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Onyx's Starry, Spiritual, Card-Reading Journey

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:16 pm
by onyx208
The Sagittarius in me is rearing its head tonight. I feel the need to break free, run unbridled, and have no ties to anything or anyone.
This is the point in all my history of relationships that I abruptly bring them to an end with a "thanks for the memories" kind of farewell.
But... I don't want to lose her. I will break the cycle tonight. But how then can I satisfy my need for freedom?
So I decided to do a reading from my Enchanted Map oracle deck. It was a one card reading with a vague questiom of how do I cope with my life as it is today, with so much up in the air that I feel like I'm going mad.
The card said it all. It started that I don't have to know everything- in fact, magic resides in uncertainty and mystery. It's okay not to know.
This reinforced my need for faith. While stressing about housing, a job, and a car, I found a little bit of peace.
Have a good night, y'all.

Re: Onyx's Starry, Spiritual, Card-Reading Journey

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:33 am
by onyx208
I take for granted the nights my head hits the pillow and races only with the trivial- the nights my hands don't clench under my pillow, playing over lives lost, fears of ultimate and eternal demise. I envy so recently closing my eyes and worrying about juggling my schedule. Now so overwhelmed in existential crisis, I fight back tears as surreal images of hell on earth warp behind my eyes. I'm so insignificant, but why is that bad? Should it not be a relief that my mistakes are trivial to mother earth? His lifeless body, the creeping sensation of abusive trauma, the fear of losing my heart to the pains of distance, dreaming of manipulating my meds to induce a psychotic break.. These things rotate relentlessly in my mind. My heart doesn't know if it should anxiously go into overdrive, or hardly beat with my depression. This negativity is relentless. This too shall pass. But this too shall always return.

Re: Onyx's Starry, Spiritual, Card-Reading Journey

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:40 pm
by onyx208
She sends me messages in sparks. Seemingly without provocation, I feel a magnetic pull in my chest and next thing I know, images of my deck fill my mind. I smile in delight at what is to come.

I carry about my day, and like a flickering light, a rudimentary question appears behind my eyes. I move on again, and later (be it hours or days), I welcome an external force which presents a modification to my original question.

So the dance continues until I feel a dense of delightful urgency and solid certainty that the morphed question is the final one. I am teachable to what she has to offer. I breathe in my deck and hold it firmly to my chest.

It's time to do a reading.

Re: Onyx's Starry, Spiritual, Card-Reading Journey

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:09 pm
by onyx208
My horse got hurt today. A puncture wound on his shoulder. I saw him go down and it was pretty scary. He's got to get a tetanus shot tomorrow but should be okay.

I'm in my new home of 300 acres and loving it, despite that many love is gone for another month. I like my altar set up even more than before, and have my own witchy bookshelf.

I have started to read for other people and it feels great.

I potted my first plant! A gnome garden of Irish moss and multi colored celosia. I'm really happy with it and hope it lives. I don't know the first thing about plants and have never had one.