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The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:58 pm
by citrine
Associated card: The Hermit.
Associated track:

If you wish to manifest certain things in your life, if you go around in search of these certain things, if you make affirmations in order to manifest these things... you have to make sure first that these things are wished by you and not by your mind / ego. When you realize that your true self “wishes” in this way nothing, because you are already complete, you have everything you need ever... your mind stops talking. You hear silence, then you hear the sounds of your empty room, you hear everything instantly. You slip into interstitial space between past and future, into NOW, where you truly belong, and you realize all the misconceptions of a NOW you could have before this moment happened in your life. You feel freedom from the mind. Deeper than anything. Perpetual bliss. The perpetuity of daily mundanity drags you back eventually, but you go back into this interstitial space on a daily basis upon possibility. You have no more needs, since you are a giving being by design. Not needy. You stop talking, you start listening. You give and you receive eventually, but this receiving no longer matters for you. You are free... And so it is.

I TRANSFORM / "Freedom" / August 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:45 pm
by citrine
Associated card: The Devil.
Associated track: none.

Just some observations... Human, profoundly human ego is an interesting thing. No matter where we all came from, it's still here as a part of our package, so to say, it's an integral part of us all. Even if we finally feel our “I am”, even if... no matter what the stage of awakening is, no matter whatever, this tiny little voice who's playing the songs heard elsewhere, speaks up bravely and pompously, judges everything around, including weather, music, quality of air, food or relationships... it's here. It's not going to disappear. In the beginning of life the ego could form as some sort of full metal shell, based on how the surroundings are treating us. If it treats us bad, it finally becomes a shell, a bullet-proof one. Heavy one. We and this shell become one... it might feel good for quite some time, especially if we've been bullied by our surroundings. It gives us some sense of security, like, “I'm different from all these bullies, I'm better than them!”... just like clingy addictions and “love relationships”, for some time it feels good. But then, we feel the utmost sense of loneliness. Abandonment. Neglect. When we identified with our shell so much so... it kind of feels empty inside. A shell with a huge void inside. One day we might realize it. We might choose to fill this emptiness with different kind of stuff... human drama, fantasy worlds, more addictions... whatever we like, the choice is ours... or somehow, through “eye-opening moments” like failed “love relationships” or otherwise... wandering around the desert, meditating under a tree... everyone has their own path... we realize that it's time to dissociate ourselves from the shell. That's where mindfulness, focusing on NOW and all this comes in handy. But then, the shell is not going to disappear completely... it's not going to magically shatter and right after that a couple of blissful years happily go on... no way. Not like that. Unlikely. But again! When these eye-openers and life-changers happen, our shell is no longer integral. Fresh air from outside starts to pour in. Moments of true bliss. Love... a true love that we never tasted before... And we can start rebuilding our shell in order to align it with our being. Step by step. We're no longer aligning ourselves with the shell, we are rebuilding it! And, after a while, visions or other signs start to come by, we realize our nature and purpose on this planet... and we ask ourselves, why the ego doesn't scream “oh my, I am from... THERE! I am not like THEM, I am unique, I... I... I...” - as The Doctor said once, “that's three I's in one breath, makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady” :) Something changed already and we didn't notice it. Having knowledge that our souls originated elsewhere doesn't make us feel like a member of the “elite club”, rather it brings us peace and sense of purpose, and the possibilities to connect further with the world. Sometimes we don't have just ANY idea how one does that - honestly! - but step by step we remember, recall and finally... reclaim. And so it is. Isn't it beautiful? :)

I TRANSFORM / "Ego" / August 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:38 pm
by citrine
Associated card: Eight of Pentacles.
Associated track: none.

