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Post by Paperdoll »

I've been researching a bit and reading here and there and one thing that i've noticed is that meditation is somewhat a "tool" to witchcraft, as in visualizing things, etc.

I've been researching for methods as well but I'd like to know everyone's opinions about this subject (as it will be a good bit of research for me as well :mrgreen:
Wolf Heart
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Post by Wolf Heart »

I think meditation is a key part in the Wiccan religion. The reason I think this way though is because it helps to teach disipline and the ability to clear ones mind easily, which can be a key thing for working magic.
It's also a great tool to use when your extremely worked up, or even depressed. I know from personal expierence that meditation helps greatly with depression.
Hope that gave you some info. :D
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~
Mr. Oogie Boogie

Post by Mr. Oogie Boogie »

Does anyone have any good meditation books? Are there even any??
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Post by Draconis »

i dont have any book suggestions, but taught myself and some friends how to meditate and they have found it to be extremly useful, I personally find it extremly useful when im quite stressed or jsut need to think about very certain things. I just like to meditate because it allows me to reach a inner silence and peace. My friends who have had the disipline to actually practise meditation have found it to be very useful aswell, especially one friend who went through a period of depression. It is also, ive found, a good way to notice subtle shifts in your surroundings, such as the movement of leaves in teh wind.
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Post by Elem »

Meditation forms the basis of much of what I do. It's through meditation I'm able to become aware enough of the energy flowing around me to shape it as I wish.

I've found that meditation helps us become more.. 'aware' of the control our mind has over the energies we use in 'magick'. Whilst many use it in a subconcious way (i.e. alter energy without 'directly' grabbing the energy with our minds and moving it - spells, rituals, etc..), through meditation you're able to become aware enough of the link to manipulate it conciously.

There's no.. real advantage to doing it either way. Just whatever works for you :). I've found that conciously manipulating the energy (i.e. seeing it / feeling it and shaping it) works better for me.. But it may not for others.

Anyway, I'm getting off the point. In my opinion, meditation is extremely important. It helps calm us to a level at which we're able to 'feel' and interact with energy directly.. Thus strengthening the link between our minds and this energy.

Just my 'two cents' :).

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