Strange occurrences

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Strange occurrences

Post by TheDeadlyEntity »

Is it common for people to have strange occurrences when they become interested in magic or the paranormal in general?

I have always had experiences round me ever since I was a child but over the last few weeks, these events have become a lot more intense. I have heard voices and need things that aren’t there over the last few days or so.

The reason Im not too shaken up by the subject is it happened before when I became interested in spiritualists. But this time it seems to be a lot more impressionable.

Is this a common thing with pagans?

(I suppose there is always the chance I’m just going insane) I do hope not though!
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N.R. Naiacinaed
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Post by N.R. Naiacinaed »

It can be common with some people. I guess it depends on the person. =)


-P.S.- At the "going insane" thing....I'm not suffering from insanity. I'm enjoying every moment of it. Hehe.
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Post by TheDeadlyEntity »

RisseDesBluts wrote:I'm not suffering from insanity. I'm enjoying every moment of it.
HAHA I like that, I will have to remember that :lol:
N.R. Naiacinaed
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Post by N.R. Naiacinaed »

Hehe. It's definately one of my favorites. =D

By the way, it's nice to see you again. =) What've you been up to? How are you doing?

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Post by Skylights »

It might be that you're more receptive to the supernatural, but also remember that if you've got the occult on the brain because you're studying it, you're more likely to perceive things as being that way. Maybe because your subconscious is making you think things are strange that really have mundane explanations, or maybe because you just haven't noticed them before.

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Post by Elem »

I second Skylight's opinion here - You're probably noticing it more because you're thinking about it more. And, to answer your question.. Yes, many Pagans say that they experience more 'paranormal' goings on as they progress along their path / since they've started practicing - Once again, probably due to the fact that they're thinking about it a whole lot more.

Of course, it's not to say that your brain can't become more 'receptive' to things going on around you as you develop along your path. It may be that, as your mind opens up and embraces the flow of energy around you, it tries to 'teach you' (for want of a better term) through voices or strange occurances - such as a computer screen misting over, in your case.

It's important to recognise, though, that no matter what it is you experience, 99% of the time it's you that's doing it. Be it your brain noticing something mundane, and attributing it to something paranormal.. Or your brain trying to help you progress by appearing to cause something 'strange' to happen - either way, it's down to you.

Just my two cents :).


Post by ecb »

Yes Elem
and,not only do we become more receptive, I find I stop explaining things away
my Daughter is asking me if things are Magical or Normal now that she is seeing me doing magic in the open a bit more.
she has always been receptive

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Post by Skylights »

About a month after I started really studying, the day following my first ritual, I was laying back on my bed when I saw a rainbow on the ceiling. The coolest part was that sometimes the rainbow would just be a streak, sometimes an arc, or sometimes a full circle. I was so psyched that I called my best friend over to look at it.

Of course, the minute I stood up, it turned out that I'd left a CD on the floor and the sunlight coming through the window was reflecting rainbows on the ceiling. ;) See what I mean about a mundane explanation? But that doesn't mean there was absolutely nothing magical going on.

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Post by Elem »

Haha, I had a similar experience, Skylights.. I'd just re-decorated an old room rather extravangantly.. The ceiling was literally tiled with CDs, and I'd put up a big CD curtain to section off an area of the room for my bed.

The next morning, sun was streaming through the window, and when I woke up all I could see was the glare of rainbow-light everywhere. I was so confused, I figured I must still be dreaming.. Or something weird was going on.

Of course, it was just the fact I'd stupidly left my curtains wide open.. I learnt to close my curtains properly after then ;).. Despite the room looking amazing, I didn't particularly fancy being blinded every morning!

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Post by Skylights »

After I realized what it was, I wanted to do that to my room, so I could havfe rainbows all the time. Good thing I didn't, looks like...

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