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Mixing crystals in my pocket question.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:29 am
by MrNitpicky
Is it possible to have too many different types of stones and crystals in my left pocket that energies of the crystals get too mixed up and contradict one another?

Re: Mixing crystals in my pocket question.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:12 am
by SpiritTalker
Mm, not so much cancel each other out as be a mulligan stew of purposes. Keep to one intention and choose stones to support that one task. Tell each stone that its' property of X is part of your goal to do Y. Then empower the group as a unit with one shared intention of Y.

Re: Mixing crystals in my pocket question.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:32 am
by corvidus
Personally, I wouldn't keep more than 7 on me at once, and only that many as long as the stones were meant one for each chakra.

Multiple stones for the same chakra is when things get confused.

Re: Mixing crystals in my pocket question.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:34 am
by frozenlight
Sometimes if I carry too many high vibration crystals on my person, it can make me fuzzy, headachy and far too open.

For example, I tried carrying Herkimer Diamond with Selenite and Quantum Quattro....I had a headache within half an hour. Maybe coincidental, but now I would be added Hematite or smoky Quartz to that mix in future.

I also have to agree with Corvidus, more than 7 and you'd be ascending!!!