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Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:02 pm
by Deejean
Hello everyone,

This is my first real post so bare with me here.
I was wondering how many of you believe in reincarnation. I've always been a strong believer of it and I swear I can remember bits and pieces of my past lives. A lot of people I talk to about this think I'm crazy, or just don't have anything to say on the matter.
For an example of a couple of the things I do remember: I remember being alive in ancient times but this memory is foggy most of the time; I remember dying in childbirth in Spain in the 18th century; I remember commiting suicide before. These are memories that hurt to see and feel again, but make me who I am.
And when I meet souls that I have connected with before, I'm shown in dreams where I had known them from before. First I get this huge sense of knowning them, then missing them even if I just met them for the first time. I feel like i need to protect them and care for them, and a lot of the time it will get in the way of my current life.
I like meeting and connecting with people on this level but at the same time i hate it because it gets hard and frustrating, and impossible to explain.
Anyone else have these issues?

Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:32 am
by Hellebore
Hi Deejean!

I believe in reincarnation too and it is actually my strong belief in reincarnation that started me on my path, to me it just feels right. I don't really get flashes of specific memories from past lives per se but I feel that I have been a warrior for many of my past lives (which tends to get me into trouble in this one :lol: ).

I understand the feeling you are describing of instant connection to someone and how awkward and frustrating it can be but I find that it is much easier to ignore the feelings and let the relationship progress at its own pace with the other person unaware of the strong connection you feel. Sometimes being too up front about your feelings can drive them away but I find that once you spend more time with the person saying something like "I feel like I have known you forever' or something innocent like that can open a discourse on the subject. Also even though its frustrating I would try to remind myself that in this life the relationship dynamic is different from the last one and even though the person needed your protection and care before they may not need that type of help from you this time around. If, however, you are already aware that that person believes in reincarnation too I would start a conversation on reincarnation and that may lead to an opening to discuss your feelings towards them.

Have you ever heard of or read any books by Brian L. Weiss? He is a psychotherapist who used hypnotism as a trauma therapy and kind of stumbled onto a patients past life memories...He has written quite a few books, I have only read one "Many Live Many Masters" but I really found it interesting. He also offers a line of self hypnosis/guided meditation designed to recover past life memories if thats something you are interested in. In his books he describes different levels of reincarnation that in my opinion explain why some people are aware of soul connections and past life memories more than others. I would recommend reading one of his books if it is something you are interested in.


Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:33 pm
by Deejean
I'm so glad theres someone else who has gone through this that I can talk to about it! Thank you for your response.
It's not as much frustrating because they don't understand it, its more when they feel it too that I'm stuck at a cross roads because it ends up getting in the way of my current relationships. I'm usually quite good at explaining to the other person my beliefs on the matter and usually the connection is so strong they feel it too, and even if they didn't believe before they begin to believe when I explain.
It more feels like its very hard for me to make friends because 9/10 times I end up having a connection with someone. And because its so strong they think they're inlove with me. And its hard to explain, "well yes my soul loves your soul too but I want to work on my relationship from this life" without them getting upset or wishing for more. So I always end up hurting someone, and that's more the part that drives me crazy. And I'm left with this hole I cannot fill because usually they stop talking to me completely.

And no I had never heard of those books, but it is something I would be very interested in if I could find them, and had the money to buy them lol. They sound like an amazing read. I always read articles that I can find on people who remember their past lives and such, its always been very intriguing.
Do you know if there are any free copies of it online?


Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 12:55 pm
by Vesca

Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 1:12 pm
by Hellebore
I am not sure if there are any free copies online but you could check...I know Oprah did a segment on him for her show which you might be able to find on youtube or something, also check out his website cause I think he does some free online events and he has a mailing list but I am not sure what he sends out.

One of the things that is touched on in his book is the concept of soul groups, where you are always reincarnated with the same group of souls and the relationships change based on what lessons you all need to learn this time around. This would explain why 9/10 times you feel a connection with people you meet, I have experienced the feeling of having an instant connection and being drawn to people many times but have only felt the strong mutual love/connection with two people before, one I married and one I still mourn the fact that we do not have that kind of relationship.

Maybe the reason you have this problem with so many people is that it is the lesson and learning the skill of dealing with those types of emotions and situations that you most need to learn during this life? Have you tried keeping a journal where you write about each person you have this connection with and write on the reasons you feel you are not meant to have that kind of relationship with them. then write about how not being with them makes you feel and how that person appears to feel about the situation. Maybe with everything written down in one place you might be able to see themes or similarities not super evident before? just a thought :)

Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 2:26 pm
by Deejean
Thank you Vesca for the reading material :)
Unfortuantly the first and third links do not exist any more but I enjoyed the second and it lead me to a few others.

Thank you Hellebore, i love the journal idea and I think I may start one shortly. I am a writer so a lot of the time I take these emotions and experiences and turn it into a story to try and help deal with it, but i think the journal idea will give a more personal touch.
And it would make sense if that was the case of soul groups, it would explain so much. I'm really interested in reading this book now and hope to find it. I haven't gotten around to looking it up yet as I've been dealing with some... issues, if you haven't seen my last post. So hopefully I can get to that today some point and find some more answers.
Thank you everyone, its so nice to be a part of a community with people who understand and don't think me crazy for my beliefs. I don't have many friends as is so sharing this stuff with people is nearly impossible.

Love&Light to all


Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 5:35 pm
by Vesca
Really? They work for me... That's weird.

They're simply other topics in this same sub-section and I'm sure there are more where those came from. It might be a good idea to look through the older posts here.

Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 10:14 pm
by SnowCat
I've experienced flashes of past lives. But if the universe is a matrix, and all time is actually now, rather than linear, it would mean that I'm living all those lives simultaneously. So are our past lives actually past lives, or are they facets of the matrix that we perceive as other times?


Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 12:46 pm
by bluejay_1919
SnowCat, you just blew my mind, hahaha! Now I'm need to ponder for a bit on what you said.

Re: Reincarnation?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 7:02 pm
by Deejean
Yeah Snow I have considered that as well, time doesnt work the way we have preceived it to be. Everything is happening right now, which I guess would explain why the connections would remain so strong even after all those years, because in reality, no time has passed at all. :)
Interesting to think about for sure.