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The circle is broken?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:40 pm
by Binglian
I did a spell last night which requires me to burn a piece of paper. Before I started burning the paper, I checked that all the candles were burning correctly. So I started burning the paper. During the burning process, I suddenly felt a rush of cold air blowing into my face. And this is usually very odd because the circle always felt very hot or stuffy. Only when I cut a door or close the circle can I feel cold air coming in. So I checked all the candles, then noticed that the water candle (West) was almost out. It was very weak and it looks like it could goes out at any minute. Before I checked the candle, they seemed all fine, and the whole burning process took only roughly 5 minutes, and I don't really know why the candle suddenly became so weak.

Could this actually somehow broke the circle? And if the candle did goes out, can I just relight it, or do I have to re-invite the elements in?

Re: The circle is broken?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:14 am
by Firebird
I don't believe your circle was broken. Many times candles go out in the circle. Sometimes it's just a bunk candle or a tiny breeze was suppressing it to an extent that kept it from burning well.
On the other hand it could represent an area in your life that may need some attention and West is generally thought to be the emotional and/or soul searching type reflective energy in the work we do.
The thing to focus on here is how did your papers burn? If that was successful then your circle was also likely successful.
bb, Firebird

Re: The circle is broken?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:28 pm
by Binglian
Hi Firebirdsflys, thanks for your reply. My paper does burn successfully I believe, however, it does still have some bit of pieces left unburned. I'm guessing maybe is just a bad candle perhaps. But when you said West is symbolized as emotion and soul searching, that do reflected my current conditions and my wish since this is a wish spell. I have encountered a great difficulty in my emotions this year, and I am in the stage of improving my self. So I am actually surprised about how the my problems are reflected through the circle.

Re: The circle is broken?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:11 pm
by Vesca
Something the spell 101 books don't tell you, spells can be messy and don't always behave in a neat and orderly fashion.

Paper doesn't always burn completely (unless you're using a fire pit). Candles go out from drafts or air quality, cats sometimes walk up and drink the water from the altar bowl, animals knock things over, interruptions happen, incense ash can get all over the floor with one unfortunate movement or breeze, etc...

Don't read too much into it unless it's some kind of freak thing, and even then take it with a grain of salt. :)

Re: The circle is broken?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:01 pm
by citrine
Experienced the very same problem some weeks ago. Usually casting the circle with four candles around me on the floor and the "main" altar on the bureau - not much space in my room - and not long ago the candle representing earth all of a sudden went out. Was pretty puzzled, but didn't feel ultimately that the circle was broken. But, had to re-consecrate / re-charge everything I was working with then - was consecrating items for small elemental altars & cleansing / charging crystals in the circle (everything gets supercharged in the circle!)
So if the spell didn't work ultimately after it could be good to repeat again.