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Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:39 pm
by Aesiryth
So interestingly I came across this while doing some research for a response to another post of someone else's. Not sure what I read about these shadows was very legit, but let's say it was. I read about these "evil shadows". Otherworldly beings that feast off of energy in humans and animals alike. Now this is the first time I've heard about these things and the person that posted this info also claims that they are the reason for so-called demon possessions. Some of them can invade people and feast on their energy that way while also controlling some bodily functions. My question is does anyone else know about this? Do you think it's legit info? I'm a little sketchy on it myself because I haven't ever felt like something was feeding off me. And apparently some of these shadows are like mosquito's and feed off of negative energy you produce, but they are tiny. I've never felt like something was feeding off of my energy, but who knows I am always open to new ideas and beliefs.

Let me know what you think,

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:39 pm
by Becks
I think of the spirit and unseen realm in terms of the natural world. In nature there are animals and plants that fill every environmental niche. This includes carnivores, and bugs, slugs, parasites, and even things like fungi that serve to feed, break down, and recycle energy. It's natural. So I believe it is in the unseen realm(s).

The energy goes round and round and so I think there's room for it all. If you don't take care of yourself, are run down, do silly unsafe things, or don't take care of your energetic hygene-then you are more likely to be entering into a lifestyle that brings you nearer to that kind of energy.

Take care of yourself, others, your spiritual/energetic hygiene, and you are far less likely to be travelling in those circles with those energies.

It's not something the averge person needs to worry about.

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:53 pm
by Aesiryth
Thanks Beck. So what you're saying is that these "shadows" aren't evil? That they are part of the unseen realm's way of recycling energy? I can see how that would work.

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:00 pm
by Becks
Oh don't misunderstand me, there is some nasty stuff out there, but most people shouldn't have to worry. People like to talk or speculate about the "woo woo scary stuff", but it's not that common if one isn't being a twit.

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:31 pm
by Deejean
In my beliefs it is true that there are things out there that do like to feed off negative energies and emotions, but like Becks mentioned it isn't something many people have to worry about. If it is something that begins to worry you, do a simple cleanse of your home and try to keep your thoughts positive, then if there is soemthing, it wont have anything to feed off of :)

Love and light

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:15 am
by SilverWort
Aesiryth wrote:So interestingly I came across this while doing some research for a response to another post of someone else's. Not sure what I read about these shadows was very legit, but let's say it was. I read about these "evil shadows". Otherworldly beings that feast off of energy in humans and animals alike. Now this is the first time I've heard about these things and the person that posted this info also claims that they are the reason for so-called demon possessions. Some of them can invade people and feast on their energy that way while also controlling some bodily functions. My question is does anyone else know about this? Do you think it's legit info? I'm a little sketchy on it myself because I haven't ever felt like something was feeding off me. And apparently some of these shadows are like mosquito's and feed off of negative energy you produce, but they are tiny. I've never felt like something was feeding off of my energy, but who knows I am always open to new ideas and beliefs.

Let me know what you think,
I know how to do that (never did it, but exists), send a shadow, your own shadow to feed with target energy, human or animal, so may be they are not beings but humans. In the ritual is noticeable control and possession, fear and pain ...

Every human is capable to drain energy from other living beings. Some of them do it without knowing.

Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:41 pm
by mangosandy82
I was in a new age bookstore once with my friend. They do seances and readings etc. I felt this one ghost or spirit. It wanted me to stay so it could drain me of my energy. After we were done in the store we left. So yeah it could be possible. I can feel ghosts and spirits and sometimes know what they're up to. I haven't been back since but I would like to go back and get some incense.

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:35 pm
by Lord_of_Nightmares
mangosandy82 wrote:I was in a new age bookstore once with my friend. They do seances and readings etc. I felt this one ghost or spirit. It wanted me to stay so it could drain me of my energy. After we were done in the store we left. So yeah it could be possible. I can feel ghosts and spirits and sometimes know what they're up to. I haven't been back since but I would like to go back and get some incense.
Probably so it could manifest.

Do the shadows feed off of specific energy? Such as negative emotions? I consider those under the umbrella of asura/mazoku, they sound lesser though. They are like the anti-thesises of gods/divinities/divine spirits. I think the divine is more apt to feed off of positive energies and emotions. Some entities that do not fall under either category may just drain energy such as this ghost mentioned.

Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:23 pm
by mangosandy82
I have no idea if shadows can drain energies. All I know is that particular spirit wanted to feed off me. The back of the store felt bad and the front of the store felt okay. So I guess that spirit stayed in the back.

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:43 pm
by Lord_of_Nightmares
The second paragraph is more to the OP. Sorry I was not specific enough. :)

Re: Evil Shadows that feed on Energy?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:31 pm
by Aesiryth
Thanks for all the responses. I haven't been able to check this post in a while. To Lady_Lilith though, I don't recall reading anything about them feeding off of specific energy. The writer did seem to indicate they were malicious though. So, it could be whichever energy they needed for their purpose at the time. Not entirely sure.