Life, the timespan that we spend here on Earth, in the end is about creativity, it's all about transmutation and transformation. The change is perpetual, nothing is static, but even during the standstill we have to dance through frequencies, colours and sounds fluidly, shaping the emanations of the universal light towards bringing together the luminous anthem of time and space in utmost precision and perfection. Weaving the shadows of lower dimensions together with the highest emanations of the multiverse, creating that complex interdimensional grid linking many beings, many souls here and there... this is all about a great project indeed! And even a greater purpose!

I TRANSFORM / "Creativity" / August 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:39 am
by citrine
Associated card: Seven of Swords.
Associated track: none.

First name or last name is an affirmation, essentially, and we can deconstruct its meaning towards affirming the desired effect on others, in a subconscious way. If one is a paradigm-shifter and if one's purpose is to awake people, and if one does that for real, it'd be so fun to change name officially to “I Awake”, for instance. Then, in all communications others will affirm that. “Hey, I Awake!”, “Thanks for your help, I Awake!”, “I don't believe you, I Awake!”, “Let's have some fun, I Awake!”... and so on :) Important point to consider though, don't go with childish stuff like “I screw you all” because, according to the law of cause and effect, one who chooses to affirm this eventually gets ultimately screwed oneself ;) so go with the highest. And same with “I want a cake” - do you want to get diabetes in the end? :)

I TRANSFORM / "Name" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:05 am
by citrine
Associated card: Judgement.
Associated track:

We exist between densities, between dimensions. We are the beings of universal energy, the universal light. We remember, recall and finally reclaim. We are getting knowledge. We are unlocking our natural abilities. We learn our lessons. We balance. We awaken. We transform. But, there is no negativity or positivity in the end. It's all about densities. And vibrations as well, but densities are about the outer and vibrations are about the inner. Forget duality, think in densities... not polarities.

I TRANSFORM / "Densities" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:07 am
by citrine
Associated card: Seven of Wands.
Associated track: none.

When it comes to this sweet label... even if we drop Akashic information, NDEs & channelling, even if we become 100% left-brained in this question... it still makes a lot of sense to identify as one if you're one, even if just for yourself and on-line communities. There are huge benefits from psychological point of view. It might become your ultimate coping mechanism, just like it works for me... in the worst case, when you're at rock bottom, you know that being incarnated here on Earth is a job, and if you treat everything, your inability to fit in, your experiences... just as a job, then it gets much easier. Then, the belief of originating from, for instance, Pleiades, is harmless enough in the end, even more harmless than being a Wiccan, for instance. Some could feel special about being a starseed perhaps, but I don't find anything special in it, and I strongly feel that all “true” starseeds struggle with self-esteem the whole life, so... empowering effect could take place as well if you're one and having the same kind of struggles. It gets more and more obvious with time that human origin is not exactly this planet in general so this term could be applied to the whole population in a way... we all are made of stars ;) But, some still feel that they don't quite fit in, even if society keeps progressing... and in view of divisions and alienations... they just have to remember who they are. Recall and finally reclaim. And get the job done. Because... there's always a party afterwards :)

AMETHYSTCLUSTER / "Starseeds" / February 2016

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:09 am
by citrine
Associated card: Seven of Wands.
Associated track: none.

I think that being a pagan or “heathen” in general is one of the most rational and healthy things ever. If we skip all the occult stuff... if you enjoy being in nature, things like fresh air, clear water, fire that warms you and earth that gives you food and almost everything you need, if you're mindful and respectful of all these elements - absolutely real things you can touch, smell, feel... and if you try to find a way to pay homage to them somehow... then you fit the definition already. I personally think that any deities existing in different traditions are very likely archetypes based on ETs that visited this planet long time ago, and many traditions, especially the most primordial ones, do have the extraterrestrial origin or influences. We don't know for sure, but the more you research, the more clues you find, so it makes sense very much to adopt the agnostic view regards all that at the very least. And anyway... deities can be perceived as basically projections, facets of one big universe (or rather multiverse) that is obviously real and existing. We are the tiny fractions of this mindbogglingly huge multidimensional oneness... along with any archetypes. And there is only one basic rule to follow... do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. Every person is a star. Or, alternatively and much simpler said, an it harm none do what you will. This makes much more sense than to follow the bizarrely formulated rules in a book that was re-written many times by different people in order to fit their agenda... and these people can't even decide about the birthday of that prophet / messiah / whatever of theirs! With all due respect to these prophets... their followers messed everything up and the message was lost. So, the only healthy alternative is to find your own way and make tangible things the cornerstones of your system of beliefs. That's why in the end I am proud to be a pagan, since it just makes sense.

