Tyrande's Enchantments

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Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet. :fairy:
I've decided to commit to starting a personal blog on here dedicated to my path.

I have been dedicating a lot of time today trying to trace back through my family history, so I can have a better understanding of who my ancestors were. I've started off of very little and vague information- and have traced as far back to my great-great-grandparents on my mother's side. I am also including religious beliefs in my findings. Example: Protestant, Catholic, Baptist. I am curious to see the development in my family's history through religious beliefs.
I would like to trace as far back as I can and have a DNA test done (I've been told I'm part Native American/Hungarian/German but all of that is just jumbled as an oral pass-down). It is something I would like my future child/ren to pass on and update. smileylove

Last night I smudged my room for the first time with white sage. The smoke settled in my room and there were light wafts of smoke swirling around the room. It felt very healing and magical, and is a practice I am going to engage in weekly/whenever I feel it is needed.

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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Pallando »

NOW youre on the path.
Do... Be...Learn...Enjoy.
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet! :fairy:

Life has been quite difficult for me, but a light has finally shined today.
I have decided to take out student loans to go to college. What I will be studying is something I only decided upon yesterday. I will be studying to be a Geo-scientist or Environmental Scientist. I am writing this to you because this is part of my path, the reason I am choosing to do this is to help protect our Mother Earth.
I am happy to have finally figured out what I will be doing with my future instead of being part of the working poor.
It is truly meant to be. When I was younger, I used to tell my parents, "I'm going to be a scientist." I only had a vague idea of what that meant- my parents would laugh and tell me to pick something more realistic. Growing older, I accepted the circumstance I was born into and continued with jobs paying $7.25/hr.

Thank you, Goddess, for shining this light into my life. Thank you for helping me understand my true purpose.

Make me strong in spirit,
courageous in action,
gentle of heart.

Let me act in wisdom,
conquer my fear and doubt,
discover my own hidden gifts.

Meet others with compassion,
be a source of healing energies,
and face each day with hope and joy.

~ Abby Willowroot © 1998

Blessed be
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Firebird »

You go! That sounds like a wonderful vocation.
You may be able to get grants too my daughter did much schooling with FAFSA.

My parents also said I would go nowhere being an artist, so I tried to persue other stuff, then baby came along. Did floristry for many years and at least that was creative but now I need to go back to focus on the art.

I wish you the very best in your endeavor :fairy:
Bright blessings, FirebirdFlys
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Tyrande »

firebirdflys wrote:You go! That sounds like a wonderful vocation.
You may be able to get grants too my daughter did much schooling with FAFSA.

My parents also said I would go nowhere being an artist, so I tried to persue other stuff, then baby came along. Did floristry for many years and at least that was creative but now I need to go back to focus on the art.

I wish you the very best in your endeavor :fairy:
Bright blessings, FirebirdFlys
That's so helpful! I was going to look at financial aid for this, thank you for the link.
Florists are very creative and as an artist I'm sure it fit you well, though it's not the same as using your full creative skills on a canvas per-say.
I think you should get back into art. It's healthy to have such an interest and it really helps you grow as a person.
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Firebird »

Thanks for the encouragement. :D
Geo-anything would be right up my path too, love rocks, lol. I had this great geology professor who would take us on field trips and be so freaking enthusiastic to scramble up a mountainside, it was contagious. My S/O was not as happy to tag along.
Hey I was thinking..my daughter also got a volleyball scolorship....if you do sports, you may be able to get a scolorship too! They may have them for other talents also.
Keep up the good work!
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Pallando »

A rock head, huh? Awesome!

I use stones to represent some of the elements by cardinal direction in my version of a circle.
For fire I use lava and/or obsidian.
For air I use a tektite (molten meteorite ejecta that was cooled to stone 'formed in air, as it fell back to earth) or a witche's stone... a stone with a natural hole all the way through it.
For water I use a 2 million old fossil of a small fish.
For earth I use whatever local stone is at hand at the very moment of circle creation, and I leave it behind, full of my energy.
For spirit I use a fulgurite (rough glass left behind when lighteneing hits a sandy beach)

It's your path.... it's your craft.... it's you personal magic... own it.
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet! :fairy:
Weeks ago I found this beautiful Amethyst in a shop and felt such a strong connection for it. Sadly, I had to turn my back and walk away from her.
Last night my significant other surprised me with the beautiful crystal.
I am so thankful & wanted to share this beautiful piece with you all. I am so honored to be her mother. :mrgreen:
She has 7 points, of which I was not aware of when I first saw, because she was behind glass in a case. The number 7 has always been my lucky number, believe it or not! As soon as I counted the points last night, that's when I knew, I was truly meant for her.
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New Moon

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Merry meet :flyingwitch:
Tonight I went to a pagan group which gave me more knowledge regarding the power of the new moon. I brought a journal with and took notes.
Later I performed my new moon ritual. I also rewrote my important notes from the meeting into my Book of Shadows.
I learned a good little reminder: "The new moon is empty, it must be filled with energy. The full moon is full, it must be released of energy." I found that a very useful reminder regarding the power of the moon in these two important phases.

Here was my ritual:
1. Cleansed my room & self with white sage
2. Lit candles and incense
3. Grounded my energy and self with a crystal
4. Recited my intentions
5. Affirmed for my intentions or better to occur for the greater good
6. Wrote them in my Book of Shadows
7. Blew out my candle and closed my Book of Shadows

I'd like to share one of my intentions: To understand my emotional turmoil & to develop the ability to manage and control it.

