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Troubling crystals?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:41 pm
by Autumn Jewel
Has anyone ever had that one crystal they simply can't work with?

For me, it's rose quartz. It seems a little strange considering it's pretty much on almost every top 5 must haves list. I have this beautiful 4 inch ball that's looks almost lavender in color in certain light, a small tower, and a tumble stone, all of which I've felt drawn to at the time. I also have a pendant that I ordered online that came as a set of 3, with clear quartz and amethyst. They've all been cleansed and charged, but for some reason, every time I try to work with it, it gives me a massive headache. I had a headache so bad once when I wore the pendant, that it made me extremely dizzy to the point that I almost threw up. I was actually driving at the time and had to pull over it was so bad. But within just a few minutes of taken it off, I felt so much better. I have worked with several different stones, but rose quartz seems to be the only one I can't work with.

Has anybody else had an experience like this?

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:33 pm
by Ivy
Yes, I have seen this reaction in people. Sometimes Lapis Lazuli or Hematite being the two main crystals that cause this. But if you are reacting to Rose Quartz are there issues within you that reflect on love or relationships? Then you need to adjust slowly, wearing a crystal is the strongest energy, because of the contact and length compared to a crystal healing treatment of 40 minutes or so.

How did you cleanse them? And charging I don't believe that crystals need that but what did you charge it with?

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:02 pm
by blue_moon
I personally haven't experienced something alike.
Sometimes my hematite feels heavy. But usually I forget about.

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:34 pm
by Autumn Jewel
Ivy wrote:Yes, I have seen this reaction in people. Sometimes Lapis Lazuli or Hematite being the two main crystals that cause this. But if you are reacting to Rose Quartz are there issues within you that reflect on love or relationships? Then you need to adjust slowly, wearing a crystal is the strongest energy, because of the contact and length compared to a crystal healing treatment of 40 minutes or so.

How did you cleanse them? And charging I don't believe that crystals need that but what did you charge it with?
They've been cleansed with the full moon and have been charged with meditation. I do this with all my crystals before I use them. I wear crystals every day and never have a problem, except the rose quartz. I'm not in a relationship, nor have I been in one for 5 years. The breakup was actually mutual. I tried to use rose quartz more for a love of oneself. And like I said, it's not just the pendant. But it did have the strongest effect, because like you said, Ivy, it's in direct contact with me. Other crystal pendants I have are; clear quartz, amethyst, purple fluorite, green aventurine, amazonite, black obsidian, blue onyx druzy, and even hematite. None of which, have given me any problems.

And now I have a citrine pendant that I rescued from the thrift store today! I never look at the jewelry, and it's hanging on a column shortly after walking in the door. You actually have to turn around to see it, and today, something told me to turn around, and in that quick glance, I saw it. I can't wait to work with it.

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:53 pm
by rigormortisgirl
I am so happy that you posted this because I had wondered the same thing. There are some stones that just do not work at all for me as if my body is rejecting them. I was about 17 years old when I first got into healing stones and I had bought some stones, one of them was rose quartz, the other was a moonstone (regular) and some other smaller stones(lapis lazuli, carnelian etc.)

I had gone through a heart break at the time, my high school sweetheart had broken up with me and my heart was really closed off so I imagined that that was the reason why, maybe my heart chakra had become closed off but I tried to work with the rose quartz in order to help me love myself as well as heal from all of the abuse and pain I had felt my whole life and it just would not stop making my heart beat strange! To this day, I can not handle this stone in meditation and I'm not sure why. I have grown past those challenges(I am 21 now).

The other stone that I like because of the color(deep purple is one of my favorite colors) is amethyst. I used to try to sleep with it under my pillow and would have crazy dreams and my mind would race all night long and I'd wake up tired when it's supposed to promote peaceful sleep. I realized I can wear this stone, but not for long and I can not sleep with it. I have a stone, that is tumbled, necklace, it's so beautiful, it is amethyst and it is big, it's kind of fashioned into a point, I fell asleep with my boyfriend one night and I forgot to take it off. I could NOT sleep and my heart would NOT stop racing! I woke up and took it off and went to sleep peacefully lol.

The stones that I can work with are rainbow moonstone(there's a ring my father bought me for my 18th bday that I wear almost every single day)obsidian(snow flake and regular), and some others but the ones above are NOT for me at all and I really don't feel attracted to them either. It is as if they repel me instead of bring me to them like some stones attract you to them. The conclusion that I drew is because my crown chakra is very active as well as my heart chakra, they are not imbalanced (anymore) but they become imbalanced and over active as a result of me wearing them.

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:04 am
by Ivy
I love that name, rigormortisgirl!

you said
I used to try to sleep with it under my pillow and would have crazy dreams and my mind would race all night long and I'd wake up tired when it's supposed to promote peaceful sleep.
Amethyst is used to work through dreams and bring issues to the surface, only then can it promote peaceful sleep, so really you just missed a step and obviously have some issues that the amethyst brought to t he surface

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:42 pm
by rigormortisgirl
Ivy wrote:I love that name, rigormortisgirl!

you said
I used to try to sleep with it under my pillow and would have crazy dreams and my mind would race all night long and I'd wake up tired when it's supposed to promote peaceful sleep.
Amethyst is used to work through dreams and bring issues to the surface, only then can it promote peaceful sleep, so really you just missed a step and obviously have some issues that the amethyst brought to t he surface
Aww thank you! :)
Oh wow really? It really just bothers me to this day to wear and try to sleep! I read that it was supposed to bring good dreams or peaceful ones and so I was like really taken back by the fact that it keeps me awake!

Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:47 pm
by evil ed
Keep in mind what works for one person may not work for another. I tend to use the books and charts as guidelines more than a general rule. Individual stones can have "energies" attached to them that may hinder their abilities.

It is better to handle the stone before purchase (or buy from someone through the mail with a good return policy). This way you can "feel" if that stone is right for you and your needs. Also, I cannot stress too much the value of a good ol' Full Moon Cleansing! :)


Re: Troubling crystals?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:36 pm
by SpiritTalker
Glad to know lapis is one of the common stones some find they cannot work with. for me, lapis Is blah, drop dead, nadda. I love labradorite, and can smell it from 50 yards away with the wind against me, energetically speaking, but a boulder of lapis could fall on me and I wouldn't know it.

I recently ordered a quartz crystal egg cheap off Amazon. Oye Ve iz Mir! I have never felt such concentrated anger, frustration and negative energy. it was as tho the person who shaped it was overwrought with repressed resentment and I dunno what all. I could not even hold the egg without getting angry. All I could think was the poor, innocent little rock had been subjected to such bewildering emotions! I put it in a glass of tap water on a sunny widow and changed the water daily. at night I placed it with raw selenite and shungite because these cleanse and don't pick up a charge. I avoided salt because that is quite harsh. the stone is lightening up and has a small rainbow now. It is almost cleared, and chipper. I have rescued many stray cats but this is the first rock. I can imagine a hospital ward for distressed crystals covered in bandaids. ...