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Healing help...

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:33 am
by TriviaGod76
I'm not sure if this the proper place for this post, my apologies if so.
A person I know has been battling with an injury, an amputation, for about a year. It isn't healing and the doctors are worried about an infection. So I created a candle for healing energy, burned it while focusing on the guys wound healing, and sent loads of positive healing vibes to him and the injured area.
The very next time I was supposed to see this guy and he had to bail due to the injury causing him major pain. Then the following week when I'm supposed to meet him same thing happened, same reason. Now I've heard hes missed a few days of work. This dude doesn't call off work.
I don't believe in coincidence. I'm feeling like I dropped the ball and may have caused this pain. Feeling foolish.
Any help or thoughts would be welcome.