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Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:39 am
by Bychan Wulf
Hy! I just read an interesting thing about cats and thought I should share it with you. It is known that witches almost always had a cat throughout the history.
Here is why,witch or not is good for you to own a cat:
Scientists proved that cats can act as a medicine for different kind of diseases. They are thought to be great cardiologistservice as they can "feel" when a person is going to have a heart attack even days before it will casually happen. They can even prevent heart attacks,just by laying on a person's chest and purring. Cats can also "absorb" someone's pain again by lying on that area and purring.
The explanation for this was only now accepted by the scientists: Cats absorb negative energy.
Female cats are proven to absorb more than male, as they are more attached by their owners. The color of their fur,is also very important. Black cats absorb the negative energy "like a sponge" without even feeling tired by that as the other fur-coloured cats do. White cats are known for creating positive energy, same as those with beige or foxy fur. Gray and bluish cats don't give or take energy but their purring frequency is higher, which makes people feel more happy and less stressed.
As a conclusion, any kind of cat is great to have around the house and not only for the fun of the kids or of yourself, but also for the fact that any kind of pain or disease you have, your cat can cure it just by sitting there,purring happily and absorbing the negativity.
P.S. Most of the information doesn't belong to me; I made rough translation from this site: ... edicament/

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:29 am
by Sinopa Oak
That's really cool. I've also heard that cats purr at just the right frequency (25-150 hz) to heal broken bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles. They can also improve their own bone density and use it as a form of pain relief!
I didn't know that about the colours and energy. It makes me wonder how much we really don't have a clue about our world.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:48 am
by SpiritTalker
I burned myself while "cooking" (just a pop tart in the toaster, but it caught fire) and while I was rocking back & forth, "ow-ow-owing" my cat came and sat with me. He even laid his paw on my burned hand. I felt better immediately; very therapeutic. And cats are very popular as nursing home visitors.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:51 am
by Bychan Wulf
Nursing home visitors? My English failed me here,I'm sorry!

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:44 am
by SpiritTalker
Nursing homes are where people get long term care. Many people are bed ridden or in wheel chairs, and some of the facilities have arrangements with pet owners to bring their pets to the facility to visit with the patients. It brings comfort to the patients. I used to work in a nursing home and pet-day was always very popular among the residents.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:52 am
by Bychan Wulf
That's great! Thanks for explaining ;-) !

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:14 pm
by SnowCat
Cats are also very good alarm clocks. If I wanted to get up at 3:00 a.m. They do come pester me when my alarm goes off, if I don't get up.


Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:39 pm
by SpiritTalker
Not to mention when there is a microscopic portion of the bottom of the dry-food bowl showing through, heralding imminent starvation.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:43 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Haha! My cat does crazy stuff too. She is a kisser. Every morning and whenever I come home, she "kisses" my chin....the only problem is that her loving kiss feels more like a piercing but I don't have the heart to forbid her to do it .

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:47 pm
by SpiritTalker
I'm having a quiet afternoon. The cats are sleeping ... One across my stomach& his toes are twitching; one cat is curled in a chair with her face under her paws, another snoozing in a box (they love empty boxes so I always keep one around), and the 4th cat is invisible, sleeping in some secret place until I rattle the food bowls a few hours from now. I feel a nap coming on...I just ...zzz

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:21 pm
by SnowCat
SpiritTalker wrote:Not to mention when there is a microscopic portion of the bottom of the dry-food bowl showing through, heralding imminent starvation.
And there are multiple other bowls of food. "But I want this one. And I can see the bottom, so you're trying to starve me."


Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:57 pm
by Bychan Wulf
Hahaha. Or when they can smell you're having something to eat from across the house, but can't smell the piece of food lying in front of them, so they watch you as if you insulted them and their ancestors.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:06 am
by moonraingirl
Cats are so therapeutic! I must confess I didn't like them much in the past, but since we've got our beautiful black longhair Murko I just fell in love with him! He's so cute, so gentle. Although he's black, he resembles a fragile snowflake. At the same time, he's a small predator with a strong personality. He knows what he wants and when he wants it.
Such a fascinating creature.
Just pet him for 5 minutes and your blood pressure lowers to 120/80.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:41 am
by greyviolet
I've had cats my entire life, I can't imagine *not* having one. At the moment we have 3 cats, all girls. They enjoy reminding us on a nightly basis that they're nocturnal creatures, and also that they're starving to death. But during the day they're so soothing and adorable. They don't enjoy the aromas of spell casting though. My previous cat is my avatar picture--I've loved all the cats I've ever had but she will always be my #1 girl. For a while she woke me up every single night at exactly 3:22am. I've always wondered what was up with that.

Re: Benefits of a cat

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:45 pm
by SpiritTalker
I think someone elsewhere on the board mentioned certain biological functions and changes in the body while sleeping can cause us to wake, and if we are fairly routine in our habits, these will be at the same times each night. A friends' cat alerts her to low blood sugars in her sleep. Could be your former pet was sensing changes that she interpreted to mean "let's eat".