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The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:43 am
by Dynata
Hello everyone, really fascinated by all your positive thoughts. I was wondering if anyone can offer an opinion?

I run a renewable energy company, I've always believed in taking as little as possible from the earth. As you can imagine it's a stressful business (we cover the whole of the UK), and eventually caused me to become anxious and depressed.

I feel a great affinity with crystals, so I wondered if I could incorporate them into what I do. So here's what I did - It worked amazingly for me, but I wondered if you'd think I'm crazy.

I incorporated micro crystals of rose quartz into a renewable water heating system (The reason for using micro crystals is that they have a vast surface area compared to their volume, so will release energy very quickly and recharge very quickly - pm me if my explanation doesn't make sense). The system gets its energy from a "solar panel" and supplies hot water to my cylinder and then to my shower or bath (It's the modern equivalent of the glass tubes you see on many roofs).

In simple terms, every time I shower I am being bathed in the crystal energy, the feeling was amazing from the first time I showered, my anxiety has almost completely gone and I'm no longer depressed, so I'm delighted.

I the crystals are constantly being clensed by the water that flows over them as the system works and recharged by the connection to the "solar panel".

I did try wrapping crystals round the shower tube and even on the rising main, but the energy transfer seemed to be tiny, because the crystals weren't in contact with the water and because the energy radiates through the surface of the crystals and the surface area was so small compared with the volume.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this idea.


Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:13 am
by SpiritTalker
If it worked for you, that's what counts. I have no opinion on the merchandise.

That being said, I've been drinking shungite purified tap water for 2 years and my med-list for diabetic complications has gradually been cut in half, and bloodsugar is maintaining normal levels. I've made no other changes in diet or activities. So I believe stones and water have great healing potential in my situation.

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:44 pm
by Firebird
Intriguing, would be nice to have the water filtered through different stones depending on what ails you.
I would think lepidolite to be best for depression. Or orange stones like carnelian ? Maybe calcite too but that might clog the system quicker. There's more that would be good depending on the level of depression.

Say would you please stop by the intro section and let us know a little bit about yourself? Thanks :fairy:
Bb, Firdbird

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:23 am
by Dynata
Thank you for the thoughts.

I'm so pleased to hear about your experience with shungite and diabetes, I have no doubt about crystals and water. After all water is important in many religions and all water flows over crystals in the river bed!

I loaded my system with rose because it feels best to me, but I can see what you mean about the other crystals. I could always make a system to order. As for calcite, you'r correct, it would be too soluble.

Thank you again and yes I must introduce myself


Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:19 pm
by Firebird
Ok, we love to talk about rocks ::coolglasses:: :)

Interesting that sugilite sounds closely to sugar! Like treats like in stone world too? :fairy:
Bb, Firebird

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:59 pm
by corvidus
I like this!

Is the water tank pressurized? Quartz is piezoelectric, so if there is a force exerted towards the center of the crystals, the pressure in the tank, there will be a small, spontaneous electric charge generated.

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:50 pm
by Firebird
I'd like to see a clear tank while that's happening, what a light show!
Now we want credit in the final product! LoL :lol:

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:15 am
by Dynata
Thank you so much for all your replies, they're fascinating.

Corvidus, in answer to your question, the system can be fitted to both pressurised and non pressurised systems so the effect will exist on some but not others.

Firebirdflys, I'd love to see a clear tank too, it could be fascinating, however it would never get through testing! Sometimes reality can be irritating lol.


Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:16 am
by Firebird
What!? no clear aluminum like on Star Trek?
Ok so I went looking...
Would this material work for tank?

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:04 am
by Dynata
Looks good to me!

But I think its the positive feeling from the shower that is most important. It's been brilliant for me and I'd love it if more people cold share in the benefits, here in the UK at least.

I love the "glass" though.


Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:06 am
by Firebird
I'll be right over for a shower :flyingwitch: LoL

Re: The effect of having a shower in crystal energised water

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:52 am
by Dynata