AMETHYSTCLUSTER / "Pagan" / February 2016

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:10 am
by citrine
Associated card: Ace of Swords.
Associated track: none.

My heart grew three times bigger after I stumbled upon the cosmology model proposed by Julian Barbour! Finally, someone seems to get it right! Time is a complete illusion that doesn't make any sense. There is no past and no future. And time - no pun intended! - comes when all these definitions shall be re-defined in order to serve the highest in us all. It's obvious even from relativistic point of view. How shall we measure time somewhere else than on Earth? Time is not absolute. It's all about the huge, vast collection of individual moments we are sliding between and through. It's possible to “speed up” time - it happens during awakening - and “slow down” time, if we're depressed. It's possible to “travel” into past, having the energies from there around us and re-living the moments - not recommended, but we can manifest the past if we like - and into future, building an ideal picture of it that'd be destroyed by entropy, or manifesting it instead, and the latter is a way better option. Everyone has complete control over time, even without the possibility of interdimensional travel. Time is just a box we use, and there is indeed a “now” between “now” and “now”, because it's all about the collection of “nows”! The best thing is that we have the power to choose the moments we're going to slide to next, and here's the point where all the manifestations start to make sense! One is indeed an ultimate architect of everything! All the stress and negativity, all the “not fitting in” and so on, difficulties with keeping schedule, all is connected somehow to the earthly concept of time that we have to deconstruct!

But then... we're not going to deny that the box exists, created consciously by the majority of being on this planet, and we have to fit ourselves into it somehow in order to function in so-called 3D reality. The box is just the box in all ways, and people seem to forget why do we need these boxes in the first place. For balance, for structure in order to achieve the balance, but this balance shall be established for the sake of us and not for the sake of the box! Since many do try to fit into the box and damage themselves eventually...

It's very important in the end to have balance between being authentic selves and fitting into the box, the box of time as well, and to keep in mind that the box could be bent and changed a bit as well, everyone has this power. It's one of our tasks here on Earth, to create this balance for ourselves.

I TRANSFORM / "Time" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:11 am
by citrine
Associated card: The World.
Associated track:

“If you want to kill yourself, kill what you don't like. I had an old self that I killed. You can kill yourself too, but that doesn't mean you got to stop living”. Archie's Final Project... beautifully said. We all are phoenixes in the end, being killed and reborn each and every day, as well as everyone and everything in nature... Nothing is static, the change is perpetual. It's a process that just is. Without happiness there is no life and without pain there is no progress, full-fledged life is a healthy mix of both. But, there is a very good thing to remember. We cannot be destroyed, our energies are eternal. Sometimes, pain we experience is a sign of a profound transformation, of an enormous growth. As the planet transforms, as the nature transforms, we transform as well. Stay in sync with the transformation, help those affected to cope and love them unconditionally, as well as yourselves. Stay grounded and tune in to the frequencies of New Earth, since it's already here! The wave of growth that we all are experiencing now is our chance to break all the remaining patterns that don't serve the highest in us! Global changes are coming, and the balance in the world is shifting as well! Awake, my friends! Let us rejoice in the wake of a great shift!

