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From many angles

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:25 am
by explorer
With reincarnation its like in each life you see things from many different angles and I think its like spiritual development yeah if you are looking at it from a bigger picture view. I see at times people say in any situation you are looking at your mirror self so one life you are the bully and the next you are the victim and in the next life you may handle the situation better. Does this ring true to you? This is how I feel, how do you feel?

Re: From many angles

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:52 pm
by bluejay_1919
I know my son has had many lives and died horrible deaths. He continues in each life to be a soldier of some sort & he has been killed in many battles. Although he is only two years old now, one day, as a man, he will be a soldier again and fight for his country.

He's told us (in spirit form) that this is his path he chooses to take over and over. I'm not sure the lessons he is learning from it. Only time will tell as he talks more about these things. I'm not going to question him when the time comes if he chooses this path again. I will be proud of my son and his strength and bravery.

Re: From many angles

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:59 pm
by SnowCat
It may be that he feels the need to protect others, and he does that best as a soldier. It may be, that someday we won't need soldiers and his mission will be completed.


Re: From many angles

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:15 am
by bluejay_1919
SnowCat wrote:It may be that he feels the need to protect others, and he does that best as a soldier. It may be, that someday we won't need soldiers and his mission will be completed.

I like your thinking, SnowCat. Abram is very protective of people he loves. And, although he is super sweet and such a good little boy, we are sometimes shocked by his ability to ball up his fist & punch another kid if he sees them stealing a toy or being mean to his sister. Of course, we don't encourage that behavior, but he is very loyal and prideful & a protector of the weak ( whether it be his stuffed animals or his kitties).

I know how much pain he was in during his past lives. And he expressed alot of loneliness. It makes my heart hurt to think about what he goes through every time.

His vocabulary is pretty good for a two year old, almost three and he's starting to talk about things he should not know. Abram also speaks like he is from another time which amazes anyone that meets him. Like a proper gentleman.

Re: From many angles

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:13 pm
by explorer
Oddly enough I've seen a lot of light-workers saying they don't believe in the the conspiracy's out there but instead that we are doing it to ourselves. I like the way they let go of the fear based ideas that the people believe from online or on the media. I'm not so sure myself as this Illuminati thing is interesting but from what new age style light-workers are suggesting is we were once dark and doing damage in a past life. It would be lovely if there was more peace on earth but there's this good and bad balance going on so it's like it'll always be there.