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Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:31 pm
by Silversong
This probably has a place, but I can't find it, so generic board it is.

I noticed a couple days ago that the last day of this month is a blue moon! That's the second full moon in a month, the thirteenth moon of the Goddess' year, for those of you who don't know. I was wondering what you guys think of the significance of the blue moon? I know I could just Google it, but Google's not quite trustworthy and I'm curious about your opinions, anyway. XD The last time it came about, I hadn't quite chosen the Wiccan path yet, so I don't remember. (I'm sure there's something about it in my BoS, which I'll be looking up in a minute.)

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:40 pm
by Silversong

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:36 pm
by TwilightDancer
Personally, for me, the blue moon is a chance for drawing down the moon, meditation, and thanks. It presents a wonderful opportunity to self reflect and appreciate the gods and everything that has come to fruition so far.

Blessed Be :flyingwitch:

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:10 pm
by Silversong
Thank you for replying.

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:44 pm
by MsMollimizz

I dedicated my wand after I made it with a Blue Moon,
it is a good time to draw down the Moon for extra energy
for something special. Eclipses are also great for Moon
workings. I love the Moon !
Gentle Blue Light

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:56 am
by Echo_of_shadows
It seems to me that maybe people don't give much special attention to the blue moon. From what I can tell, people seem to give it the same associations as any other full moon. Trying to find spells and rituals associated with the blue moon had rather slim pickings. :|

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:02 am
by Vesca
Blue Moon: The second full moon in a month.

Here's the thing, it's going to happen once a year because the moon cycles 13 times in a year and there are only 12 months. For those (myself included) who follow the lunar cycles rather than the monthly calendar (aside from the cultural necessities of course), it's not a special thing. It's a normal thing. Referring to it as a Blue Moon basically involve the overlapping of two calendars that were never designed to co-exist as a single big-picture calendar.

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:04 am
by Silversong
Vesca wrote:Blue Moon: The second full moon in a month.

Here's the thing, it's going to happen once a year because the moon cycles 13 times in a year and there are only 12 months. For those (myself included) who follow the lunar cycles rather than the monthly calendar (aside from the cultural necessities of course), it's not a special thing. It's a normal thing. Referring to it as a Blue Moon basically involve the overlapping of two calendars that were never designed to co-exist as a single big-picture calendar.
Actually, it doesn't quite happen once a year. The moon cycles every 28 days I believe, which with the solar calendar we have in use means that there are two full moons in a month about every two to three years. (Although you'd think it would be every year. :\)

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:42 pm
by grlry
The next blue moon isn't until January 2018!
Did anyone have the opportunity to enjoy it?
I was fortunate enough to be invited to a ritual. Both were amazingly beautiful!

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:56 am
by Seraphin
Yep! I did! I've performed the Once In A Blue Moon Spell we crafted in Bubbling's Cauldron Activity!

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:41 am
by Firebird
Me too Seraphin! It's been an incredibly busy moon/holiday weekend, and it aint over yet. Once in a blue moon would I have this much energy, ha ha ha..
You can look at the blue moon a few different ways, most of the world goes by the Gregorian calendar, you will sometimes get a couple in a year and sometimes it will be a couple years before we get another one, the next one is January 31, 2018 then March of the same year. So yeah, its two moons in a calender month.
Astronomers veiw it as a 4th moon in an astronomical season, (usually there is three) their seasons are V. equinox to S. solstice to A.equinox to W. solstice.
The Celts used the crosquarter days as the begining of their view of the astrological calendar ( still 3 moons per quarter) so say if there was 4 full moons from Imbolc to Bealtaine the 4th would be considered a blue moon.
Some witches say the blue moon has a astrological component and that a true blue moon is two full moons within any zodiac sign.
And then there is an atmospherical phenomenon when dust is in the atmosphere causing the moon to appear blue.
Finally there is the saying "oh that only happens once in a blue moon" and therefore attributing to the rarity of it.

I have been having a blast this blue moon and that only happens once in a blue moon because I'm usually too busy to enjoy it. :surprisedwitch:
smote it be!

Blessed be to thee!

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:31 pm
by Silversong
So, my mom and I did a basic full moon ceremony because when I read through the thing for the blue moon we had I didn't really feel it was fitting at all... it felt more like a Samhain ritual. Instead I just sat and basked in the light and love of the Goddess... I felt Her really strongly that night. Whenever I take the time to connect to the Goddess, full moon or no, I feel Her all around me, and frequently when I go and curl up in bed afterward I feel like She's giving me a hug good night. Maybe that's just because I'm a very huggy person. XD Anyway, long story short, I really enjoyed the blue moon, and I'm off to go write up my own thing on it, because I don't really like what's in the current BoS we have. Bright blessings!

Re: Your Thoughts on the Blue Moon?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:27 am
by SpiritTalker
I didn't want to start a new topic for this - WHEN DO BLUE MOONS OCCUR? - so I'm adding a note I'd made in my journal & forgotten I had:

If the first full moon of the year is later than 11 January that year will be a 12-full moon year. 11th January is the last a day that a first full moon of the year can occur to allow for 13 full Moon's in that year. There are 12 full Moon's in a calendar year, one ever 29.5 days. There will be 12 full Moon's for two years & the third year will have a 13th full moon.

The 2nd full moon in a month is called a blue moon by some & amazingly 2018 had two blue Moon's on Jan 31 and Mar 31 with no full moon at all for Feb, obviously. The next double blue moon* is 31 Mar 2037 ...19 year cycle.

Blue Moon's
Jan 31 2018
Mar 31 2018*
Oct 31 2020
Aug 31 2023
Mar 31 2026
Dec 31 2028
Sep 30 2031
Jul 31 2034
Jan 31 2037
Mar 31 2037*