I TRANSFORM / "Changes" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:12 am
by citrine
Associated card: The Sun.
Associated track:

Hereby, I state it loud and clear. I surrender. Utterly. Completely. Just. Out with the last remains of what used to be. In with what is, what always was, and what will be here forever and ever. Transcending and transmuting even the most awful experiences, perceiving these experiences as straying away from the path defined in the pre-natal agreement. Ascension, in the end, is all that matters. The side effect of ascension is a feeling of extreme discomfort, at the very least... “Tuning in” is always painful, since our internal “controls” were not touched since some of our past incarnations, perhaps. But, like life-saving surgeries, it's absolutely necessary. “Surgery on the spiritual level”, one could say... The world will not change in the profound way, at least that instant, from outside, because all changes come from within. And there it's going to be really profound. We are the ultimate manifesters, in the end... The ultimate architects of our realities. We ascend and transcend. We transmute. We transform. And so it is.

I TRANSFORM / "Ascension" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:12 am
by citrine
Associated card: The Emperor.
Associated track: none.

Sometimes, wrong intentions could set one to the right path... Everyone knows that different emotions / emotional feelings we experience is basically a result of releasing different kinds of hormones in a human body, to put it in an oversimplified way. What is relatively unknown is that we can be aware of these emotions and watch these from the point of our higher selves, deconstructing and detaching from them upon necessity. If one wishes so, one can induce different sorts of emotional feelings artificially in oneself while being in solitude, in order to keep the system healthy, so they'd be out of the way and the work could be done, for instance. Complete control over each and every emotional feeling, yes. So easy and relatively hard to do simultaneously, but it's very possible. Why do we need this? We know that our higher selves cannot be hurt or pleased in a way that we experience emotional feelings in so-called “3D reality”, but often it looks like this... The more one is in alignment with one's higher self, the more these emotional experiences seem to be sort of redundant, and the more one feels like that, the more opposite reaction in the form of more emotions one gets, and the more one is stuck in that jojo-kind of cycle of ups and downs. Experiencing ups and downs, from the other side, is a huge part of a human life. But, in order to create balance, a bit of control is needed, and, fortunately, it's very possible. Wrong intentions from the point of ego, powered by emotional feelings, set me to the right path in the end. What about you?

I TRANSFORM / "Emotions" / September 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:14 am
by citrine
Associated card: Seven of Swords.
Associated track: none.

Your thoughts, indeed, create your own reality. But, it's much deeper than that... always been even deeper, much, much deeper. When it comes to frequency, the majority, including myself, go with rather “tricking” this internal structure of ours into high-vibrational mode. It works absolutely but it's not enough, right, almost nothing is going to materialize if we just “manifest” something mentally, or so... Or, something that could manifest would be pretty different from the initial expectations, likely. In case there's anything I've learnt over these past few months, it's the following. Even IF it's true that we're the ultimate manifesters of our realities, there are solid structures inside us that just prevent any kind of manifestation in the way that we'd like to manifest. There comes the time when all the possible means must be utilized in order to dismantle these solid structures that are basically our beliefs and everything that comes as a result of a trauma in the past, everyone had been through these and not everyone goes through the path when everything kind of shatters, like in the case of Eckhart Tolle... We all worked long and hard to solidify / “calcify” our structures, and the very least we can do is to stop maintaining and nurturing them. When I stopped doing it, everything came eventually to standstill, no more downfalls. Eventually, these structures I've been nurturing just came up and reminded me of abandonment, or their existence rather... Meditation can make you see through these structures, but it doesn't mean they'd stop existing. In my case I have to proceed with going through the whole time line of 30 years here on Earth, namely, with writing a book (that no one is going to read anyway, not the point, it's just release) and finishing / releasing old music stuffs. Only this actually made a difference through last 2 years. Only this led me to awakening, along with pain and suffering I've experienced. Everyone has their own path... still. Then, when it comes to the practical, image is extremely important, and here we have some advantages. Even if Gaia has its own way... in all ways... it's not the same here as back there... if elsewhere certain actions could be considered as putting up a façade, here these actions work very well instead and most won't have the faintest idea. Meaning, the appearance is important indeed. That's what I'm going to work on, basically. All the old experience could be linked indirectly together somehow... When people say “everything must fall into their places” it really means that the lifelong puzzle / Lego road must be assembled properly and made solid, it's there where we all shall put our solidifying efforts instead. To be aware of this of course is a major step already, since the majority are totally oblivious... so yeah. Long story short, image and awareness are two major keys. It's extremely tiresome to filter away the information even in relationships, for instance, but it's one of the Gaian truths... The final point is that even if everything depends on vibration and these universal laws do work, it's much deeper and more complex than that, no matter if we mastered the art of tricking ourselves into higher vibration. Until we dismantled the solid structures inside we're not going to ascend completely, although this kind of awareness is the direct evidence of “being in 4D”, if one could put it in this way, or rather it's about awareness of having the 4D “background”. Working on internal structures and external image using all means possible... is a must. The sense of direction is here, finally. And, to be honest... language, just any language, is extremely limited, that's why other media like sound and images are extremely important in this work too.

