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Your defining moments

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:33 am
by Ashrend
What have been your defining moments along your path? I'm simply curious as to how others experience the journey since I don't have anyone in real life to ask. I know the paths are as branching as a Yggdrasil's branches, but I'm curious as to what others have experienced

My path has been short so far but I have learnt a lot, and my defining moment so far have been gaining one set, then a second set of horns, learning of my spirit guides and my last spell to improve my memory which has worked a treat.

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 4:43 pm
by SpiritTalker
My gosh, what an intriguing question.

I think my most defining moment would have to be my self-dedication that was carried on in spite of a major thunder storm. I was determined to go forward even if i resembled a drowned rat and my hand-inked script melted. It literally defined my crazy-quilt path of perseverance amidst a comedy act of obstacles, with the rewarding moment of crashing thunder & lightening crescendo at the exact moment I raised my blade & called out to Teranis, Lord of Thunder. Timing is everything in this Craft :mrgreen: & more important it brought home to me that this ritual wasn't about following the "script", but about my relationship with Sovereignty.

The hope of a good ritual is that it will change us when the time is right. There was a memorable full moon rite when I was brought to my knees by the sheer majestic power of The Presence. I sank like a dropped stone with my nose in the grass.

The most recent power moment was when I down-sized my 30-year collection of working tools and magical supplies because I realized I did not need the stuff. So I gave it away (except the home made things I still use). It felt wonderfully liberating as though I'd claimed my identity.

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 5:10 pm
by Ashrend
Wow that ritual in the rain sounds amazing!! And it's good to become free of material things when not needed, clears room in the mind and in our homes.

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:34 pm
by Hagerman420
Hmm, I am not too sure as I feel I have just become lol. If anything I would say my most defining moment thus far was about 3 months and a bit ago now, basically I went to the local spa with a few friends one evening, I was super relaxed and I felt at one with mother nature, that was the day I accepted magic and pagan into my life, that evening I could have killed myself with my wreckless driving.... somehow I survived and made it look pro in the process.... I would say that was my most defining moment, as I have done nothing but go up from there :)

I am sure as my life progresses I will have more defining moments :)

Have a Great day.

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:28 am
by Ashrend
I've never been to a spa but I can imagine that would be a very relaxing place allowing nature and its entirety to envelope you. Glad you're driving didn't mean the end for you.

Have a great day as well

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 3:56 pm
by Firebird
I think perhaps mine is when I stood in a circle with other witches for the first time, after having been a solitary for so long, and that immediate feeling of
these are my people.
I have finally found my tribe. :fairy:

It was like a wave of wonderful, very much like the coming home feeling I initially had when starting out on my journey about ten years prior and all the books I was reading.
Which was quite a feat in itself since reading comprehension has been a lifelong struggle for me and reading was the last thing I wanted to do. (Kinda strange I would end up a mod here reading up after all you folks and your great wit!) But that also attests to the power of this path, it is so interesting and there is so much information to be learned that you'll just have to keep reading and reading and reading and that has really helped the comprehension
Bb, Firebird

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:50 pm
by Mr Crowley
When I became afraid of magic.

Re: Your defining moments

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 10:53 am
by smogie_michele
I think I am still learning and searching for my defining moments... still learning and practicing.
I'm looking forward to it happening.