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Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:37 pm
by WiccanWitch
What do you use to cast a circle? I read a couple different articles. Both seemed to agree to have a candle at the four quarters and a lot of visualization. One was more specific on adding water and salt and thanking the goddess for this and God for that.

And casting a circle is just setting up space to do meditation or spell work am I right?

What do you use to cast the circle?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:52 am
by Wanderer022
Well, I'm not strictly wiccan so I don't always cast a circle. Sometimes I do however, and then I would use my finger to draw one all around me. I visualise a magical barrier forming around me or the whole room. It's like this white translucent light. When my ritual or spell casting is over I do the same, only in reverse, and then visualise the barrier being pulled back into my body. I've read many times you can do this using wands, athames and so on, but during most of my magical workings I use my hands.

That's just the way I do it, if I do it. Hahaha. I usually otherwise call upon the elements and the God and Goddess to protect me and the space.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:16 am
by Becks ... ml#p244771

Try this thread.....I know we just revisited that topic not long ago....

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:24 am
by Lord_of_Nightmares
This is just my practice, it is not necessary to do it this way. I have been doing this one recently. Before I just did visualization, then salt, then verbally calling the quarters in each area. But now...

I set up the candles in the quarters, I used tea lights, with a tall candle holder.

First I announce I am going to cast the circle aloud, with perfect love and perfect trust.

Then I take my wand, point east, and going clockwise I visualize a purple line from my wand making a circle.

Then I take salt and from the east, retrace it.

Then water and retrace.

Afterwards, I call quarters, starting with the east and ending with the north as I light the candles.

Hope that helps.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:51 am
by Xiao Rong
I usually call the quarters by singing ... in my group, we light a candle in the appropriate direction, and then sing a verse calling that element. This is our favorite song for casting the circle -- beautiful, evocative, easy to lead the group in song and easy for newcomers to learn:

Sometimes, for more ceremonial purposes, I'll sing this quarter call song, by Starhawk:

Afterwards, we'll face the center and light candles for the Lord and Lady, or sing/speak a prayer to a particular deity. Then our leader says, "As above, so below. The circle is cast. We are between the worlds."

The purpose of casting a circle is just to get us into the ritual headspace, to let us know we are somewhere sacred and in about to do magical work. I have also been in rituals that did the full shebang for casting a ritual (asperging, smudging, etc.), but honestly, it took us so long to get to the main ritual work that it kind of backfired in terms of getting me ready for ritual. With the right group of people and the right setting, it doesn't have to be particularly elaborate to get us all into the sacred space and mindset.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:20 pm
by WiccanWitch
I wish I could be present and watch like an apprentice because reading it just doesn't do it justice I don't think. I'm envisioning myself doing this and having a hard time taking myself seriously. (I don't role play well...) but I'm not much good at meditation either.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:46 pm
by Jenny Crow
There are some good videos on You Tube that will show you how to cast a circle.

Casting a circle is not just for setting up the space for meditation, in fact many people don't use a circle for meditation. Casting a circle is used by Wiccans and many Witches for seasonal rites and spell work. If you go to this site it gives some helpful information for you:

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:06 am
by WiccanWitch
Sacred Wicca was one of the sites I was looking at. They have a huge resource of different spells and such I think it's a great site.

Re: Casting a circle- basics

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:26 am
by SpiritTalker
Before I begin laying a circle, I take time to connect to the Earth, just grounding. I don't think about circles or the plans i have. I wait until I have the feel of a connection, and sensations vary, before moving on. I center & get a feel for my position here and now. This let's me be a conduit for moving or directing the juice. I have to Focus in the Now; not thinking about the next step or making dinner. I state the purpose.

Then I'll walk around once sprinkling blessed salt-water for purification & a 2nd pass wafting incense to bless the space. Salt-water & burning incense also introduces the Forms of the 4 elements. Then I load, aim & shoot to make a final pass & use my athame to blast a line of light into the ground. I will physically see energy on a good day & the line burns blue like the center of a candle flame (or waffles like smoke on a so-so day). I push from the gut and command it to lay down. Then I stand in the center again to regain my composure with some deep breathing. That circle had darned well better be in place. I can stop there or continue by calling quarters (E,S,W,N) to hold the temple in place and invite Deity to occupy the temple. It's courteous to get down to it & not dawdle. i'll use the circle of power to carry an intent & release it in OneBigPush. Using the Cone of Power to carry the spell really aids success. Then an offering is made as thanks & all are fare-thee-welled, deity first. Any residual energy is grounded last. If I did it right I'll feel mello & satisfied.

I don't mark the quarters with candles because I've got nosey-Parker cats. Instead I take an altar candle around to each quarter when I greet them & show a welcoming light. I know where the circle is.