3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Discussion of ritual tools and other items used in the Craft.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by SpiritTalker »

LC wrote:
Ethereal Moon Rose wrote:What a cool thread :flyingwitch:

Ethereal Moon Rose: What did you mean by trad witch? Traditional? How simple can a circle casting get?
@LC - I don't think EMR saw these questions.
Trad-witch refers to "traditional regional" witchcraft practices which don't use the ceremonial-magic based Wiccan ritual structures, rites, ritual tools, pantheons of deities nor Reed. Trad-craft accepts a working relationship with land-spirits & ancestors. Trad-Witch's might prefer DIY tools over store-bought but few tools are used; the Stang serves as altar &' power-directing tool-in-one. Some regional trad-Crafters choose the option of laying a compass, some don't.

There's many ways to summon circle energies to secure some working space - dragging the left foot as you walk in a circle comes to mind. That's as simple as it gets - no tools or further ritual is used to make special space; Or the staff is used to trace a circular shape on the ground.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by barker »

Do use:

- crystals/stones
- essential oils
- sea salt

Don't use:

- altar
- wand
- robe

The last 3 have magically manifested before me as good clothes a bedside table and an astral wand was granted to myself along the way. Now, that's what I call secret suggestion. I could do it formally but, however I was not initiated to the word "yes" yet. Not in Wicca. Just the word, "no."
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by RavenClaw »

I don't have much experience with what I see in EUTM so I took some creative license for the list which is based on what I've been guided to do, and have, since this is another step along my spiritual path.

I don't/can't use:
1) anything with a fragrance due to allergies
2) smudging and anything else that involves a lot of smoke due to allergies
3) casting a circle as drawing up earth energy replaces it

What I expect to use frequently:
1) an altar plate that's still under construction
2) I draw up earth energy just about every day, it has multiple purposes such as protection, connecting to nature and raising my energy.
3) reading rune stones cast on a cloth
4) unscented candles for meditation and spell work

What I expect to use very seldomly:
1) a charging plate for small items that might be needed for magic
2) a medallion for protection
3) a wand I'm working on for directing energy
4) a pendulum for quick answers

What I have and may use even less:
1) a staff that I can use for dowsing
2) a black mirror for scrying which I put on hold
3) a letter opener that can double as an athame
4) a sword for banishing
5) a tarot deck but plan on getting involved with it once I'm comfortable with reading runes
6) a set of antlers that can be made into a headdress, also smaller antlers for jewellery. I have a feeling that such a headdress will connect me with a Horned God from the Celtic pantheon.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by BlackMirror »

I Don't use:
1. White sage
2. Crystal or gems
3. Wands

I Do use:
1. Herbs and plants
2. Tarot and Runes
3. Pop culture references
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by barker »

barker wrote:but, however I was not initiated to the word "yes" yet. Not in Wicca. Just the word, "no."
The word "yes" means "I know it."
The word "no" simply means "forget me."

Some might say that the better men chose early. No, they didn't, it's called wanting something. Something or not something? Something happens...
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by stormofwind »

A scrying mirror
Tea Leaves
Robe not my thing

all easy for me to use
and they work for me
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by MizLynn3 »

I don't keep a book of spells-I just use my intuition. I just 'know' what to do.
I don't use a wand-Just doesn't feel right.
I don't like visual guided meditations-Had a bad experience and I am to visual for it. My own mind is enough :)

I love white sage-cleans out all the negative energy in the room.
Salt Baths-40 mins till I float, know that I am clean and have no negative residue on me. I feel like I have more power than before, and that is when I usually do my rituals.
Oils/Herbs/Candles-I anoint the candle with different oils and herbs, then write on the candle my intentions. Light once a day for 20 mins for 7 days. (I have a busy home life and this is one of the fastest ways to do a spell in a short time frame.) Works 99% of the time.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by SapphireRoad »

1 Enchanted chest to store magical equipment - I ought to but am too lazy/poor to get/create a correct one. I mean it would require at least some dark oak wood to protect things faithfully. Also I like to keep all areas vibrant with magical things.
2 Wand, using Athame or hands (as nicely suggested by TwilightDancer thanks to her I tried it) is great by itself. I'm lazy to finish my wands, will require to visit painter's shop and find some natural glues too. I still have this ambition to finish an obsidian wand to force negativity into bottle to be imprisoned. Don't know how to make correctly, with wand far from finished it soaked into bottle, but into me as well. Staying idle unfinished almost a year now, lol.
3 Don't know.... Ah wait... my tv I consider a Black Mirror. Made me see both a very good and a very bad spirit while dreaming. I'm not afraid of keeping it uncovered, not afraid of spirits entering through it since they can easily soak through walls anyway. What's your opinion?

