
Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)
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Post by Sylar_pf »

I don't know if this is the best place to ask this. If not, I apologise.
How does one know which chakras are blocked or letting too much energy out?
Also are there any suggestions on how to start working on brining balance to my chakras? I really don't know where to start.
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Re: Chakras

Post by Seraphin »

Here's are the signs:

For Base/Root Chakra, the individual might have weight issues, feelings of insecurity or frustrations, pains and aches in hips, legs, lower back and reproductive system diseases.

For the Sacral, the individual might well feel emotionally repressed and angry even at times. Physical issues might include the kidneys, bladder, large intestine, stiff lower back, bowel issues, and lack of sexual energy.

For the Solar Plexus, the individual might feel a lack of confidence, have confusions and might worry on what other's think. Physical issues might include liver issues, diabetes, digestive system diseases, nervous issues and food allergies.

For the Heart, the individual might feel self-pity, be indecisive, anti-social and fear of letting go. Physical issues might include heart attack, high blood pressures, sleeping issues, and breathing issues.

For the throat, the individual might feel timid, too quiet, feel the lack of being able to express one's thoughts Physical issues might include neck, throat, teeth, ears and thyroid glad issues.

For the brow, the individual might feel afraid of obtaining success or be too with ego. Physical issues might include face, eyes, brain issues and lymphatic and endocrine system diseases.

For the crown, the individual might feel nagging sense of frustrations, no joy, and at time destructive feelings.

The chakras in the body can be bolstered by the right diet, energy work and meditation. I personally suggest the following do's and don'ts in terms of diet:
  • Eat plenty of fruits and green veggies every day.
  • Avoid GMO foods.
  • Don't eat overcooked food.
  • Avoid canned foods, instant noodles or those with lots of preservatives and long shelf lives.
  • Avoid white sugar, iodized salt, white bread, white rice. Go instead for sea salt, brown rice, brown sugar, and bread or even quinoa.
  • Go meatless every Sunday (first day of the week) to rest your digestive system.
  • Drink plenty of water to flush toxins.
  • Do juice-cleansing at least every six months.
  • Limit consumption of sodas, junk foods, street foods, and fast foods.
  • Cut the fat off the meat before cooking or even after it is cooked.
  • Avoid seafoods except for fishes with scales.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Chakras

Post by Sylar_pf »

It seems I have root, brow and solar plexus chakras blocked.
I have problems with back and legs (those are not some sevear problems, just aches from time to time), feeling of insecurity and for the solar plexus-lack of confidence and worrying on other peoples opinions, but no physical issues. And the brow chakra, I have obviosly problems with success because I never really believe in myself and also I am short sighted.

Well I guess I'm in a pretty bad shape after all >.<
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Re: Chakras

Post by Seraphin »

Well the food we eat and the nutrition we provide ourselves and the thoughts and emotions we allow to linger in our heart and mind impacts the health of our energy or chakra system, and therefore our physical body.

Dis-eases show up four to six months prior in our aura. They first appeared in our mental or astral plane before they actually manifest in our physical body. Therefore, if we moved from corrective treatment to preventive treatment by being more conscious of what we're thinking, feeling, creating in our minds, bodies and souls, we would be healthier, happier and better people.

Our chakras, as you may know regulate the flow of energy in our bodies. Health is determined by the flow of the energy which is called by some healers as "prana, ki, or chi" and sometimes also called odic force, animal magnetism and orgone energy from the seven chakras into the systematized network of our body

Chakra blockage occurs due to our emotional, mental or spiritual issues which restrict energy flow and eventually lead to dis-ease and discomfort in the body. What specifically happens if one harbors negative thoughts, emotions or do negative actions or habits?

According to Dr. Herbert Puryear, a clinical Psychologist and director of Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia, U.S.A:
An attitude of resentment will produce inflammation. If it deeply buried, it can cause cancer. Hate, animosity, hard saying, weaken the body. Anger actually causes poisons to be secreted from the adrenals and may result in diseases of the liver if it is unable to flush out the poisons.
We should know which area of our lives where the chakras are too much, too little or whether unmanageable or uncontrollable. Where theres anxiety, fear, or any negativities you perceive, most likely, the chakra is out of balance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Chakras

Post by Sylar_pf »

Thank you Seraphin. I will work on my chakras because something is obviously wrong. I shall star eith root chakra because that's were it all starts. Hopefully I'll make some improvements.
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Re: Chakras

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Everything was said beautifully and that's a lot of good information.

I understand this was posted almost a month ago but I just read it and I wanted to offer my Energy Healing services to see if you would be interested in setting up a session with me sometime. The sessions are completely free and I have posted links below that are to my Energy Healing threads. The second link has more information and you can get an idea of how some of the conversations I have with people go from the other posts. If you have any questions you can ask in either thread or if you would prefer a more personal way of communicating you can send me a PM. I ask that if you do want a session to request it in one of the threads to help premote the services I offer. ... 29284.html ... 28091.html

Thank you and I hope things are better for you now.
Lee :)
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Re: Chakras

Post by Sylar_pf »

GodsLovingLight wrote:Seraphin,
Everything was said beautifully and that's a lot of good information.

I understand this was posted almost a month ago but I just read it and I wanted to offer my Energy Healing services to see if you would be interested in setting up a session with me sometime. The sessions are completely free and I have posted links below that are to my Energy Healing threads. The second link has more information and you can get an idea of how some of the conversations I have with people go from the other posts. If you have any questions you can ask in either thread or if you would prefer a more personal way of communicating you can send me a PM. I ask that if you do want a session to request it in one of the threads to help premote the services I offer. ... 29284.html ... 28091.html

Thank you and I hope things are better for you now.
Lee :)
Why thank you Lee, I would love that! I just have to read the link and I'll p.m. you :)
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Re: Chakras

Post by GodsLovingLight »

Ok, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you :)
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Re: Chakras

Post by Suhrt »

My god I believe all my chakras but one are in terrible shape :(
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Re: Chakras

Post by Kassandra »

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Re: Chakras

Post by Sylar_pf »

Thanks Kassandra this is a really great article!
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