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Are these Aquarius traits or Not??

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:46 pm
by MysticDreamFaerie
I know I wrote about an topic about my Virgo sign. I'm an Aquarius and I have a lot of Pisces in my birth chart. I was eating dinner today with my niece and she was just asking me questions, I always answer very honest with her. I do have to bite my mouth sometimes because she's very very sensitive and she's a child. I love my niece and I always look out for the best for her. Tonight as we were sitting at the table she asked me honestly and told me to tell her the truth, "If you met Smosh in person what would you do?"

I just told her I would just say hello and treat them as a average person, I wouldn't treat them any differently. She said she would probably scream and get excited and asked me again, "Why wouldn't you do that?" I put it to her as simple as I could, "I don't know, I just think they're people like us, why should I treat them any differently." My niece looked at me in total confusion.

Than later she was doing something and I told her not to do that because it was destructive and she said, "You're bossy!" I just told her very calmly that it wasn't good to do that and she shouldn't do that to other people's things.

I don't find myself bossy at all, I just am a very honest person and a lot of people tend to get upset by this, I never mean to hurt anyone's feelings though. I'm actually a very friendly and I care about people. I want nothing but the best of people. I love nature and I care about the world, I always wanted to make the world a better place. Yes I admit, there's times I can get emotional and there's times I can be sensitive when I'm really stressed out. I always am thinking, very loyal to people who I'm in a relationship with and never try to control anyone. Also very compassionate, down to earth, understanding, a good listener and give good advice. When someone doesn't take my advice I get very frustrated. I love being around people, but yet at the same time I want to be left alone. I'm independent and love doing my own thing. Also a bit of a loner and I can make friends with people, but I only have a few true friends who I consider that I can trust. I don't mind opening up online though, it always seems easier for me to open up in person then it is in person. In person I tend to keep a lot of things to myself and only tell my closest friends my personal business.

Music, movies, video games, science, religion, art, food and traveling is something I love. As for my things that bug me, I can't stand gossip, rude people, drama, people who disrespect one another, people who brag, being rushed and people who are controlling. As for the guy I love who's a Virgo, him and I connect very well and I noticed that whenever I'm around him I get very soft and gentle around him and this absolutely drives me crazy!! It's like he calms me down and mellows me out from all the constant thinking that I do.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Re: Are these Aquarius traits or Not??

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:01 pm
by SnowCat
Your react to potentially meeting Shoshone reminds me of a dream that I had about Patrick Swayze years ago. I dreamed we were stranded in a blizzard together. We were stuck all night in a car. We couldn't do anything, so we just talked all night, until the road reopened in the morning. Then we went to a local cafe for pie and coffee. Very bland. But when I meet a celebrity, all I actually want to do is chat a bit about what I admire in their work.


Re: Are these Aquarius traits or Not??

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:31 am
by virgodove
You are definitely an Aquarius! My partner is very artsy, we met on the path to very similar music careers and I'm a Virgo. He's very honest and it sometimes comes off as bossy and selfish to others - but I love that like an Aries, they try to spare people's feelings as much as they can and explain why they need to be so blunt, depending on the situation. He's big on his video games, has a very big knowledge on puzzles and how to deconstruct certain things, knows a heap about religion and can't stand people who use gossip as form of getting their feelings out, they seem to prefer to be upfront no matter the cost, especially if they see someone out to hurt another.
I think these traits do clash with Virgos, because we prefer to keep it on the down low and avoid drama. Sometimes its hard for us to accept life is full of conflict but I think that's where my partner and I help each other find the good and bad and how to level out and work towards an understanding. Good on you for being such an honest person! It was lovely to read your blog and relate in a different way.

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Re: Are these Aquarius traits or Not??

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:16 am
by MysticDreamFaerie
More on my sign:

I did my full chart. I believe the full chart tells a lot about a person and I find it interesting. I just don't know a lot about Astrology to be honest. I'm learning still. I realized that when I'm with my Virgo friend he relaxes me and he analyzes things a lot better than I do. I'm more of a quick thinker and he thinks things more thoroughly. He knows of my sign and he's also pretty blunt and there's times he notices where I'm sensitive and he ends up hugging me. The minute he hugs me, I feel relaxed and feel happy in his arms. He told me that I'm a good person and I always remember what people tell me. It leaves an impression on me, especially if it's good. I suffer with depression and he supports me and told me, "There's no reason to be sad. It's okay. :)" He fully knows who I am deep down inside and other people assume that I have everything together, he sees through me and knows me better than anyone else, it's almost scary. I looked at my chart and saw a lot of Pisces in me through this chart and know that they can work or some can't with a Virgo. He was my first love and we connected again after five years and told me that he still hasn't gotten over me yet and neither have I. We both have grown a lot and I gotta say we know about each other more now than ever. I don't mind going out and having fun, I just am solitude at home and I'm a bit of a loner. In the past we couldn't work it out because of bad timing and we kinda rushed into things. Now that we're taking things slowly everything is blossoming. He relaxes everything about me, he brings something out of me and I love him. To admit this, I'm very pessimistic and he helps me see the whole picture and smiled once he realized how happier I'm becoming. I know my main sign is an Aquarius, I just see so many different signs in me and I believe that for some reason this is why I connect with Virgo's. A lot of my friends are Virgo's as well. Many people told me that there's no way I can connect with Virgo's. If anyone saw us together you could totally feel the energy from both of us as we kiss and hold each other. One thing I did notice is he analyzes every small detail, every word people say and I picked up on this. Sometimes he likes his space and wants to be left alone and other times he's open. Anytime I see him lost in thought, I respect his personal space and do something else. I allow him to come to me because I'm a very patient person and I don't want to intrude him. smileylove

So please look at my chart when someone gets the chance and tell me what you see please. Thank you.

Ascendant: Leo

Sun: Aqu
Moon: Tau
Mercury: Aqu
Venus: Pis
Mars: Pis
Jupiter: Sag
Saturn: Sco
Uranus: Sag
Nep: Sag
Pluto: Lib
True Node: Can
Chiron: Tau