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How do you find your root??

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:14 pm
by blue_moon
For the past weeks I've been searching the internet for bohemian (northern Ĩechoslovakia) and lithuanian religion legends and mythology. I only had little luck.

as a child I was very interested in Egyptian mythology - when I grew older my father told me about the myths of the region we lived in. They are connected to the celtic - but I was always missing my roots.

If you reduce every pantheon to it's core they all have gods of sun moon stars, fire water and wisdome, the earth special plants and animals. So the only difference is in the name you give it.

How did you choose your path (and pantheon)?

Re: How do you find your root??

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:00 am
by SilverWort
I tried to learn from almost every path I can find. Maybe I'm not the right one to answer, I'm eclectic, work with gods when I need, and I choose the god or goddess (or the pantheon) according to my needs.

An example, in Samhain, I work with Hades, offering him lots of mint to "open the gates" and let the dead go their way. Can do the same with many different gods.

On the other hand, Odin appears often in my dreams in his form of one-eyed old man, it's a natural thing to me, cause I made so many sacrifices for knowledge. I think it's a signal to continue down that road. But I still taking things from all paths and working with gods only when I need.

Re: How do you find your root??

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:01 pm
by Silversong
I have never really made a specific choice. I have invoked gods from multiple different pantheons (though I know those from the Greek, Egyptian, and Norse pantheons the best) for specific purposes, and when in an average ritual, I usually just call upon the God and Goddess without specific names. As for my path... I have no name for it. I don't object to being called Wiccan, though I don't follow all of Gardner's ideas. I'm not particular about what I'm called - as long as it's not "devil worshipper" or "Satanist," I'm good, you know? ;3

Re: How do you find your root??

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:49 pm
by autumn swan
What you might be looking for, blue moon, is the religion of the Proto-Indo-Europeans. They are the root of e.g. the celtic, germanic, baltic... myths. I have been researching this for a long time now, too, and can offer you a few links.

Proto-Indo-European Religion


Lithuania & Baltic:

Ancient Baltic Religions

Lithuania Pagan News

Slavic Mythology-Text Archive (you have to search for the lithuanian and baltic stuff but there are a few)

Lithuanian folklore

Baltic Gods

Re: How do you find your root??

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:12 am
by blue_moon
Thank you so much! ! I'll look at those websites as soon as I can.

Re: How do you find your root??

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:47 am
by autumn swan
Have you found what you were looking for by now?