Attraction to Deities

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Attraction to Deities

Post by Naudia Threng »

Hi all! So, I've always had attractions to deities. They call me in a sort of way. The attractions are different between two types of deities though. I've always felt a daughterly attraction to female healing deities. And a... "romantic" attraction to male death deities. I use the quotes because it's less romantic and more "that hot boy who just moved in from Florida" mixed with "Stephen who I just cant get out of my head". Could anyone help me interpret this kind of "attraction".

P.s. Don't anybody go asking me if I like dead things. I'm not a necrophiliac. I just happen to have (so far) unexplained attraction to gods of death.

P.p.s By daughterly I mean like, I feel as if I'm their daughter. Like I love them unconditionally and they feel the same towards me.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Seraphin »

Most of the Deities I have worked with are Cthonic Beings (Hekate, Liwyathan), Underworld Deities (Nergal, Ereshkigal), Death Lords, Ladies and Guardians (Maweth, Papa Legba, Mama Brigette, Eleggua, Oya, Kali) or otherwise 'Daemonic' by mainstream standards (Baal, Ashtaroth, Molekh, Resheph, Aamon, etc.) I don't get that attraction you have with the Death Gods, its neither romantic nor sonly (childly), they just hit me with a huge 'ping' when I happen across Their name somewhere.

Just a fair warning if youre wanting to work with Them. Death Deities and Cthonic Beings in general however don't like to hand things to you on gifts -- you have to earn your right to work with Them, even if They were the ones who approached you first. You have to endure the pain, the destruction, the chaos and even death that will occur in your life in order for you to commit to serve Them with sincerity and passion. The axe of faith and earnest endurance and strength can bring down any wall, whether obstacles made by the Deific Daemons or created by your actions, clearing the way for you to come home to your true self.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Naudia Threng »

I've just always felt like a freak because of it. Lots if wiccans are attracted to certain gods. But non that I've seen are ATTRACTED to death gods. Like what kind of person does that make me? It's always made me feel like a hermit among socialites. I'll be in a school trip to a museum and in the burial section there will be a shirtless anubis statue and suddenly I've got the FEELS. And I just feel like... Like... Like I'm wrong. Not as in "your wrong and I'm right" but as in "that's just wrong" for a while I thought the dead stuff fave me the feels and I hates myself. But I've come to realize that its the death deities that attract me and I still feel like I'm terrible!
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Vesca »

Not a new concept. Not even a rare one.

When I was younger, death deities were all the rage (much like vampires were a couple years ago). There's some innate attraction with the under-realm and the Other for some people. It's foreign, alien, intriguing, and deities are fit and with it comes the power complex (and for me, the power attraction).

Nothing like finding your version of bad @$$ deities.

It's something I moved past eventually. I look back on it now and see it as a kind of learning process, of personal development. The interest helped me approach the concept of death without the fear of it and helped me work through some of my own personal things. Once I got past that challenge, the attraction ebbed.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Seraphin »

Most people aren't attracted to Them because there's a great deal of misconception and misinformation out there as to what They actually are. Deities of Death are personifications of Death and many people are afraid of Death, I'm actually one of Them and I'm overcoming my fear by facing it. Even in Ancient Times, the Lords and Ladies of Death and the Underworld have few myths and have fewer cults. Their connection with death, destruction, misery and the netherworld makes them terrible and the most hated and feared of all Gods in Their mainstream pantheon. Such Deities could hardly attract followers.

But seriously, most of us if not all are afraid of dying because of the pain and misery that we'll go through on the physical, emotional, spiritual and financial levels. Not only will we experience such pain and misery, but also our relatives and friends and those who love us.

When I started working with Nergal (Mesopotamian God of the Underworld) and Maweth (Canaanite God of Death), one of the benefits that I received from Them is the constant reminder of "things" that would kill me and would accelerate death. Those harmful stuffs that causes changes in my body, changes that are too subtle to notice at first like "unhealthy diet and lifestyle, stress, etc". My Deities intuitively told me that if I chose to ignore their reminder, I would just get wind of the disease when it's too late.

Nowadays, it's only natural to expect that many people will try to prolong their existence. Like it's already a part of their lives and instinct for survival. But my Death Deities advise me not to imitate what they're doing. Because guess what. All people will still go through death -- that's what they bluntly told me. For Them, these anti-aging solutions and other medical procedures to prolong your life is a criminal choice. The pain and misery will go away for the person who just died. In fact, if a person dies instantly, like nightmares, accidents, or sudden attacks, he would skip the pain and misery of dying. However, pain and misery will still continue for those left behind and it's just part of a natural process.

