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Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:41 pm
by monarchwing
How do you know if your dream is spiritual or just regular weird dreaming? I had a dream last night I'm not sure about.

A little background:
  • I have a two-year associate of arts degree but never finished my bachelor of arts, which is a great source of shame for me (ran out of money). I frequently have dreams about school where I can't find my locker or I'm the only one who failed a test--that kind of thing. I think the two are related somehow.
  • I'm currently on a diet, trying to lose a substantial amount of weight.
  • I've made a decision that this Friday on the Full Moon, I'm going to devote a year and a day to studying The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak. I'm excited to do it, but a little nervous, too, because I'm doing it on my own.
The dream:

I was living in a dormitory at school. I was in the basement, getting food and soda out of the vending machines. I took the elevator to my room on the 12th floor. The elevator went sideways and upside down, and it took a very long time to reach the 12th floor. There were other people (none were familiar) on the elevator, and they didn't seem to mind. When I finally got off, I couldn't find my room. It seemed like whichever way I looked, the room numbers got farther away from mine. As I wandered, the hallways got narrower to the point where I barely fit. I remember getting more panicky the longer I searched.

After I woke up, I tried to figure it out.
  • It might be a take on the school theme. Since I no longer fit, maybe I should just let go of the dream of finishing school.
  • It might be the Universe reminding me to stay on my diet. :D
  • It could be the Universe letting me know it's time to "graduate" from my old spiritual life (12th floor = 12th grade) because it doesn't fit me anymore. Maybe the elevator ride indicates that it will be an interesting journey. (I wasn't afraid on the elevator, just in the hallways.)
Any thoughts?

I wish a spiritual dream would have a more direct message, but maybe I'm not ready for that yet.

Blessed be,

Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:09 pm
by SpiritTalker
I think any time a dream takes us from a basement level to a higher level, it's a spiritual dream. It's like accessing the higher self.

Getting snacks in the basement, and later being compressed, doesn't seem to be diet but more is like having the foundation, the ground work already accounted for. A basement and food equates to basic foundation. The squeeze was at a higher level.

Other people on the elevator, well it's crowded in the astral plane. And in another sense, the other people may also rep you in other roles and other options, passed by and dismissed.

You might be right on target with 12 being schooling already completed. What about the 2-year degree though?

Looking for your room and getting squeezed out is like looking for your place, role, position and having been forced by lack of cash to regroup. Restating what has already happened. Your dream is still alive. You are looking for it. And as you say, it doesn't fit now. well, why not?

Something to consider is: Do you still want the same thing? Has the goal changed? How can you use what you already have acquired (your foundation) to move into a position of strength? Can you apply the BA to a parallel goal?

It's not the Universe's decision, it's yours, and you are nudging yourself. And yea, it's frustrating to be "this close" to what we're telling ourselves and not yet see it. Possibly it's because you haven't decided yet. Which I think you said yourself.

Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:30 pm
by monarchwing
Thank you, SpiritTalker.

As far as my goal, I guess that has changed. I have a job that I really enjoy, so I don't really need the BA at this time--at least not for work. I've been working on some other things, like exploring art and creative writing through community education. I can't think of what a parallel goal might be for the BA. I know I've wanted the BA mostly to prove to myself that I could do it. I studied geography. I wanted to be a meteorologist. I'm not sure how I can use this to move into a position of strength. I'll have to give this more thought.

I'm still going to explore myself with the help of the Penczak book, though. Maybe my ultimate goal is more spiritual than "worldly"? Again, I'll need to do some thinking and soul searching.

Thanks again for your thoughtful response.

Blessed be,

Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:59 pm
by SnowCat
I still have dreams of not being able to find my locker, forgetting to go to class, being back in high school. Sometimes I find my locker, but I don't know the combination. Sometimes the school looks like my old high school, sometimes it's completely different. I tend to have the dreams when I'm stressed about something. Sometimes the architecture is pretty amazing. I always want to go back to those dreams, just to look at the building. I don't know if mine represent something unfinished. It sounds like yours might. I do think I should move beyond high school though, since I graduated in 1974. Interesting that we share a first name.


Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:13 pm
by monarchwing
Thanks, SnowCat.

I know what you mean about stress and unfinished business. At 51, I have lots of "baggage," and not all of it is related to school.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be really hot and humid here. I don't plan on going out, so maybe some extra journaling is in order.

Blessed Be,

Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:53 pm
by SnowCat
So last night, I dreamed I was visiting veterans at a hospital. We were discussing PTSD. It was very vivid, and that's part of my baggage. I do think that something prompts those dreams.


Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:29 pm
by planewalker
It could be your subconscious mind giving your conscious mind a nudge at a time it will be noticed. In a work-a-day world it's hard for the subconscious to get a word in edge-wise. I've always found it interesting, and sometimes, life changing when I take the time to listen.

Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:33 pm
by SnowCat
It has to do with today's date. I just realized that. That person no longer has any power over me.


Re: Spiritual Dream?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:35 pm
by planewalker
You know your feelings and experiences best. I'm glad it came clear for you. I don't know about you but it always bugs me when my subconscious is telling me something and I'm not picking up on it.