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Silver Bird's Love and Light

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:34 am
by SilverBird
My first blog on here

Thank you for reading in advance :)

You’re here for a reason, don’t let anyone bring you down. Now I know you hear that over and over and over and over and over, and it’s true. Now one thing said by broken people often is, it’s easy to say when you’re not in shambles. And yes that’s true, but I am speaking as someone who doesn’t have their life together. I’m not some millionaire saying you can be the perfect you (though I wish I was it would be kinda nice, wouldn’t it).

It’s easy to think down about ourselves because of the past. Goddess, I hope nobody remembers me from earlier forums in my teenage years, and it took me a long time to make peace, cause I was a stupid teenager, and I’ve learned this is the view a lot of people have about themselves. Sadly, a lot of people think the projections from others against themselves has any kind of value.

Don’t beat yourself up for what you did yesterday, we all have our troubled pasts. We all made mistakes, we all made enemies, and we all cut off those who cared about us. That was the past though, don’t judge yourself for what you did yesterday, today is what is important. Same thing with tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day, and today will not exist anymore.

Also, don’t ever ever give up on anything you want to do. Take Astral Projection for example, this is a big one. I’ve met many people who tell me Astral Projection is just not for them, and then after talking with them, I find out they actually really wanted to Project, but gave up on it after years of trying. Don’t give up, it took me six years to Astral Project, six years of not giving up, (well I gave up here and there yet I kept coming back to it)

That’s the same with anything you want to do. I’m actually working on Scrying now, and oh my goddess, this is a challenge for me, I’ve spent days wanting to throw this ball out the window, and here and there I see things. The beautiful thing about Magick, is we all have the power to do anything we want, any area we want, don’t give up. Sometimes it will take years and years and years and years, to do so.

Now, I am talking about this because this actually has a lot to do with self-esteem. When people give up on things they want to do, especially in Magick (since we put a lot of energy into it), it can really bring people down and make them think less of themselves. Don’t give up, the moment you decide you want to do something, don’t stop until you finish. Even if you lose interest in it, then at least do it to tell yourself you were able to.

Let me speak more, I was at a festival recently, and I never shot a bow and arrow before. So I kept firing it, and I was really bad at it, and finally someone said, Silver not everyone is an archer, some people are knife throwers (in reference to the knife throwing on the other side). So I finally put the bow and arrow down, and this whole time this man was watching me, who also led the rune class.

During the rune class, I kept picking out the rune over and over, Elhaz (which is literally the picture of a bow and arrow carved on it). Finally he looked at me, made the connection and said follow me. He took me to the archery area, and said pick this up shoot until you hit the target. Finally I kept hitting the target, in steps, the Runes were trying to tell me that, never to give up.

Then I realized this is the same in anything, whether it be magickal or not magickal. And again it really affects our self-esteem, because I finished what I started I had a better self-image of myself. Because I spent six long years trying to Astral Project, I had a better image of myself, I didn’t want to be one of the people who gave up and said sadly it’s just not for me, the moment we decide we want to do it, the prize is ours, we just got to grab it.

Further on, don’t let anyone judge you, whether it be in the magickal community or not. I have had 2 bad Coven experiences that really hurt me in the Craft. It made me think about just giving up everything, but you got to keep going on. We’re all here for a reason, we’re all supposed to be here, because we were called and because we were chosen, and because we made that choice (like my previous example of when you want to learn something even magickal, you must finish it for you)

Nobody can decide your path for you, nobody can tell you what to do. You don’t need to be good enough to impress your “all power” friends at Starbucks. (I say all powerful in reference those that will try to control you, we all know them, right). This is your path, this is your destiny, I want everyone to stop reading and do something for me, promise it will only take a second.

Take out your hands and imagine an energy (any colour you want) forming in your hands. You will feel some trace of energy at least, this is Chi Energy (I think), anyway this is your power, magick runs through the veins of every living being on this planet (and non living but that is a subject for a more advanced debate)

Oh and never forget you’re beautiful. Especially being magickal, you have more power over the changes in your facial features. Science has shown that the human face changes every single day, facial features change every single day. If you think you’re ugly, you’re face is going to start changing to reflect that, if you think you’re beautiful your face will show that. Beauty is a reflection of self-esteem really. Oh and I know self-esteem is hard for everyone, I’ve went through it my whole life, I will do another blog on that later. I can feel everyone’s vibes telling me to finish this blog already

So remember, don’t let anyone judge you. Never give up on what you set out to do, there is no such thing as failure. Oh and always, always love yourself. So, well that’s it, thanks for reading

Silver Bird

Re: Silver Bird's Love and Light

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:38 am
by SnowCat
Wise words. Thank you for sharing.


Re: Silver Bird's Love and Light

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:17 pm
by monarchwing
I am so glad I got to read this today. I really needed it. Thank you!

Re: Silver Bird's Love and Light

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:21 pm
by planewalker
You have to look at a lot of rocks before you find gold. We all have gold in our spirit. Thank you for reminding us to never stop looking for it.