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Pea issues...can't keep them alive!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:00 pm
by FireRaven
Okay, so I've been trying for weeks to get some peas going. They sprout quickly, grow quickly, and I harden them off and transplant them, and they start to go, and with the exception of one, they've not made it and I'm not sure why. I didn't have this issue last year. I'm making sure I don't overwater, I fertilize with an organic liquid fertilizer and follow instructions to the letter, and make sure they are well trellised, but after a time they start to dry at the bottom and then before long they're gone. :/ They are growing in a pot that's about two feet deep and about four feet wide, and are well spaced, but I'm wondering if this pot is too shallow? I transplanted the latest batch into a different bed, that is deeper, so we'll see how these fare.

Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated!

Re: Pea issues...can't keep them alive!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:19 am
by Firebird
I have a terrible time with them as well, some years they are great... some years they start off good then Boom, they look like crap. I think the weather might have something to do with it,at least where mine were concerned. It seems the heat makes them bolt and finish with few flowers. Every year I try...but now I 'm in a place that doesn't get much sun, so now I think they don't like the shade, but as soon as it's hot ...there done.
I wish you the best, may be a little late for planting now, but try a few sets as summer approaches. or wait till next year.
Blessings, Firebird

Re: Pea issues...can't keep them alive!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:08 am
by random417
Ok, mind you, I asked my mom so this is her advice, cuz i can't keep anything that doesn't walk alive, but... Try leaving them in the starter pots for a bit longer. If you need to, you can let the vine on popsicle sticks. This'll reduce shock. ( at least that's what mom says)

Re: Pea issues...can't keep them alive!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:14 am
by FireRaven
Thanks guys!
I have read that peas do not transplant well. The first few were directly sown into the pot, but we've had weird weather here(I live in AZ), and I think the heat, as Firebird says, is what's affecting them. Usually the heat shoots up to triple digits sometime around early April and pretty much stays there until September/October, but this year it's been up and down, and we haven't hit triple digits yet. We've gone as high as 95 and as low as 60, and I don't think the peas appreciate it. They're bolting early and dying. I'm going to try growing some indoors, where I can control the temperature better and keep them cooler. I am also going to directly sow these and we'll see what happens. Beans weren't too happy this year either and I think it's for the same reason.