How to Block Visions?

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How to Block Visions?

Post by nightowl »

So, my dad is psychic (a trait he passed on) and the other day he had a vision of me doing something he wouldn't approve of. However, I'm an adult and it was a perfectly reasonable situation I was in. Bottom line, I believe I should be able to make my own decisions and have him butt out of my personal life unless I choose to share something with him. Is there a way to ensure that he can't tell what I'm up to or block him out in some way? It's an extremely inconvenient invasion of privacy.
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Re: How to Block Visions?

Post by Firebird »

I'm guessing a kind of mirrored egg that you place yourself within, so that he would be unable to see you. Some make it a daily practice, when you rise in the a.m. the ritual of 'shields up!" becomes part of morning routine against psychic attack, vampires, rogue bad energy, and it would think it should deflect remote viewing.
Its a visualization where you start at your toes and see yourself being surrounded by a sheild and the sheild is egg shaped and now you are within it it, Use your hands even, as if to mime the shield walls around you. Chant "it shines on the outside (and it burns from within)" It's sort of like your own personal circle. You can specify that it shall reflect all vision cast your way by him.
Another thing you might consider is to not engage with him if he thinks he is seeing you doing...whatever. Divert the conversation if you can.
Like you said, you're grown, have your own life, and it is an intrusion of privacy. Have you ever asked him why he is doing this?
blessings, Firebird
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Re: How to Block Visions?

Post by Seraphin »

Well when I know I'm going to be around people who are telepath and mind-reader, I carry black tourmaline to protect my mind from their mental trespassing. If I'm going to be around a lot of spirituality-minded folks, I throw in some lapis and malachite as well. Not sure why on the those; they just always work really well as a combination. I've also found that copralite works really well for me when there's anything in my life that I need to 'eliminate'.

I also suggest to perform some shielding work. Project electric violet energy to your head. Visualize yourself inside your head -- in your mental plane. Make the visualization as clear as you can. Form the intent that you're scanning your mental realm to determine if there's any negative energy and then scan it. Be aware of any sensations of heaviness or uncomfiness.

Imagine electric violet beam projecting from your palm as you focus your crown chakra. Flood your mental plane with violet beams -- flushing out all negativity. Then imagine a white or golden light entering your crown chakra clockwise and filling your whole mental plane (mind). After that, concentrate on your heart chakra and then imagine an orange colored egg-shaped light. Then place your mental plane inside of that light. See the light glimmering metallic.

Years ago I was talking with an acquaintance; I told her I knew I needed to shield myself so that no one can trespass my mind, but that at the same time I wasn't comfortable with the way it blocked out everything else as well. She suggested that I reconfigure my shield so it would 'transmute' incoming energy in a way that it could still come through, but only as information. I don't exactly know how my shield manages this (except that it does because I intend it to work that way), but that's how it works now. If I'm around energy that isn't going to promote my highest good and will just read my thoughts and emotions, I'm aware of it, but it doesn't affect me on an energetic level.

So that was a really useful suggestion for me; perhaps you'll find it useful as well. It did take some time; I had to give it a lot of meditative consideration to 'see' how it could be done, and over the years I've made adjustments here and there. It wasn't something I could just do and forget about it, but at this point I'm as comfortable with it as I am with my favorite motor helmet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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