I had a very powerful experience today and learned so much. I planted my seeds and await them to grow through the power of this new moon.
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Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet! :fairy:
Today I did quite a bit of writing for Mabon. I found the ritual I will be performing and I am very excited, as this will be my first. Going burgundy in this post for Mabon. smileylove

Ritual steps:
1. Cleanse space & self (sage is a good choice because it corresponds with Mabon)
2. Cast your circle
3. Call Quarters
4. Invite God & Goddess
5. Give thanks for the blessings in your life (Mabon is a time for thankfulness and appreciation, the God has sacrificed himself so we may get through the harsh winter)
6. Cast a spell for balance
7. Have cakes/ale (this can be whatever food you prefer such as cookies & you should leave an offering of the same on your altar or outside)
8. Thank the god & goddess
9. Thank the quarters
10. Release the circle
11. Ground yourself

Balance Spell:
"As Autumn brings balance to night and day
Let there be balance between work and play
May we live our lives harmoniously
And in tune with nature's melody
As sun is to moon
And midnight is to noon
Let there be balance in all that we do
May we know our inner light
And our inner darkness too

As I will it, so mote it be!"

I found this info on http://www.inkedgoddesscreations.com

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow!
Today I also did another Oracle card reading, and drew Sol & Pluto. Which translated, "A cycle has finished. Release what no longer serves you, and trust that something better is on the way."
I really related to this and not to mention last night was the new moon as well!
I really feel as though I am developing the ability to be more in tune with my spirituality and self.
Blessed be,
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Pallando »

I'm so glad you've arrived here, Tyrande.
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Re: Tyrande's Enchantments

Post by Tyrande »

Pallando wrote:I'm so glad you've arrived here, Tyrande.
Thank you Pallando. I am grateful for your words of encouragement & for having met you on here.
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Mabon Ritual..

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet! :fairy:
I hope you had a blessed Mabon & you feel the balance of nature & life in the air. I certainly do!
I preformed my Mabon ritual, however, I wish to do another on Sunday.
During my ritual I was repeatedly interrupted, even during the casting of my circle. I went through with it- but between all of the interruptions and distractions I was unable to feel the energy of it's purpose and connect to it.
I feel it is my obligation to re-do this ritual so I can feel the connection and have my full attention toward it's purpose.
I do wish you a Merry Mabon and hope you may let go of all unneeded negativity in your life's path. smileylove
As always, blessed be
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Emotional State

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet.
I haven't been active on here for a little over a week. I fell into a depressive state right after conducting my first spell. It was a healing ritual for my boyfriend; it included casting my first healing spell. Directly after it I felt depressed and I've been in the state for over a week (I am diagnosed with Major Depression but I haven't had an episode like this in nearly a year). I also had a terrible migraine that finally went away today, 36 hours after it first developed. I find it quite coincidental that this all occurred right after that ritual. I have not been in the best state of mind for turning to Wicca and writing on the forum because of this. I feel almost as if I cast out my health by mistake, though I don't believe I could have done that kind of thing.
If anyone relates or has comforting words about this being incorrect, please let me know. I feel like I've made a mistake in performing the ritual.
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Full Moon & Doubt Talk

Post by Tyrande »

Merry meet all.
On the night of the full moon I did my ritual. I released one of my biggest burdens, which was doubt. I've struggled with doubt for a lot of my life (still am a bit? Lol) but I've finally tapped into my intuition enough to correctly identify it as what it was. I doubt a lot of things, and since being set on my Wiccan path I've even doubted that! Yesterday, after releasing my doubt, I did an oracle card reading with the planetary cards. I asked "How can I feel more comfortable about my spirituality? How can I keep myself on the path I seek?"
I drew Neptune and Jupiter:
"Deep undercurrents of spiritual power are at your disposal. Believe in yourself and draw upon this divine strength."
Needless to say, this was the literal answer that I needed. Nothing could have hit the nail on the head better. It really made me realize that I can truly let go of my doubt in life, and that it is 100% not necessary in my Wiccan path. Very happy!
I then went for a walk down by the riverside yesterday, and saw a heron. Took lots of pictures of it, it stayed standing on a rock in the river the whole time I was there. It never left, and I left before it did. I looked up the meaning of the Heron:
"As a water creature the heron is also a symbol of going with the flow, and working with the elements of Mother nature rather than struggling against her."
Yesterday I also visited my favorite spiritual store and bought Blue Onyx, Green Moss Agate, and Aventurine (anxiety healing). When paying, I pulled out a $20 with the number "50" circled on it. She immediately looked at it and asked, "Is that a 50?" and I replied with "Yeah I think so.. I didn't write that on there.. Must have been from someone before me, I wouldn't have done that." Complete blabbering because I'm socially inept, all the while she was pulling out a book with number meanings and the read me the meaning of "50" (this is the best I can remember of her saying):
"The Goddess is guiding you on your path." (??? Can't find anything online about this, so I wonder what book she had, or maybe I'm remember it wrong because I was so nervous when she was talking to me)
I was just like, "Oh wow, cool! Thank you so much." And left with my things..
Bought something else later with a $10 that ALSO had the number 50 circled on it. So I looked it up for myself online:
"Expression of personal freedom, for 50, is the pursuit of whatever may be of interest, at the moment it becomes of interest, without resistance from its inner self or from others."
I sort of have a connection to this, but I can't identify what it means for me. Perhaps soon.
Lot of connections going on for me! Sorry this was so long.

Blessed be
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