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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by SpiritTalker »

. I picked up a jewelry chest that just happened to be oak some years back on year-end sale for $20. It seemed like a good box for my tools. Sheer dumb luck - I didn't know tools had to be kept in oak. My home-made wand didn't fit & I refuse to shorten it, so it stays on the altar.
. Wand vs athame - when I experimented with casting a circle I would physically see the energy from just my pointing fingers sort of waffle along & settle like blue smoke on the grass; I saw the wand's projection as a flat, pale blue ribbon of light & the athame's like a narrow blue beam of light. They all work just at dif speeds.
. I don't even own a tv. I gave it up in '88 & once the habit is broken, pfft! I never had a spirit issue with a tv.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by MizLynn3 »

I have a box that I got at an art supply store. It was blank when I got it. Smudged it, burned symbolic things on it for protection. Nothing gets in there.
I as well keep a lot of my magical things out.
I put herbs n charms n special tools in it. Stuff that I don’t use very often.
I keep it hidden as well.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by SapphireRoad »

SpiritTalker wrote:Sheer dumb luck - I didn't know tools had to be kept in oak.
Nothing dumb, just a providence providing you what you need :flyingwitch:

I made this oak claim on my own since I consider them strong trees of endurance. Protective enough with them having a bit of Solar nature. I said darker wood as something like mahogany came on mind, but that would require deeper wood lore.
MizLynn3 wrote:Smudged it, burned symbolic things on it for protection
Indeed I have impression that by carving, drawing protective and suitable symbols into ordinary furniture you can get the result required. I ought to be doing that about now... How did you burn it? By what means?

Back to wood lore... I think we are reaching age when it is really sad to cut trees. I have some remaining Ogham essences made by Star Child company from Glastonbury, but I know that trees don't like to be cut alive so as I don't know how they produce them I won't be buying any new ones, just using up those that I already have.

Thank you both for sharing
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by MizLynn3 »

SL wrote:
SpiritTalker wrote:Sheer dumb luck - I didn't know tools had to be kept in oak.
Nothing dumb, just a providence providing you what you need :flyingwitch:

I made this oak claim on my own since I consider them strong trees of endurance. Protective enough with them having a bit of Solar nature. I said darker wood as something like mahogany came on mind, but that would require deeper wood lore.
MizLynn3 wrote:Smudged it, burned symbolic things on it for protection
Indeed I have impression that by carving, drawing protective and suitable symbols into ordinary furniture you can get the result required. I ought to be doing that about now... How did you burn it? By what means?

Back to wood lore... I think we are reaching age when it is really sad to cut trees. I have some remaining Ogham essences made by Star Child company from Glastonbury, but I know that trees don't like to be cut alive so as I don't know how they produce them I won't be buying any new ones, just using up those that I already have.

Thank you both for sharing
Blessed be

I have a wood burning kit that I got at an art store.
I draw on the wood n then with the tool, burn what I have drawl on it.

It is very powerful. You are super focused on what you’re doing and why your doing it.
I feel that is why, I do things that seem different to others or it’s something that they haven’t hear of or seen before. I don’t even understand myself sometimes. I just have this deep knowing that it’s right, which might not be right for everyone. But if it helps other I will share and they can adjust it to themselves. To their specific needs.
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh yes, MizLynn - Arts & Craft stores are good resources. I used a similar kit to burn a star on a wood disc for a pentacle & added symbols. It did make me focus - there's no eraser! My 1st pentacle attempt was clay - to be of earth - & didn't last. I also painted a star on flat river stone for outdoor use. Meh - so it's a little lop sided :). WEve bonded, like you say :) .

So add to my list of things I use: home made tools
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by ThunderFog »

Things I don't use:
1. I don't use most things because I believe most objects are just to help you focus your goal into real form
2. I don't use other people's spell's because I don't think they'd work for me nearly as well
3. I refuse to use any spell that would bind any kind of spirit unless absolutely necessary
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Re: 3 Things You Don't Use & Why

Post by YanaKhan »

I don't use:
1. Athame - I do have one, I love it, just never felt the need to use it :D
2. Pendulums - they just don't work for me. They would either stay still, ot just wiggle and spin and I get angry. I have a couple, but don't use them.
3. Robes - just find them way too theatrical. My 2 cents though, people like them, I just don't.

I use:

1. Candles. Always candles - I make them, annoint them, carve them, I love candles. Fire is my element.
2. Witches runes - they turned out to be my divination tool. I read Tarot, tried to learn the Futhark, not really my thing. But the Witches runes talk to me like nothing before.
3. Herbs. Can't imagine a spell without herbs. They all have a meaning and smoothe the way of my spells.

I would love to try:

1. Working a several day ritual at the open. I have done spells out, but never have I completed a several day ritual out in the open.
2. Gypsy magick - if someday I manage to convince a gypsy coven to let me do magick with them, it would be unbelievable. They are strong, but very secretive, I have managed to collect some spells, but that's all.
3. I would love to be able to teach someone magick. Seems like I will be able to too - kiddo is showing great interest and is reading about the craft now, asking millions of questions. It makes me a proud momma of a little girl who seems to have found her way by herself, no interference on my part.
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