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Wondering about a katydid

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:32 pm
by venusaversa
I feel that animals symbolize something, like animal totems. The night after I chose to delve into Witchcraft and cast my first 2 spells, a katydid showed up in my room. I looked into it a little and it said that sometimes certain animals will appear and they carry meaning. This is what I came up with from a few websites. They all said the same thing:

Katydid teaches attunement to new vibrations and will aid in heightening intuition, sensitivity and awareness. They teach transformation in five stages as part of the molting process. Is it time to shed old ideas to make way for the new? Expect changes and new developments that will bring growth through reflection and patience as the sensitivity to mental, emotional and physical challenges are coming are your way. Katydids also teach the art of camouflage and the ability to evolve and use many survival techniques. Are you adapting to your surroundings? Are you blending in or standing out? Katydid will aid in strengthening senses and perceptions of the seen and unseen so whatever transformation stage you are in will be a time to be aware; mentally and spiritually sharp.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you believe in this stuff, and has anyone ever experienced anything similar?

Re: Wondering about a katydid

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:35 pm
by SnowCat
Does choosing to delve into witchcraft count as shedding old ideas to make way for new?


Re: Wondering about a katydid

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:25 am
by venusaversa
Well that's sort of what I saw it as. I've never really looked into animal totems before though. When I saw it in my room, it kind of clicked for me, though I wasn't sure if I really believed in it all.

Re: Wondering about a katydid

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:21 pm
by SnowCat
There's nothing wrong with questioning yourself and what you're experiencing. If you just blithely believe that everything is some kind of sign, you'll make yourself crazy jumping from one thing to the next. Looking at the context of an experience is a good way to determine if it was a sign or just part of the day. I agree that the Katy did was most likely a sign.


Re: Wondering about a katydid

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:02 pm
by SpiritTalker
Y'know the feeling that you're being watched? Once upon a time I was kneeling in my garden & had that eerie feeling. It didnt seem that pulling weeds should be that interesting to an onlooker. I kept looking over my shoulder but didnt see anybody. The feeling persisted. I happened to glance to one side & my attention was caught by the branch of a bush that seemed to be looking at me. There were 2 teeny black eyes reflecting light. They didn't blink. Say wha'? Huh. I backed up so I could focus & realized a katydid - coyly resembling a leaf - was the observer. Amazing creatures.