has anyone tried cursing?

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has anyone tried cursing?

Post by tish »

i was simply going through the book of shadows on this site and i came across some curse. i actually copied it for future reference but i'm wondering if anyone here had tried doing it. in what instances is it safe to curse an enemy? i mean without actually having to fear the threefold law.
Wolf Heart
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Post by Wolf Heart »

There is in no way ever a "safe way" to curse somebody. To intentionally cause harm upon someone will bring the threefold law into effect. Therefore I would suggest waiting for the threefold law to take effect upon them for what they did/said to you or whatever the situations.
I personally do not think very highly of the curse section on this site as it gives us Wiccans a bad name.
I highly detest curses or any type of magick that is even close to it, as well as harsh love spells and such.
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~

Post by tish »

i understand what you mean. that's why i am very hesitant to use it but when i read the chants it doesn't sound so harsh at all. it's like it's asking for justice to happen...or calling the threefold to take effect on the enemy...or it's just what i thought so...
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Post by [aphrodite] »

I have never cursed, but it's hard not to when people really hurt you, so hang in there your not alone.

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Post by fatalism »

Yes I have cursed. Yes it has worked. No I have never felt the effect of 'karma.' Note that many different religions that also practise magick DO believe in the validity of cursing and use them frequently. Such religions/traditions/practises include Voodou, Satanism, Chaos magick, Thelema, Asatru, Stregheria, etc. It should be noted that few of these religions have any system of 'karma.'

Karma is not a fact. It is a theory. And plenty of magicians/witches don't believe in it.
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Post by hedge* »

I don't subsribe to the theory of karma in the sense that what I do comes back to me whether it be once, twice or three times.
I'm not wiccan either and I have cursed before and I would do it again if the need arose.
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Post by thatguy »

aphrodite wrote:I have never cursed, but it's hard not to when people really hurt you, so hang in there your not alone.
I second the notion that it's very difficult not to think about retaliation
when someone has wronged you or even when you perceive that
someone has wronged you. There are many who know how you feel.

In my chi gong work I was also taught something similar to the three fold
law. However, it was not related to an exterior or karmic force,
no term with the meaning of 'karma' ever came up.

It was stated as follows: whatever good you send into the world will
come back to you three times over. If you use your ability to harm
others your own conscience will punish you for it, in essence, you will
attack yourself.

I'll offer my own meek opinion on the matter:

Whether it's justified or not, when you choose to use
supernatural ability to achieve a negative effect, you change yourself.
Perhaps the next time you feel like cursing someone you will be less
hesitant and you will be satisfied with a weaker justification;
unaware that your standards have changed, this is difficult to notice.

Conversely, whenever you restrain yourself from taking a negative action
after the fact (I'm making a distinction between defense and revenge),
you also change yourself, and perhaps the next time you will find it
easier to restrain yourself.

Just so you know, my only concern is for you and your continued
well-being, I really don't care at the moment what happens
to your enemy. I'm so very sorry that someone's hurt you and has
caused you to suffer; my best wishes go with you wherever you are.

These are only my opinions, there are other paths to pursue. Ultimately
you must make a choice.

Your original question was "when is it safe to curse someone without
having to fear the three-fold law?" I'm not a witch and cannot speak
with authority regarding curses. In my opinion, the only thing you
have to 'fear' is yourself.

T. Guy.
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Post by [aphrodite] »

I have done a spell to help someone realize they have done wrong, it worked well she came round a couple of days later and appologised. But I have never harmed.

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Post by Tinevisce »

I've never cursed, 'cause I've never felt the need to, and I doubt that I ever will.
It's a better option to use a shield of sorts, instead of using your energy, your magick to directly harm someone.
"The witch who can't hex, can't heal"
"Follow The Threefold Laws ye should,
Three times bad and three times good"

Post by tish »

very well explained t guy. actually when i tried to decipher the curses on this site's book of shadows i think it doesn't really mean harm. it's just that one has to realize his wrong doings and one has to experience justice for his self if anyone has done him wrong. i still try to read incantations carefully that no great harm my be done. thank you so much for all your insights i really appreciate it. :)
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Post by Comus »

I once placed a cuse (albeit a very inspecific one) on a person. For about a week he had near-miss car accidents every day. Every day! I was pretty naive at the time and did not think the curse would be so powerful. I hastily 'undid' the curse, asking for 'whatever negative energy I had sent his way to be replaced by positive energy' and the near-misses stopped. It certainly taught me to be cautious in future. Often the best solution is to do a spell to remedy the problem, rather than curse the individual!
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Post by GenevieveDawn »

I have not "specifically" cursed, but I have made someone move, so consider that whatever you wish. Yes, it worked. It took a lot for me to resort to that, but they could have harmed me and my children. I would do it again if need be.
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Re: has anyone tried cursing?

Post by Nyte_Wytch »

tish wrote:i was simply going through the book of shadows on this site and i came across some curse. i actually copied it for future reference but i'm wondering if anyone here had tried doing it. in what instances is it safe to curse an enemy? i mean without actually having to fear the threefold law.
In any instance that you feel it's justifiable you can curse or hex. As for safety, be careful that you or any other innocent person doesn't get caught in the ripples.(Example: Don't cause someone to have a wreck if you know they drive with kids in the car, get my meaning here) It's really that simple. Now as to three fold --below is an excert from a previous post on my opinions/beliefs of the whole three fold/karma thingy ;o)

Consistancy in anything is where proof is often found. The reason I do not subscribe to the Three Fold Law or Karmic retribuation is because no one to date has shown me the consistancy to the law or proof it exists. I've never felt or experienced it. I've hexed more than once and have never had a return. If something bad ever happens to me I'll put it under the heading "Oh well, shit happens". After much debate on many different forums/boards I know I will never experience it simply because I don't believe in it. How often has it been said here that a person's true power comes from "within a person"-you believe, you visualize, it manifests. SO I think for those of you who have bound yourself to this belief then if you ever hex etc -- from within yourself, using your own inner power you will manifest your own three fold punishment. I feel just that taking a look around everyday life should give a person practical, visable proof that three fold/karmic laws are inconsistant. I know most of you have heard "Bad things happen to good people everyday" or have you seen someone who does awful things all the time and get away with it. It's the combination of the above things that have molded my beliefs. If someone can show me different or suggest reading material etc then please do.

When hedge witch read this and commented it's her comment that ended up in my sig line *looks down*
"Shit happens and shit will continue to happen, it's what we make of that shit that really matters." -hedgewitch

"If the universe fundamentally decides what is and isn't right for you then what is the point in spell casting?" -hedgewitch
N.R. Naiacinaed
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Post by N.R. Naiacinaed »

T. Guy, I really like your explaination. I never really thought of it that way.


Post by tish »

i agree with your point nyte witch. no one has really proven that the threefold existed. maybe it's only our defense mechanism that makes us believe it. something to fear for when some things get out of hand.
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