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Shadow Creature

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:27 pm
by Oddball
Just saw this shadow creature, cat-like, scurry over my bed. Turned a little more, and saw it shimmy up part of the wall near my lamp. Didn't feel any hostility or fear towards it. I guess I should be more alarmed that it went close to the drawer where I keep my oracle deck/tarot cards, but I don't.

I was wide awake, in a room with plenty of light/visibility. Not taking any meds/drugs, haven't been diagnosed with any disorders that cause hallucinations.

A. It's a random hallucination that my brain made up.
B. It's the ghost of my cat, who somehow reappeared despite being dead for years and not quite being that shape (and wouldn't ghosts be more, y'know, translucent?)
C. It's a shadow creature that popped up. Perhaps a release of pent-up negative energy (I had recently vented about some coworkers I've had frustrations with. I like to ramble to myself to calm down.) I had also pondered about the best uses for the different decks of tarot cards I had - interesting, because it did go near that drawer.

Moves very fast, almost gripping the ground with claws like a lizard. Quadrupedal (moves on all fours).

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:16 am
by planewalker
Oddball, Hi, long time no type. Good to type with you again even if for so serious a topic. There is always the chance of a random momentary interpolation of dimensions. I doubt it's you deceased "fur baby". I've been a cat person all my life. I'm the oldest so I got the family home. All my cats have been buried on the property. Sometimes they travel back from the meadow in the summer lands that I "claimed" and set aside for their pleasure. Drives my wife nuts. She thinks she has stepped on a cat because she has to remember they have all passed, even though she recognizes them. I therefore have it on experimental outcomes that have repeated that you would recognize your own cat, death not withstanding. You should at least englobe your tarot with some extra protection. Set a ward on it so you'll know if anything was prying in your absence. Other than that just keep your third eye open and see if the situation repeats.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:34 am
by planewalker
Have there been any repeat occurrences or other strange phenomena ?

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:24 pm
by SnowCat
It doesn't sound like your cat. And they aren't always translucent when they come back. They can manifest pretty much however they like. Mine like to wear their wings. My gray tabby, Molly, was quite the diva. She has continued that. She likes sparkly pink wings. Luna wears gossamer moth wings. The boys tend to be more sedate. But I have never had one appear as not cat like.


Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:35 pm
by Oddball
Nope. Nothing else, even before I took steps to protect the cards (thanks, Planeswalker!)

And oh my goodness, I wish I could see your diva cats, Snow! They sound amazing. I could really pet a cat right about now.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:31 pm
by planewalker
Mine must be boring old folks. Maybe they're just lazy. Their "meadow" is an extension of the property. It is literally next door , "behind" the house, not to either side. Their realm overlaid on a piece of "wild" ground. The neighbor that owns it has moved to Las Vegas. He's keeping it to give the finger to another neighbor who wants to buy up enough land to keep his construction vehicle garage on. I like the "wild" property. The small house that's on it has been vacant for ten years. I know there is a family of owls, a male skunk, a ground hog that looks like he's living the good life - been around 5 years, 2 1/2 feet long, almost a foot tall and 15 lb.{the new neighbor asked me if there was a feral dog living there that he should worry about when his grand kid was playing in his yard} and who knows how many mice, squirrels and brown bats. They may be lazy because along with the protections and wards, I put in "may the mice be slow and the birds fly low". A "meser" I had is regal, very regal. A white cat that lived for 15 yrs {which is an almost unheard of age} was dumb as a brick in life and is now as dumb as a cinder block. I have a Maine Coon who was always my "baby". She visits me ten times a day just to say hi and then sleeps with me most nights, just like in life. The one I get the biggest charge from is a little Mittens cat. She was the James Dean of cats. Raise he!!, live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. In life she was maybe 5 lbs soaking wet. She had a glossy sable coat, white mittens on each paw and owl-eye ears. She was tough as nails. She'd send the coon cat packing, even though the coon cat was 3X's her weight. She comes back looking like a bob cat. I guess she sees herself as that size. The other four only come when I do a major working. They are grand ma, ma and two daughters. Maybe they have a family business on the side. I made sure cat-nip was included for their entertainment. Maybe they're kitty pushers.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:24 am
by Haylee
In my experience, what you gotta ask yourself is "Why the cat?"
Whether it is a purely psychological thing, a spirit or some other type of energy that manifested that way, I think it would be interesting to know why you saw specifically a cat.
What does the cat mean to you? Obviously it doesn't sound like a negative sign, since you said you didn't feel any hostility, and you previously owned a cat so I assume you don't hate cats.
I think asking yourself those questions could help get to the bottom of what it actually was that appeared to you and why.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:53 am
by planewalker

Nice to meet you. An introduction would be great. I think Oddball was wondering if the shadow could have been her deceased "fur baby". That put us into the digression into cat spirits.


Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:51 pm
by Haylee
Hello planewalker,
Sorry for not making an Introduction post, I'll get right on that. :)

And yes, I noticed that, but like some people above said, if Oddball didn't recognize the cat as their own, it might not be the deceased cat. So I was trying to think of other possibilities and ways to find out what it could mean. But it could definitely still be a spirit, I was just trying to get more information about what the cat that appeared could mean to Oddball.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:21 am
by Oddball
Hi Haylee,
I might've thought it was my cat because she did begin to die in my room (before my mom took her to the vet), and the shadow was cat-size (and appeared to have cat ears, if I remember). Moved more lizard-like, though.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:58 am
by Haylee
Hm, that sounds very weird. You said you didn't feel any fear towards it, but what *did* you feel?

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:29 pm
by Oddball
Just, “Huh, looks like a shadowy creature is scurrying across my bed.” Which is weird, because I’m usually the first to jump at dark hallways/silence. One of the problems I have with performing magic is that my inner fear alarm gets turned up several degrees, even if it’s wrong. This particularly stinks when most magic books/resources encourage me to go my intuition.

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:13 pm
by ThunderFog
I can think of a number of things it could be 1. Could be losing it ( it's something I always consider I constantly question myself) 2.could be a spirit simply passing through 3. Could actually be your cat ghost 4. It could be an illusion caused by something or someone else 5. Maybe there's just a random something spying on you from the shadows

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:02 am
by NeverMoonAWerewolf
Whatever it was wasn't spying. It wanted you to see it. I'm curious, has anything else happened since then?

Re: Shadow Creature

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:24 pm
by SapphireRoad
ThunderFog wrote:I can think of a number of things it could be 1. Could be losing it ( it's something I always consider I constantly question myself) 2.could be a spirit simply passing through 3. Could actually be your cat ghost 4. It could be an illusion caused by something or someone else 5. Maybe there's just a random something spying on you from the shadows
If initial emotion was neutral that's a start. Talking to it would be next step. You can ask it not only what it is but also why does it come or even trespass so as to observe the colour of response beyond deceit.
ThunderFog wrote: 5. Maybe there's just a random something spying on you from the shadows
May not be a major issue but altogether you don't want unknown energy fields to just unexpectedly throw hindrances into your life. Even the thing would be rather neutral, by its own interests and presence could reshape next few hours to days of your life.
Of course when something sticks around longer observation can't be avoided, minor stuff to deal with depends on overall priorities.