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Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:56 am
by Naudia Threng
I think it would be cool if you a place where people could go to ask someone questions about different kinds of magic. Like rather than a billion threads about the same spell and then the information gets buried within the form, a group of threads each with their own resident guide. Like someone who feels they are capable of answering questions, and help from others, in order to create like.... A database of information for the new and veteran witch, druid, shaman, idk etc.

Re: Guides/Lessons/Tips

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:05 pm
by SnowCat
The forum has a search function. The Internet, in general, has multiple search engines. Anyone who can type, or use a voice recognition system, can use a search engine.


Re: Guides/Lessons/Tips

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:12 pm
by Blackthorn
It's not precisely what you've described, but I really like the "ask a moderator" forum for this, where it gives a description of their interests and paths and invites us to ask them a question.

Otherwise, as SnowCat suggested, I find the search function very helpful and have used it on numerous occasions to read through old threads.

Edit: Oops, I see you just posted in Kassandra's subforum. I guess my post is now a bit redundant blue_flee

Re: Guides/Lessons/Tips

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:18 pm
by Vesca
While it would be cool to have a "master" guide for each type of spiritual path in this forum that had, and answered, all the questions, organized all the threads pertaining to that topic, and create something of an online encyclopedia.

Unfortunately, it's not practical, realistic, or in any sense of the word "fair" for anyone.

It would rob the majority of members from being able to contribute their own opinions and understandings to better grow and develop their knowledge with others (as it is more likely that one person would ask a question, the guru would respond and that would be the end of the thread).

The chances of anyone so experienced and knowledgeable actually believing that they are worthy of teaching others is slim, not to mention we have no way of checking credentials. Even if there was a certain someone who could be considered to have mastered that concept in their lifetime, the sheer knowledge and experience would have taken decades to develop, through intense studies, maybe other mentors, practicing, time, energy, money, and a very long-term dedication to that topic area. It wouldn't be fair for that person to give away their accumulated intellectual wealth away for free like that, and it would rob the recipient of their own journey to walk their own unique path - as we all do.

The search function in our own forum will weed out the threads that are not of interest, while bringing to your attention a neat collection of threads which may already answer your question - or, in the case of no threads covering your question, you would then have a solid reason to start your own thread. I do encourage using the search option in this way to read the responses from previous threads before beginning your own thread, as redundancy eats up forum space and repetition can get pretty old pretty fast.

The same can be said for other search engine searches (google, yahoo, msn, bing, etc...).

And as Syelraedhel already mentioned, we do have an "ask the mods" section in this forum where mods have their own specialty knowledge that has been graciously offered to answer specific questions.