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Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:59 pm
by Sakura Blossom
So I just found out recently that I have the ability to use Psychometry. It's very weak and new because I've never done it before but I had huge success with it when my friend had me try it. I started off doing my usual tarot readings but after I finished, random thoughts and images kept popping into my head like when I do tarot. So my friend wanted to have me try and hold her hands to see if I could home in on anything and it seems I could. I told her things about objects she'd hand me and she even had photographic evidence to support what I said. It was a very surreal experience and I still can't believe it happened.

I won't lie - despite being interested in all things witchy and all things psychic, I've always had a bit of skepticism surrounding myself which is why I've never pursued these abilities. Now that I know I'm capable of it, I really want to be able to start strengthening my psychic intuition more.

Any ideas or tips on how to begin this process would be wonderful! Thank you!

Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:12 pm
by random417
Hmm... Working on your visualization abilities can improve the messages when they do happen. Working on inducing altered states through meditation and stuff can improve your ability to trigger those at-will. Which direction do you feel you should start with?

Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:05 pm
by corvidus
Ooh, psychometry! Performed at its basic level is reading objects, in it's more advanced form is reading people. Except when you read people it's a combination of at least seven objects! (The chakra system).

If you want to use it for money, start playing poker and learn to read the cards ;) lol

How to Read the Chakras

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:38 pm
by Kassandra
corvidus wrote:Except when you read people it's a combination of at least seven objects! (The chakra system).
Very true. People's energies are very holographic. I used to actually draw seven spheres on a piece of paper for each client, and quickly write out, or sketch pictures of, what came to me for each chakra sphere. I would sometimes draw ears, hands and feet chakara energies, too, if something came up for them. The faster I did it, and less thinking I did, the more accurate the reads would be, just really moving as fast as I could. Another object I would observe and read is the whole aura in general, anything that pops out. Musicians have phenomenal auras, with musical notes floating around, at least that's how they look to me.

Corvidus, you said "at least seven," what are some others you have in mind, beside the basic seven? I've heard people say there are actually 12 or 13 main chakra energy centers, and about 72,000 more minor ones distributed throughout the body.

I used a rough outline as a guide for the reading the chakras, nothing hardfast nor written in stone (we all have a slightly different take on this), but something like:

Things pertaining to the feet chakras had to do with one's connection with the Earth. Avid hikers and other people who walk a lot have a strong cord that extends from each foot, like a big tree root, which tastes like iron (I have the synasthesia trait, so I get all kinds of clair information, not just visual).

Things pertaining to the base chakra will relate to money, housing, issues regarding physical stability and safety

Things pertaining to sacral chakra will relate to creative pursuits ("giving birth" to something), careers, childbearing, sexuality (I know kundalini originates in base chakra, but for some reason sexual info comes to me in relation to sacral chakra, so I just go with it)

Things pertaining to solar plexus chakra will relate to protecting others in some fashion, to self-esteem and personal power issues, to how one views one's self in relation to others

Things pertaining to the heart chakra are especially interesting. I call this the Heartspace, which is very different from what I call, the Mindspace. Science seems to bear this out, that the heart has neurites, basically its own brain. I found that a person's heart and mind could literally have two different perspectives about the direction a person should take in life. It was like looking at a two-headed monster! Some peoples' hearts and minds are in good alignment; most people though, not so much. I think getting the Heartspace and Mindspace in alignment is what those videos I linked to in the hyperlinked post above refers to as "coherence."

The hand chakra energies relate to the sacral chakra's in a way, what one "puts their hands to do" in one's life, such as career, hobby, etc.

Things pertaining the throat chakra relate to levels and degrees one perceives one is capable of communicating one's wishes and self-expression into the world, and be heard, and those wishes acted upon, etc.

Things pertaining to the brow chakra will relate to the level and degree one exercises one's natural intuitive abilities. I notice a lot of dissociation and avoidance coping here ("I don't want to 'see' this," etc.)

Things pertaining to the crown chakra will relate to life and death issues, spirit guides present in one's life, life purpose

That was my take, at least. Like I said, different people will perceive them slightly differently, but generally similarly. I found, too, that a couple will actually manifest a third-party "energy being," complete with its own chakra system! You could read it just as you would read an individual's. It's really freaky. I don't if there's an official term for that thing, lol. And in any of these chakra spheres, past life information could reveal itself. You'll just know it's a past life, I can't explain how, but it will just feel like it.

