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Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:12 pm
by dualhands
I have been experimenting with damiana in various tea's and potions. ( with moderation considering the effects of constant use ) I enjoy the effects it gives for visions in the minds eye. It's also great for divination work, and invoking spirits. As I believe it is somewhat of a doorway to the etheric astral plain. Getting off-topic here.

I'm looking for input from others. Regarding potions, tea's, elixers, herbal mixtures, oils, etc. That contain damiana.
I'm also looking for anyone to point me in the direction of other herbs that are similar to damiana and the effects it produces.

However please do not point me in the direction of toxic substances, or psychedelic compounds. pretty please :P

I am very much so looking forward to what this will bring forth. * sips damiana tea *

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:23 pm
by dualhands
Also, any links to good sources for quality damiana. Or other similar herbs would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:29 pm
by corvidus
dualhands wrote: However please do not point me in the direction of toxic substances, or psychedelic compounds. pretty please :P
What's up dualhands, I think you contradict yourself here! Psychedelic substances produce a change in consciousness, however variable it might be, which is basically what you're asking for ;)

But other than that... I'm also interested in damiana.

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:55 pm
by dualhands
Well I should say Active psychedelic compounds. Such as lsd, lsa, psilocybin, 2cb etc, etc. While organic substances that are not deemed illegal, or extremely mind altering. Are fine with me. :P

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:07 pm
by corvidus
To each there own I guess ;)

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:08 am
by Firebird
I like all these in a tea
jasmine flowers
I add it to some mead or honey wine and a good strong mulled apple cider it's usually drunk at Samhain, there is one more secret ingredient that will remain undisclosed, but any of the above herbs produce a shift in consciousness.
I would add not use too much wormwood or mugwort...Not only are they horrendously bitter but one time might have caused the brew to be, lets say, too strong! Could have been the mugwort, a wildcrafted local variety, hoooo, that was a bit intense. I only use a couple leaves now.haha, but look mom no worms,! bleh.
I like to puff the damiana, just a couple tokes before circle.
☆(Disclaimer, I am not advocating internalizing anything you do not know for a FACT what it is, When I was 15, I had a friend once who thought he would brew up some datura tea for all the teenagers who hung out at the local park, he had picked the plant at the park. Thankfully I missed the memo that day, but 3 of my friends went to the hospital. The tea he brewed was not datura, which probably would have killed them, it was a wild tobacco called nicotiana glauca, also toxic.)
This isn't necissarly directed at you dualhands but to anyone else reading this thread.
Know beyond a shadow of a doubt the herb you consume.
I have heard Kava is a good pre ritual drink but have not tried it.
blessings, Firebird

Re: Damiana!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:52 am
by dualhands
thank you for that list firebirdflys!!!!

I'm going to have to try taking a few puffs on damiana sometime soon. Sounds interesting.