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Working with plant spirits

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:10 pm
by Becks
In your experience are there any plants spirits in your garden, or local environmental habitat, that you find are particularly eager to lend themselves to working? In contrast are there plant spirits that have taken some time to get to know before they reveal their true natures?

I ask because one of the things I love most is learning about different environments and the kinds of plants and energies that are found in differing environments. For example, I live on The BC coast and the plants are so vastly different to that of the interior or arid regions of BC.

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:49 pm
by Sakura Blossom
There is a plant spirit -- at least I'm pretty sure that's what this is -- at my parents' house. There's a particular tree and the entity/being's name is Marr. I spent an hour speaking with them and meditating under the tree which I didn't even realize until after I was finished and checked the time. I'm pretty sure they were the tree, though, because after is when I was gifted the perfect branch to use for my wand. (: They were the only one I ever tried with, though, and it was the one time I did so I really need to get back into it again. They didn't take a long time to reveal themselves, though. I'm hoping someone else might have better stories that could help you out~

BC is one of the most scenic places I've seen (only in pictures) so I can only imagine how that would be with nature spirits and working with them. I can't wait to live somewhere similar, honestly.

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:34 pm
by Becks
Sakura Blossom wrote:There is a plant spirit -- at least I'm pretty sure that's what this is -- at my parents' house. There's a particular tree and the entity/being's name is Marr. I spent an hour speaking with them and meditating under the tree which I didn't even realize until after I was finished and checked the time. I'm pretty sure they were the tree, though, because after is when I was gifted the perfect branch to use for my wand. (: They were the only one I ever tried with, though, and it was the one time I did so I really need to get back into it again. They didn't take a long time to reveal themselves, though. I'm hoping someone else might have better stories that could help you out~

BC is one of the most scenic places I've seen (only in pictures) so I can only imagine how that would be with nature spirits and working with them. I can't wait to live somewhere similar, honestly.
I just saw this post Sakura-that's a great story about the connection to the tree. Do you happen to know what kind of tree Marr is? I do feel trees tend to be very generous in spirit with tools, medicine, comfort etc....whatever we are looking for. Didn't Silverstein write a famous book on that? :lol: To relate with what you are saying-I would say that one on the most generous trees I know is the Western Red Cedar. It truly is the tree of life here. Was thie tree in your experience deciduous or coniferous?

Sakura-I'm so thankful you took the time to share this story. With a name like Sakura it's not surprising. I really am keen to hear about others experiences with different plants. I love plant medicine and energy. I feel that sometimes a plant has a shadow component to it. When I see digitalis (foxglove) I love them. I think about my grandum telling me about the plant and showing me its beauty. I was told not to pick it or touch it too much, because of its powerful medicine-ironically Grandmaum was on digoxin. So I love the thought of this beautiful plant I loved and admired commanding great respect. I guess that makes me think similarly about how helpful, and nutritious nettles are, but that they are also a plant requiring respect and careful handling. I love that kind of tension.

Thanks again! I'd love to hear more.

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:12 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Those truly sound amazing. I'm not sure if they're the same or not but I want to walk through the Redwood forest here in America. The amount of history absorbed into their energy would just be amazing to experience. That and they're truly beautiful trees.

The tree Marr would be is some kind of crab apple, from what I understand. I am just not sure what kind.

That's so wonderful! You seem to have quite a bit of knowledge in this area, which is lovely. I've really been wanting to branch out (oh, jeeze. Haha. Plant puns! I couldn't resist) into working more with plants and doing natural remedies with herbs. It's definitely an area I have interest in but do not have the means of doing so just yet. I know I will some day but until then I might just start reading and researching.
And no problem! I work with the fae in my practice so it was only natural I start going into plants more. Hehe~

I grew up going hiking all the time as a child and gardening too so I'm not surprised the love of plants was instilled in me. Well, particularly flowers. Flowers are my favorite.

I was hoping to be able to work more outside this summer but I kind of missed out on that chance a bit. Perhaps next spring!

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:19 pm
by Becks
Redwoods are related and have a similar shape and appearance. The energy is a bit different, but it does have some similarities. The redwoods are gorgeous. They get huge! Well I'm here anytime you want to talk plants and plant energy. I'm always learning and up for anything somebody can teach me. What kind of plants and trees are common in your area?

I love flowers too-we should totally start a thread about that.....

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:45 am
by Sakura Blossom
That's what I thought, thanks for the clarification!

We've got oak trees and maple trees that are common here. That's as much as I know. I'm still learning a bit about it and have a heck of a time trying to remember that kind of thing.

Having a thread about that, though, would be awesome! You have a lot of knowledge about it, you could create a thread if you'd like and share your opinions and experiences about it. We could have a discussion about different plants and their energies, "personalities", and so on. Also their uses? Anything you'd like to add, really. ^_^

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:00 pm
by SpiritTalker
My neighbor's cedar tree started a seedling in the crack in my patio pavers, so I put it in a pot, then when it was 6 inches tall, I planted it in a safe corner but away from the fence to allow growth. It is now a little over 5 feet tall and I have a slightly taller pine outside the fence that was a free sample seedling give-away at a nature center. My allegedly dwarf lilac bush is 20 feet wide and as tall as my porch, next to which it is planted. These three are the sentinels of my yard. I feel their energy is protective.

I transplanted 6 may apple plants from alongside the road and took 'em home. They have spread and I have a nice thick clump among some lilies I found dried out in a flower pot in the trash and planted. From the purple foil and ribbon around the pot, I figured they were Easter lilies, so took a chance.

Even my pink rose bush was a freebie from a dumpsite where yard waste had been scattered. I saw the root clump still had some green in it, trimmed off everything above the dirt line and stuck it in a bucket of water in the shade. I forgot about it until mowing the lawn a couple weeks later. Amazingly there were new roots and shoots forming, so I stuck it in the ground with some plant food, and now I have a nice bush that sticks me with a thorn every chance it gets, just to say hi.

Nightshade grows wild in the alley and between backyard fences in my area, and it is a pretty plant. There is a large bush of it climbing between my garage and the neighbors. The last few years in the fall when the berries are red, a local photographer uses it as a background for high school senior photos. I asked one of the students once how she felt about posing with deadly nightshade. Her eyes popped, she looked over her shoulder at the plant and said "awesome". Our kind of people!

Re: Working with plant spirits

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:09 pm
by SpiritTalker
There is a lot of nightshade this year. It is a plant of secrets, both protective of one's own secrets and able to reveal those of others. I once "just happened" to pop out of the house in time to stop a neighbor kid from swallowing a handful of berries. Kids, Geez! The stuff is everywhere and those berries look mighty sweet, but poisonous. Even three berries would have made a small kid sick.

Wild grape vine is another abundant plant, growing in every neglected corner, up utility poles and on alley fences. It's a plant of life and renewal. The grapes...not so sweet.

Seems to me there's a lesson from Mother Nature in what She chooses to surround the neighborhood block with. Death hides it's secrets. A full life is not all sweetness. Oodles more mystery.