On the AfterLife...

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...

On the AfterLife...

Post by Schatten-Katze »

Well... I'm the one who made this post, so... Here's what I personally believe. From what I can gather, it's fairly "different". Enjoy.

What happens when one dies? Well, I personally think that, when I die... I will ascend to a point of near-godly power. Am I arrogant, and think this is destined, for me to be a deity? No. All people acsend to this state of spirit. We will regan knowledge of past lives, and the most recent one. We may simply contemplate what we have learned. With our most recent lives affecting our true personality the most, we -likely- will be truly suprised about what we once where. Possibly a Vegan Buddhist in this life was Adolf Hitler in the last. (Not likely. But, who knows? :? ) one can compare and see past lives. Possibly, also go to the past to witness things that had interested them in the last life. Not as a tangible being, but more of a simple ghost, unseen by all. One thing I believe we can't do is see the future. From what is going on now, do we really want to? It could be great... Or, it could be downright horrible. Anyways, where do we reside? Well, it depends, I suppose. That would mainly deal with what we where in this life. Depending on Pantheon, a Wiccan could go to many places, mainly SummerLand, as I believe it is called. The Asatru Valhalla, The Christians Heaven - or Hell. What you believe will effect where you go. When/can one be re-incarnated? When one wishes to do so, or when to Gods (Goddesses too) will allow us to do so. We, as I believe, can also mandate a few things about our next life, such as (possibly) gender, hair, ect. Possibly more things, less cosmetic. Such as enviorment.

And that pretty much sums it up for me. Sorry if that was a bit long. As on one point, where do I think I'll go? I'm mostly not religious, but... I do have a patron God(dess). Eris, of the Greek pantheon, if you know who she is. So, I do think I could go to the great Mount. Or, Hades. I'd rather go to the Mount though... And that's it.
Robert L
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Re: On the AfterLife...

Post by Robert L »

Possibly a Vegan Buddhist in this life was Adolf Hitler in the last. (Not likely. But, who knows? )
Actually, He WAS a vegatarian. :)
Going to be offline from 1 Feb to 1 March. (playing Army in LA)
See you all when I get back. :)
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Re: On the AfterLife...

Post by Lost_Demise »

Each time I die before I'm reborn I don't become near godly or remember all my past lives during that time. Then again, to each their own belief.

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