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Golden Ball Theory

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:51 am
by DamianCrow
Not an actual theory, but it's what it seems like when I view how Christians act upon spirituality. They believe that the only true thing is God (the Abrahamic God), and that anything that is not him, or created by him, or intended by him, is pure evil and of the devil. That is basically them huddled inside their golden ball; anything outside their ball is evil. Another problem I have with them is that they are being hypocrites. In an article "Witchcraft is evil" they claim that Harry Potter is pushing witchcraft upon kids. We all know thats bullcrap because J.K.Rowling doesn't connect her story to witchcraft or wicca or the old religion as far as I see, as for Christianity, they seem to exist mainly to push their religion on others. These are only a few of the things the religion is ticking me off with. I'll post down more when I'm on break. I'm currently at my work place. Until then, Blessed Be.

Re: Golden Ball Theory

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:19 am
by moonlitchou
Right? I completely agree. I can see how of its stories in its holy text could be bearing good messages and all, but idk the rest of it all. Especially don't think government should use any one religion holy text to make laws with.

Re: Golden Ball Theory

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:58 pm
by Naudia Threng
I find that it's all because someone took a religion that is obviously isn't eclectic because it is stated rather plainly, is taken by one charismatic person who tells their self revolving interpretation like it's the truth, to a weaker willed person who obeys it like it was his idea. Then people take singular versus out of the bible, but only if it benefits them. Most Christians have developed a literal god complex. They take it upon themselves to make judgment in their gods place. WHICH IS AGAINST THEIR COLLECTIVE BELIEFS! It says in the Bible that God would men love men and women love women and he would judge them in heaven. It does not say, go and hate, burn, and assault people for me please. They have corrupted their religion to its very core! God says that HE judges people. Not, oh well if you fell in love you're gonna burn for eternity, even though you saved a trillion puppies and donate to orphanages on a daily basis. HE. JUDGES. He not them! AND! Other keyword is judges! Not, makes a tally and robotically decides. He in theory would review your life and balance the good in the bad.

A major problem I have with Christians though, is the fact that since kids are never taught about other religions in the mainstream, they can't defend other religions! Everyone knows about Christian stuff so it's easy to call bs and say something! The great flood for instance. Christians claim that since the bible talks of the great flood and there is evidence of a great flood, they are correct about god. WELL HOLD THE FUDGE UP! Because little known fact, the Hellenistic religions also had a great flood. Which Hera commanded Iris to make.

Christianity is at the root of like everything nowadays! People talk about government cover ups and control and all that, but I think Christians are more likely doing that. Everything most people know is based off what a Christian though we should know, based of Christian beliefs.

P.s. I don't actually think the government or Christians are secretly doing odd things.