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What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:24 pm
by Xiao Rong
The original post for this thread was removed, but hey, the question still stands! What orientation are you?

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:10 pm
by Neila
I'm bisexual. I'm not pansexual, as the gender of a person is not irrelevant to my attraction to them. Masculinity/femininity plays a role in the hue of the feeling I get for them, without it being the only factor, of course. I've been bisexual for all my life, since I was very little. When I realized it and put a label on my feelings, I tended to over-analyze it in "romantic" and "sexual" orientation, trying to interpret my dreams and fantasies etc... Yes, the people with whom you feel like you want to have sex with can be different to the people for whom you have romantic feelings, and this can be confusing. But, really, I think that society's norms have conditioned us to see relationships in a certain way and that's why we have a hard time understanding our feelings when they can't be classified in the traditional way. So I decided to just go with the flow. Feelings and relationships are of infinite "types", like people. Even relationships that share the same label, for example "romantic relationship" or "friendship" can be different like night and day. Communication is the key, cliche as it sounds. If it works for the people involved, it's fine.

^ I hope it makes sense, I'm sleepy and trying to express myself in a foreign language...

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:43 am
by Seraphin
I'm heterosexual. All of my sexual experiences have been straight. I'm attracted to women, I love children, and aspire to have a family though many of my friends before I got engaged thought I play on "team gay" because of my personality. And even 'till this day, some folks are still believing and insisting that I'm homo and to be honest, I'm not affected by this. My close friends and I joke about this issue a lot.

My effeminate personality came from growing up with two sisters. (My late elder brother and I weren't close while my younger brother was raised by our grandma, which is by the way the openly gay one in the family but doesn't act like one) Plus, Dad wasn't really around to be much of an influence.

I see myself and my little brother as an attack on the stereotypes of male behavior. I may seem gay but am straight, and my brother seems straight but is gay. We're both basically kicking our respective stereotypes in the ass! :lol:

Re: Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:43 am
by Kat
I'm asexual if there is such a thing. I was straight while I had a life. now I don't. I'd become a nun if I was christian; after seeing and experiencing how badly I was treated by guys I gave up long ago. go ahead; tell me how wrong I am.

Re: Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:02 pm
by Adiens
I used to peg myself as pansexual, but after further investigating in myself growth I realized I am bisexual. However, I knew I was interested in both genders since an early age. Just figuring out the appropriate label took me a while.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:21 pm
by Middleagedseeker
:flyingwitch: Hey I thought I would join in. I'm a very out lesbian and been with my partner for over 20yrs.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:25 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I'm asexual because I don't have any kind of sexual attraction to anybody but I may be demisexual which means if I find the right person, I may wish to be with them in that way. Otherwise, I'm heteroromantic meaning I'd like to have a romantic relationship with a male. (:

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:46 pm
by smogie_michele
Straight, but a huge supporter of the LGBT community! We are all human and deserve to love the way we want to :)

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:23 pm
by seawitch
Thought I'd join in. I'm pansexual. I used to label myself as bisexual, but I realized that gender and biological sex don't play a part in my attraction to a person, and in college was when I discovered the pansexual orientation.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:37 pm
by BabyBear
Pansexual and Proud *giggle* :D
Though I do admit I do love male, transgender (both) or gender fluid (both) and no binary more then i like females in the long term.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:17 pm
by Blackthorn
I'm gay. I used to consider myself bisexual, until I realized that why I can feel a certain degree of physical attractiveness towards men, I just can't establish an emotional connection or romantic feeling at ALL. Not the way I can with women.

We have a of pans here and that is so cool!

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:54 pm
by Falcon_Heart27
Wow, seeing a lot of aces on here! That makes me happy! :D

I have been identifying as an asexual for a while now, and I'm entertaining the idea of being panromantic... Although I'm not quite sure.

Translation: I don't feel sexually attracted to anyone, and I would feel uncomfortable engaging in that kind of activity with anyone, no matter how much I loved them.

However, I do feel comfortable being romantically active (kissing, cuddling, etc.) and I feel like, if I found the right person, I would love them regardless of gender. That's where the pan part comes in.

I was trying to find a way to phrase that to myself the other day, because I tend to lean towards the more masculine partners. So, I put it like this:
if I had a boyfriend, and he told me that he liked cross dressing on occasion, I wouldn't mind. Also, if I had a boyfriend, and he admitted to me that he was a transgender man (female to male), I would still love him.

I don't feel /as comfortable/ thinking about having a female partner, but I think that if I found the right girl, I would warm up to the idea.

**Sorry for rambling so much, I'm actually in the process of discovering my labels and it helps to write it all down. And who knows? This may not be relevant a year from now, or ten. I'm always discovering new things about myself. :) **


Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:00 pm
by Suhrt
I'm lesbian. But I'm currently in a heterosexual relationship. But I'm still lesbian and always will be. The connection I make with women can't be compared. I just sort of screw up, I always hid my orientation because I thought my mom would never approve. So I always got in public heterosexual relationships and had secret lesbian relationships. Now she knows, I told her so, and she said she don't mind and was sorry I never told her from the start. I guess I let the society have an influence in the image I had of my mom. So it is very hard for me to find a girlfriend, I get nervous, and scared, because it's something I always did hiding.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:25 pm
by manshin
Bisexual in a heterosexual monogamous relationship. (':

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:29 pm
by narveya
Well, I'm still confused about mine. Either asexual, demisexual or just plain straight.
And hey, as long as you have love, the gender doesn't matter :D