The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

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The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by Knownothing »

Since I recognized that I have some semblance of psychic ability and learned to put up a wall of protection(a glowing aura), of sorts, around me. Although I have had a feeling that there could be something else. What it is...I'm not exactly sure. I can just imagine a glow trapped in a glass ball and all I can do is tap on it. I'm not sure how to break it. This image is something I always envision when I put up my "wall". Any clues to what the glass ball could be and what is inside of it?
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm not really clear on what you describe or why you think whatever it is should be broken.

Do you purposefully visualize your shield AND the glowing ball?

Is the ball inside or outside the protected zone?

What happens if you use a different shield visualization?

How do you project the shield?
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by Knownothing »

Sorry I was a bit unclear. Sometimes when I sense the presence of other spirits and I want to protect myself, I put up the shield. The shield is a glowing purple light that surrounds me, I have tried changing the color but I always come back to the same purple no matter how I change the physical shield image. The glowing ball is something inside of myself that I imagine letting my do that. I don't know why I feel like it should be broken or why I'm even trying, but I feel like if I break it then I could regain past memories of my childhood that I can't remember. Hopefully this helps clear things up.
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by corvidus »

Don't break it open, just move into it with your mind, or try to 'see' inside of it.

The Mind is capable of going anywhere ;)
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by SpiritTalker »

Ok, that's clearer. My very 1st thought when reading your post was that " it's you." now that youve filled in the details, i think the glowing ball is a part of you and you have placed it into a containment sphere for some reason known to you at another level. Respect that. Until you know the reason, breaking it is too much like forcing an issue, which usually backfires, in my 'sperience.

It's not going to get away or get lost. It will remain with you until you have the skills to acquire the info without force. I think it's an interesting interior guidance mechanism for your best interest.
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by ZippyZoo »

I understand the instinct to break it but I'm getting the feeling for patience too. I was trying to think of a metaphor but all I can think of is breaking an egg to cook and eat it and then the egg is gone and you gathered some temporary energy from it, or incubating it and caring for it and having it hatch into something living. But that's just my feeling.
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Re: The possibility that I sealed off my abilities

Post by Knownothing »

I agree. Honestly things have started to get sort of crazy around me (crazy dreams, random noises, dark figures following me) and with everything that I'm trying to accomplish at the moment, unleashing something that shouldn't be messed with is the last thing I want to do.

I think that I could've just sealed off most of my sensitivity when I was younger cuz I remember telling people about the ghosts that lived in my house as a kid. Whether or not the "orb" I'm picturing even has something that either makes me more or less psychically powerful I'm not sure. But I will take your advice with open arms, and just let it be.
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