bird, however I still make it a point to show them love.

I'm glad I wasn't alone in thinking this.

Re: Cat Aware of my new Journey?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:58 pm
by Firebird
It's funny, when my cats were still alive...they treated the bird with respect. I had a cockatiel for awhile, and she would hang out on the back oh the couch whilst the cat or cats were sleeping on the cushions of the couch. Actually sometimes the cats looked rather disgusted when the bird would be squaking at them from on high. But it's like they knew the bird was a family member, and they all put up with her.
I miss them all terribly, they were great together.
bb, Firebird

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:07 pm
by Tiddlyfisher
My cats and my dog have all made attempts to attack my bird, also a cockatiel, which is unfortunate because I can't imagine having to choose between them when I move to my own house.

Though, my dog is more my sister's dog, since they spend the most time together, and my cats are so accustomed to this neighborhood that I wouldn't want to take them from it anyway.

I suppose it would work out in its own way.