Benefits of Angelica Root?

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Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by Lasiah »

So I finally saved enough money to buy, some I have heard a lot of claims about it in many mystical books saying that it keeps away evil spirits and protects from black magic ect. The name was even given in a mystical way because of an angelic visions someone had in a dream about the healing property's of the plant. Most people in the modern world would just say that is mythology of ignorant people. So I am curious, does anyone here have experience with the plant, and if so, does it live up to its reputation of being as spiritual of a plant it has been claimed to be? How why and when would one use it then?
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by Becks »

*general plant use disclaimer...if you don't know a plant and its effects-don't ingest! Talk to your Dr...blah..blah..*

Looking through my own herbal books Angelica has names like 'Archangel' and 'Masterwort'. Cunningham talks about it being used in exorcism, protection and healing. Used in baths supposedly it is good against curses and 'bad work'. Angelica was also used in cooking and leaves can be used for decoration....stems were even candied and eaten that way. In terms of medicinal properties it is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent. Pretty cool! There are also medicinal uses that range from treatment of arthritis, good for circulation, and nausea.

"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" Scott Cunningham 14th edition 2006
and "Jekka's Complete Herb Book" Jekka Mc Viccar 1997 edition.

Many people consume it or use it in ritual cleansing baths.

Many people have been using Angelica for thousands of years, and I don't consider genuine helping relationships with plants to be ignorant mythology.

When needing the help of a plant ally, I personally like to choose one that I actually have a relationship with. I choose a plant that is Indigenuous to my landscape and magic. For example, I'm more likely to rely on the Nootka Rose or Western Red Cedar for protection because I know it...I have seen where it grows, given offerings to these plants, drank the teas, and I know it's energy intimately. I think there is a kind of power and working efficacy that comes from an ally relationship as opposed to a new relationship.

That being said, Angellica has a long established history of working with people, and there is a truly ancient history of belief in that plant. If you believe in thought forms, which I surely do, this is built up over generations of working in partnership. There is power there.
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by Lasiah »

I wasn't aware that it had ancient history. I read a lot about it being used in the middle ages to heal and protect from black magic and was especially revealed to a person in his dreams to use it to be protected from the black plaque, and was named angelica root as it was revealed to him by angels. It's probably one of the few times where herbalism was accepted by Christians without being associated with witchcraft. If it has ancient history it confirms that there must be something to it, seeing how it was rediscovered for the same reasons probably more than once and under different names. For the time being i'll just keep it around until I feel something off in the energys around me. I recently read an article about how there is scientific proof that smudging a place with sage purifys the air, confirming loads of ancient knowledge from all over. I have been using sage for awhile, so if I can believe sage works I can easily incorporate angelica root for something.Edit** Oh huh, Just did some more research it was used by american Indian tribes to ward off evil as well.
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by Becks »

I just think it's really important to remember that Indigenous peoples the world over have used plants since time immemorial. I'm certain that in Europe Angelica was used well before the Middle Ages and the time of the monastic movement. Many ides have been claimed by those that dominated the culture, wrote things down. Herbs and medicines were used by healers before the power of the church arose. In North America there is an indigenous species of Angelica that was used by the First People.
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by SilverWort »

Angelica root is perfect for poor circulation. I use it in some oils and tinctures for external use.
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Angelica root has a very positive effect cleansing & strengthening the aura.
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Re: Benefits of Angelica Root?

Post by Firebird »

I was fortunate to have had an opportunity to grow this plant in the garden at my old house It did ok for about 2 years but I don't think the growing conditions were great, seems like it prefers cooler weather and possibly a higher elevation to really thrive. I had a friend who used to burn the root for cleansing and protection, as I recall, it wasn't the best smelling, though that may be the protective quality.
It is known as the women's herb, in that it assists in regulating the reproduction system and the aches and pains that go along with that. In Chinese medicine angelica sinensis, is dong quai.
Angelica is in the Family, Apiceaea, and there are many varieties across the globe. They contain furanocoumarins in which coumadin is derived, although some varieties can cause photo toxicity due to furanocoumarin. Hog parsnip can cause a bad rash if you brush against it and Angelica can resemble the deadly Hemlock, so before you rush out and pick some, know your plant. Another well known cousin is celery. Almost all of the plants in this family look similar, especially in their flowers.

From Wikipedia
The small stalks are slightly curved like celery.

The one used more commonly and the one I had planted was Angelica archangelica. No doubt named after angels.

For more info on lookalikes
see this link....

From Wikipedia
The stalks have purple specks, and a bad fragrance.
Leaves are fernlike

From Wikipedia ... egazzianum
The leaves are much fuller that other family members

Blessed be the herbs
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