Sakura Blossom, let me know if you care to practice on me using this method. I would love to see what you get, good or bad (it's the practice that counts :wink: ) Try this method next time you're hanging out in Starbuck's, or some other public place. Bring some paper and colored pencils. Try not to stare at people though, haha. Just zero in on a person and see their energy in your mind's eye. And see if you could see that third-party energy being thingy when reading a couple too, as I wonder if other people see this.

Thanks all.


Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:19 pm
by corvidus
Kassandra wrote:Corvidus, you said "at least seven," what are some others you have in mind, beside the basic seven? I've heard people say there are actually 12 or 13 main chakra energy centers, and about 72,000 more minor ones distributed throughout the body.
I had two more in mind, the 'soul star chakra' and the 'earth star chakra', if you want to label them like that (new-agers do. I would call them the Higher and Lower Self). Not many people are aware of these two -- I forget about them alot too. 'Soul Star' has a lot to do with the connection to the Higher Self, and the 'Earth Star' has a lot to do with past lives and the Kundalini force (primal earth mother/great dragon)

The 72,000 minor ones, as far as I can tell, are mostly just the ends of our nerves. What numbers 10, 11, 12 or 13 are I have no practical experience with.
Try this method out next time you're hanging out in Starbuck's, or some other public place. Bring some paper and colored pencils. Try not to stare at people though, haha.
wear something protective as well, you don't want to walk away with all the junk floating around...

Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:52 pm
by Kassandra
corvidus wrote:I had two more in mind, the 'soul star chakra' and the 'earth star chakra'...I would call them the Higher and Lower Self...'Soul Star' has a lot to do with the connection to the Higher Self, and the 'Earth Star' has a lot to do with past lives and the Kundalini force (primal earth mother/great dragon)
Ah yes, interesting.

corvidus wrote:The 72,000 minor ones, as far as I can tell, are mostly just the ends of our nerves
And I think some are at some at plexus areas, like where there are muscle "bundles," such as the spot under the collar bone just inside the shoulder, forgot what it's called.

corvidus wrote:...wear something protective as well, you don't want to walk away with all the junk floating around...
Yes, and Sakura, maybe do an invisibility type glamour spell on yourself too, so people in public will see you, but not really "see" you...stealth mode, haha.

Oh, and I just thought of another psychometry exercise. This one is really fun: Reading a Book through Psychometry. Basically, a friend hands you a random book, you don't look at it, but say what you get psychically, whatever comes to you. Sometimes you'll get info about the author and not the book. Sometimes you'll get info about how your friend feels about the book, lol. Anything could come up. It's a fun game.

Good luck. Enjoy.


Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:51 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Kassandra wrote:.
Thank you so much for all the information! I actually did the reading a book thing. Haha. That was one of the things I did with my friend. She handed me a book and I told her stuff about it without having ever read it before.

I'm going to read through everything now and I'll let you know if I wish to practice on you. Thank you so much for the offer. (: And I'm not entirely sure what direction to start. Meditation has always been something that's difficult for me so I'm leaning towards visualization first and definitely reading into the chakra information you put up.

Thank you so much!

And Corvidus, thank you for your input as well. (:

Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:05 am
by Kassandra

OK, sounds good. I had fun summarizing what I see in chakras. I've never really spoken about that out loud before to anyone. It's just something I did. I really don't know when or where I learned it.

Have fun with your experiments!


Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:39 am
by evil ed
I know you are a Midwestern lady, and on 9/24/16 there is a Pagan Pride Day in Broad Ripple Park in Indianapolis.
I think it would be a hoot for you to get your friend and go to the park. just have fun reading people and the objects they have handled. This will be an environment of open minded people, (as well as a few charlatans,) and the two of you can compare notes.


Re: Assistance with Psychometry

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:36 pm
by Sakura Blossom
I wish I could go but that's pretty far away from where I live, unfortunately! I'm up farther than that. It sounds like a grand ol' time, though! Maybe some day. :D