They said to me that I may not understand the why, but as followers of Death, I accept it as "Divine" decree. In my perspective, death is my Gods and Goddesses calling my soul home because it has ended its mission on this plane.

There's nothing wrong with it. Why don't you sit down with Them and tell the Deities your concern about your attraction. Just be respectful and humble upon approach and you're unlikely to have a negative experience with Them. You will at least be able to minimize your confusion and distress and help yourself about the path your walking.

By the way, may I ask whose specific Deities you're attracted to?

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Becks »

Hi Azure Lily-I don't think your attraction to the dark aspect of death and transformation is at all strange. Even the fact that you feel a kind of wild aliveness that comes across as sexual attraction. I know you are a minor and so I don't wish to stay long on this topic out of a sense of propriety-except to say that I believe it is a human universal to feel deeply our divine spark of life in the face of the great transformation into what many humans on this plane believe is the archetypical antethis of life. There is a great rush of energy and tension that exists between the great duality-especially the powers of life and death energy.

I remember well being your age and being ready to explore these archetypes and mysteries fully in emotion and in my body with all of its facets.

I actually don't think I'm unlike you in this sense...when I was in the third grade all of my peers were checking out and reading Garfield cartoons from my school library. I kept checking out a book on Egyptian embalming and work with the dead. I couldn't get enough of knopic jars and rituals for the dead. I was a little freak. When death touched my life and in a span of a few years several family members died and I came to know death, bodies, funeral rites etc. I became a lot more comfortable with it all.

I think we all contemplate what is to happen when we no longer exist in this form. I think some people are fascinated, I think some people are frightened (I mean it really is the greatest adventure we will all have-nobody gets out of life alive), I think some people make peace, and I think others come to love the process and the work of's a beautiful rite and an honour to care for loved ones-for the families when they are in such pain. It can be beautiful if one has eyes to see.

In my life I have never felt more fragile and beautiful and strong as when I have been at the crossroads and felt the great power of currents flowing in what we perceive as opposite directions. It's a quickening like no other....a pregnant pause before spring- no wonder it stirs deep feelings in all of us.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by SnowCat »

Over the past year, Anubis has made himself known to me. It wasn't something I expected, or was looking for. I don't have the same sense of him that Azure Lily described. It's more like a comrade and coworker.

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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Naudia Threng »

Seraphin Murmur wrote:Most people aren't attracted to Them because there's a great deal of misconception and misinformation out there as to what They actually are. Deities of Death are personifications of Death and many people are afraid of Death, I'm actually one of Them and I'm overcoming my fear by facing it. Even in Ancient Times, the Lords and Ladies of Death and the Underworld have few myths and have fewer cults. Their connection with death, destruction, misery and the netherworld makes them terrible and the most hated and feared of all Gods in Their mainstream pantheon. Such Deities could hardly attract followers.

But seriously, most of us if not all are afraid of dying because of the pain and misery that we'll go through on the physical, emotional, spiritual and financial levels. Not only will we experience such pain and misery, but also our relatives and friends and those who love us.

When I started working with Nergal (Mesopotamian God of the Underworld) and Maweth (Canaanite God of Death), one of the benefits that I received from Them is the constant reminder of "things" that would kill me and would accelerate death. Those harmful stuffs that causes changes in my body, changes that are too subtle to notice at first like "unhealthy diet and lifestyle, stress, etc". My Deities intuitively told me that if I chose to ignore their reminder, I would just get wind of the disease when it's too late.

Nowadays, it's only natural to expect that many people will try to prolong their existence. Like it's already a part of their lives and instinct for survival. But my Death Deities advise me not to imitate what they're doing. Because guess what. All people will still go through death -- that's what they bluntly told me. For Them, these anti-aging solutions and other medical procedures to prolong your life is a criminal choice. The pain and misery will go away for the person who just died. In fact, if a person dies instantly, like nightmares, accidents, or sudden attacks, he would skip the pain and misery of dying. However, pain and misery will still continue for those left behind and it's just part of a natural process.

They said to me that I may not understand the why, but as followers of Death, I accept it as "Divine" decree. In my perspective, death is my Gods and Goddesses calling my soul home because it has ended its mission on this plane.

There's nothing wrong with it. Why don't you sit down with Them and tell the Deities your concern about your attraction. Just be respectful and humble upon approach and you're unlikely to have a negative experience with Them. You will at least be able to minimize your confusion and distress and help yourself about the path your walking.

By the way, may I ask whose specific Deities you're attracted to?
The deity is Anubis. I'm attracted Hades as well, but mainly Anubis. And usually I tend to feel it towards most death deities I learn of.
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Re: Attraction to Deities

Post by Seraphin »

Have you tried communicating with Him?

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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