I TRANSFORM / "The Ultimate Manifesters?" / December 2015

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:15 am
by citrine
Associated card: none.
Associated track:

I am nothing that navigates its way through everything in an attempt to become something. Nevertheless, anything will be dissolved by everything back into the state of nothingness. But nothing is everything, and everything is ultimately nothing... and something is just an illusory attempt to make sense of everything made by initial nothing. So deliberate, so... futile.

AMETHYSTCLUSTER (I TRANSFORM) / "Nothing" / January 2016

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:16 am
by citrine
Associated card: The Tower.
Associated track:

This compilation of modern scientific ideas, “The Afterlife Dysfunction”, had been a major eye opener for me. It looks like that we all are experiencing tiny bits of that 0-dimensional matrix of the static echo of the big bang continuously, and the “links” are changing constantly, we just rationalize it all. Basically, you can walk gazillion paths starting from scratch, no matter if here or elsewhere... no matter how, you just CAN. Previous “life”, next “life”, this “life”... is ultimately just about EXPERIENCE. If this is not the most promising thing EVER for EVERYONE, I don't know what else is! Just imagine. Some... “links”... that in the end form the “solid structures” from these quantized moments of the multiversal consciousness, could be easily changed, they do change with the change of internal perception... so-called “universal laws” fit into that picture perfectly but the main thing is that the pattern CAN be changed! IT CAN BE CHANGED!!! The timeline does not matter, the pain, huge dense energy chunks... can be dissolved. Everything... is just like... I totally lost all words upon this supreme realization and this is indeed the hardest thing to swallow.

And when we die, we just become the part of this matrix again, and, inevitably, we will form new “links” and incarnate again. These “links” is what makes our experiences unique. If something changes here, it changes elsewhere in the multiverse, but other instances, taking into account that this might be the densest or the lowest instance, could be just echoes of this instance, fading away... Just imagine the importance of work that we do here then!

AMETHYSTCLUSTER (I TRANSFORM) / "The Pattern" / January 2016

Re: The Change is Perpetual

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:17 am
by citrine
Associated card: Four of Swords.
Associated track: none.

Just some relevant information here. This is extremely useful, in my opinion. I have to admit, since August remote viewing / clairvoyance is absolutely effortless for me, any time anywhere being relaxed with closed eyes, but - it's not the same as OBE, obviously, it's like watching a TV report from home and being on the scene physically... still mastering this amazing technique. The main difficulty in all these things, I guess, is to “set” the mind to a “receptive” mode, completely getting rid of any thoughts and then you'll feel instantly when your mind will struggle to fill in the “holes” so to say, and you'll have to stop the mind, imagination MUST be switched off during these experiences. It's not as easy as it seems. But possible. So, don't imagine anything... just do it. No matter how scary and unpleasant it could be. At least you wouldn't be afraid of death then.

[ ... experience]

I TRANSFORM / "Astral Travels" / November 2015